Your job is to implement a simple landing page based on the provided project. It can be found in the
folder. All needed graphics are in a_files/assets
Make a fork and proceed to make changes. Remember to commit after each stage to clearly show all changes. When you finish, please send us an address to your repository.
- Configure project builder using your tool of choice (NPM scripts/Gulp/Webpack)
- Elements of graphics in "Aperiam ducimus, repellendus" and "Optio quidem iusto" sections have to be composed separately (in HTML/CSS). They cannot be inserted as a single image
- Implement slider for cards in "Asperiores" section. The slider should center itself on the clicked card and accordingly update dots navigation. Keep it simple, no looping or swiping events
- Make website responsive. There should be at least one breakpoint
- Optimize website assets. Make sure that media files are lightweight
- Use SASS to build your stylesheets
- Do not use any external CSS or JavaScript libraries/frameworks
- Apply BEM naming convention and OOCSS methodology for your SASS
- Use JavaScript ES6 syntax and split code into modules