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File metadata and controls

118 lines (99 loc) · 4.37 KB

API and Resource Definitions


Main responsibility of NCO(NodeConfig Operator) is to convert a NodeConfig bootstrap object into a cloud-init script that is going to turn a Baremetal Machine into a Linux Node.

The NodeConfig contains the node initialization data (usually cloud-init) used by the Infrastructure Provider to bootstrap a bare-metal into a Node.

The cloud-init script will be saved into the NodeConfig.Status.BootstrapData and then the BMO(BareMetal Operator) will pick up this value and proceed with the machine creation and the actual bootstrap.

NCO also supports BMH(BareMetalHost) resource creation. The NodeConfig.Specs.BMC is a connection information for the BMC (Baseboard Management Controller) on the host and NodeConfig.Specs.image contains details for the image to be deployed on a given host. Above two sections are used to create BareMetalHost resource, which defines a physical host and its properties. The other NodeConfig objects supports customizing the content of the config-data

NodeConfig spec

The NodeConfig's spec defines the desire state of the host. It contains mainly, but not only, provisioning details.

Spec fields

  • bmc -- The connection information for the BMC (Baseboard Management Controller) on the host.

    • address -- The URL for communicating with the BMC controller, based on the provider being used, the URL will look as follows:
      • IPMI
        • ipmi://<host>:<port>, an unadorned <host>:<port> is also accepted and the port is optional, if using the default one (623).
    • bootMode -- The method of initializing the hardware during boot
    • username -- the username for the BMC
    • password -- the password for the BMC
  • image -- Holds details for the image to be deployed on a given host.

    • url -- The URL of an image to deploy to the host.
    • checksum -- The actual checksum or a URL to a file containing the checksum for the image at image.url.
    • checksumType -- Checksum algorithms can be specified. Currently only md5, sha256, sha512 are recognized. If nothing is specified md5 is assumed.
  • files -- specifies additional files to be created on the machine

  • cloudInitCommands -- specifies a list of commands to be executed on first boot(after OS installation)

  • users -- specifies a list of users to be created on the machine

  • ntp -- specifies NTP settings for the machine

NodeConfig status

Status fields

  • ready -- indicates the BootstrapData field is ready to be consumed
  • dataSecretName -- the name of the secret that stores the bootstrap data script
  • userData -- a references the Secret that holds user data needed by the bare metal operator

NodeConfig Example

The following is a complete example from a running cluster of a NodeConfig resource (in YAML), it includes its specification and status sections:

kind: NodeConfig
  name: #Node_ID
    address: #IP_ADDR
    bootMode: UEFI
    username: #BMC_USER
    password: #BMC_PWD
    url: #QCOW2_URL
    checksum: #IMG_CHKSUM_URL
    checksumType: md5
  - content: |
    owner: root:root
    path: /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth2
    permissions: "0755"
  - adduser tmax
  - ( echo 'root'; echo 'root'; ) | passwd tmax
  - ( echo 'tmax@23'; echo 'tmax@23'; ) | passwd root
  - ifup eth2
  - yum update -y
  - setenforce 0
  - sed -i 's/^SELINUX=enforcing$/SELINUX=permissive/' /etc/selinux/config
  - >-
    yum install gcc kernel-headers kernel-devel keepalived
    device-mapper-persistent-data lvm2
  - systemctl enable --now keepalived
  - sysctl net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-iptables=1
  - name: #USER_ID
    - ssh-rsa XXX

Triggering Provisioning

Several conditions must be met in order to initiate provisioning.

  1. The BMH spec.image.url field must contain a URL for a valid image file that is visible from within the cluster and from the host receiving the image.
  2. The BMH must have online set to true so that the operator will keep the host powered on.

To initiate deprovisioning, clear the image URL from the host spec.