If you have a question on how to use 3D.io or the products, please direct these to Stack Overflow. It's the best way to reach us.
In case you find something that is a bug, read on :-)
Please provide the following information:
- How to Reproduce
Describe in a few steps the actions to make the bug appear. Plaese provide a URL so that know where to start from. This information is crutial for us in order to reproduce the bug and localize it. - Actual Result
Describe the bug in a few words. This will help us to understand whether we need to - Expected Result
Describe what you would expect to happen.
If you think something's missing, we'd love to have your input!
For minor changes, please craft and submit a pull request with the necessary changes against the master
For major changes we'd love to discuss the proposed changes as a Github issue in this repository, so we can better coordinate our efforts, avoid duplication of work and help you contribute to the project successfully and smoothly.
- User centric
- Imagine you are speaking to a beginner, helping him to achieve a simple useful task.
- Prefer popular terms over technicaly correct ones
- Titles should be achievements (i.e. "Upload files")
- Short sentences
- Focused and precise
- Explain one thing at a time.
- Do not explain related topics but provide a link to the page where they are being explained.
- Add links whenever possible.
- Every example should be executable without modification
- Do not use fake ids (i.e. "12345")
- Avoid template like placeholders (i.e. "//index.html")
- Isomorphic code should be presented in generic examples.
- Examples for specific environments should be declared as such explicitely.
- Distinguish secret from public keys and always explicitely declare them as such.