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إلّا التطبيقات المحددة بعلامة validated تعتبر مدعومة رسميا من طرف فريق التحزيم.

<p>Les apps marquées <span class="label label-success label-as-badge">working</span>, <span class="label label-warning label-as-badge">inprogress</span>, <span class="label label-danger label-as-badge">notworking</span> sont des applications non officielles maintenues par la communauté, vous pouvez les tester et les utiliser **à vos risques et périls**.</p>

<p>Important: c'est le mainteneur de l'application qui définit son application comme "working" et non pas l'équipe d'empaquetage de Yunohost. Installez ces apps à vos risques et périls. Nous ne fournissons pas de support pour elles.</p>
إنّ فريق التحزيم سوف يأخذ بعين الإعتبار ملاحظاتكم. مثال، إن قمتم بتنصيب تطبيقاتهم و عارضتكم مشاكل أو إن كلمة عندكم أفكارا لتحسين التطبيقات، فلا تبخلوا التحو تذكرة مباشرة على صفحات مستودعات المشاريع نفسها
إن لم تتمكنوا من العثور على التطبيق الذي تبحثون عنه هنا، يمكنكم البحث كذلك في مستودع تطبيقات المجتمع (التي تعمل، الجاري العمل عليها و التي لا تعمل) أو قوموا بإضافتها إلى قائمة التطبيقات المرغوب فيها.
<style> /*================================================= Search bar =================================================*/ #filter-app-cards, #app-cards-list { width:100%; } /*===============================================*/ /*================================================= Force return space after card list =================================================*/ #app-cards-list:after { content:''; display:block; clear: both; } /*===============================================*/ /*================================================= App card =================================================*/ .app-card { margin-bottom:20px; width:270px; float:left; min-height: 1px; margin-right: 10px; margin-left: 10px; } /*===============================================*/ /*================================================= App card body =================================================*/ .app-card .panel-body > h3 { margin-top:0; margin-bottom:5px; font-size:1.2em; } .app-card .category { height:35px; } .app-card .category .label, .app-card-date-maintainer { font-size:0.7em; } .app-card-date-maintainer { text-align:right; max-height: 18px; margin-bottom: 3px; margin-right: 7px; margin-top: -5px; } .app-card-desc { height:100px; overflow: hidden; } /*===============================================*/ /*================================================= App card footer =================================================*/ .app-card .btn-group { width:100%; margin-left: 0px; } .app-card > .btn-group > .btn{ border-bottom:0; } .app-card > .btn-group > .btn:first-child { border-left:0; border-top-left-radius:0; } .app-card > .btn-group > .btn:last-child { border-right:0; border-top-right-radius:0; margin-left: 0px; width: 33.6%; } /*===============================================*/ </style> <script type="text/template" id="app-template2">


{app_update} - {app_maintainer}
</script> <script> function timeConverter(UNIX_timestamp) { var a = new Date(UNIX_timestamp*1000); var months = ['جانفي','فيفري','مارس','أفريل','ماي','جوان','جويلية','أوت','سبتمبر','أكتوبر','نوفمبر','ديسمبر']; var year = a.getFullYear(); var month = months[a.getMonth()]; var date = a.getDate(); var hour = a.getHours(); var min = a.getMinutes(); if (hour < 10) { hour = '0' + hour; } if (min < 10) { min = '0' + min; } var time = date+' '+month+' '+year;//+' at '+hour+':'+min return time; } $(document).ready(function () { // Hide warrant about community list $('#community-app-list-warrant').hide(); var filters = ["validated"]; function filter(){ var filters_text = { return '.app-' + el;}).join(', '); var valThis = $('#filter-app-cards').val().toLowerCase(); $('.app-card').each(function(){ var text = $(this).find('h3').text().toLowerCase(); (text.indexOf(valThis) == 0 && $(this).find(filters_text).length > 0) ? $(this).show() : $(this).hide(); }); (filters.indexOf("working") == -1) ?$('#community-app-list-warrant').hide():$('#community-app-list-warrant').show(); } //================================================= // Search & filter bar event //================================================= $('#filter-app-cards').keyup(filter); $('#app-cards-list-validated').click(function(){ filters = ["validated"]; $('#app-cards-list-filter-text').text($('#app-cards-list-validated').text()); filter(); }); $('#app-cards-list-working').click(function(){ filters = ["validated", "working"]; $('#app-cards-list-filter-text').text($('#app-cards-list-working').text()); filter(); }); $('#app-cards-list-working-inprogress').click(function(){ filters = ["notworking", "inprogress"]; $('#app-cards-list-filter-text').text($('#app-cards-list-working-inprogress').text()); filter(); }); $('#app-cards-list-all-apps').click(function(){ filters = ["validated", "working", "inprogress", "notworking"]; $('#app-cards-list-filter-text').text($('#app-cards-list-all-apps').text()); filter(); }); //================================================= //================================================= // Upload apps lists //================================================= var app_list={}; $.when( $.getJSON('', {}, function(community) { = $.map(community, function(el) { return el; }); }), $.getJSON('', {}, function(official) { app_list.official = $.map(official, function(el) { return el; }); }) ).then(function() { app_list = app_list.official.concat(; // Sort alpha app_list.sort(function(a, b){ a_state = (a.state == "validated")?4:(a.state == "working")?3:(a.state == "inprogress")?2:1; b_state = (b.state == "validated")?4:(b.state == "working")?3:(b.state == "inprogress")?2:1; if (a_state < b_state || a_state == b_state && a.level < b.level || a_state == b_state && a.level == b.level && > {return 1;} else if ( == {return 0;} return -1; }); $.each(app_list, function(k, infos) { app_id =; app_install_bootstrap = "success"; if (infos.state === "validated") { app_state_bootstrap = "success"; } else if (infos.state === "working") { app_state_bootstrap = "success"; } else if (infos.state === "inprogress") { app_state_bootstrap = "warning"; app_install_bootstrap = "danger"; } else if (infos.state === "notworking") { app_state_bootstrap = "danger"; app_install_bootstrap = "danger"; } if (infos.level == null ) { infos.level = '?'; } if (infos.level == 0 ) { app_level_bootstrap = "danger"; app_install_bootstrap = "danger"; } else if (infos.level <= 2) { app_level_bootstrap = "warning"; app_install_bootstrap = "danger"; } else if (infos.level >= 7) { app_level_bootstrap = "success"; } else { app_level_bootstrap = "default"; } // Fill the template html = $('#app-template2').html() .replace(/{app_id}/g, app_id) .replace(/{app_name}/g, .replace('{app_description}', .replace(/{app_git}/g, infos.git.url) .replace('{app_branch}', infos.git.branch) .replace('{app_level}', infos.level) .replace('{app_update}', timeConverter(infos.lastUpdate)) .replace('{app_state_bootstrap}', app_state_bootstrap) .replace('{app_install_bootstrap}', app_install_bootstrap); if (infos.manifest.developer) { html = html .replace('{app_maintainer}', .replace('{app_mail}',; } if (infos.manifest.maintainer) { html = html .replace('{app_maintainer}', .replace('{app_mail}',; } // Fill the template $('#app-cards-list').append(html); $('.app-card_'+ app_id).attr('id', 'app-card_'+ app_id); $('.app-card_'+ app_id + ' .category').append(' '+infos.level+''); $('.app-card_'+ app_id + ' .category').append(' '+infos.state+''); if (infos.manifest.license && infos.manifest.license != 'free') { $('.app-card_'+ app_id + ' .category').append(' '+infos.manifest.license+''); } }); filter(); }); //================================================= }); </script>