This is one of the genes most upregulated in all resting stages, and is consistent with previous findings
- See e.g. Kuwata et al., 1993
- DiAMT1/DiNRT2?
- Nitrate reductase -
- Nitrite reductase -
- Nitrite oxide reductase -
- Nitrous oxide reductase -
None of the above EC numbers are present in the v1.1.2 eggnog mapper file
Sm_t00011895-RA labelled as 'nitrate reductase activity'
- This is downregulated in the vegetative cells?? Sm_t00006755-RA seems to be a nitrate reductase but may be assimilatory
- Seems to be upregulated in resting stages
Nitrate/nitrite reductases - Nap/Nrf and Nar/Nir?
Important in resting stages of dinoflagellates and higher plants
- Looking at NCBI, some diatom sequences are present for genes in this pathway
- Coscinodiscus granii? (Kentzer and Mazur, 1991)
Pathway genes (noted for dinoflagellate, as starting point; see Deng et al., 2017)
Zeaxanthin epoxidase (ZEP); present in T. pseudonana
- Sm_g00013199? (Sm_000038F) - Downregulated in later resting stages?
- Sm_g00012687? (Sm_000029F) - Downregulated in all resting stages?
- Sm_g00005941? (Sm_000011F) - Downregulated in all resting stages?
- In S. trochoidea, ZEP is UPREGULATED in cysts...
9-cis-epoxycarotenoid dioxygenases (NCED)
- Sm_g00012791? (Sm_000027F) - Upregulated quite significantly in all resting stages
- Best BLAST hit to the NCED sequence of P. tricornutum
- Possibly Sm_g00003413? (Sm_000003F) - Downregulated in later resting stages
- In S. trochoidea, NCED is highest in immature cysts
- Sm_g00012791? (Sm_000027F) - Upregulated quite significantly in all resting stages
Abscisic-aldehyde oxidase (AAO)
- Sm_g00005740 (Sm_000007F) - Weird signal: downregulated in all resting stages except 189d, and upregulated between resting stages as time goes on
- Best BLAST hit to the AAO sequence of (dinoflagellate) Scrippsiella trochoidea
- Strong domain hits to xanthine dehydrogenase/aldehyde oxidase
- In S. trochoidea, no significant difference between stages
- Sm_g00005740 (Sm_000007F) - Weird signal: downregulated in all resting stages except 189d, and upregulated between resting stages as time goes on
ABA-8'-hydroxylase (ABAH) [CYP707A family genes]
- Sm_g00014680? (Sm_000034F) - Weird signal: upregulated in 49d, but downregulated between 49d and later resting stages
- BLASTs to cytochrome P450
- ABA-8'-hydroxylase IS a cytochrome P450 protein
- BLASTs to cytochrome P450
- Sm_g00000943? (Sm_000000F) - downregulated quite significantly among resting stages
- Many other decent-length hits
- In S. trochoidea, highest in vegetative cells and immature cysts
- Sm_g00014680? (Sm_000034F) - Weird signal: upregulated in 49d, but downregulated between 49d and later resting stages