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Doc: Commands

tjakubo2 edited this page Jun 28, 2017 · 6 revisions

This page contains full reference on what commands do.

Commands are a design element in this table mod and the most basic way of interacting with ships. If something happens after a button click, it's probably an underlaying command doing this.

ENTERING COMMANDS: To enter a command on a object right click it, click in the lowest box in context menu (that's object description box), delete everything if it is not empty, write your command code there (no apostrophes) and click somewhere on the table or empty space to close the context menu. Command will be performed. Short image guide here.

Almost all commands (few exceptions, explicitly mentioned) are performed on ships (technically - objects of 'Figurine' type). Whitespace characters inserted after/before command are ignored. Don't insert spaces in the middle anywhere though.

I. Movement commands (maneuvers)

These will move your ship and resolve overlapping other ships automatically (as well as some side tasks like moving tokens). You will be notified if this move was fully or partially completed and what ship was overlapped if that was the case.

Command Effect Variables
s# Perform a straight # - speed (0-5 inclusive)
k# Perform a koiogran turn # - speed (0-5 inclusive)
br# Perform a bank right # - speed (1-3 inclusive)
bl# OR be# Perform a bank left # - speed (1-3 inclusive)
tr# Perform a turn right # - speed (1-3 inclusive)
tl# OR te# Perform a turn left # - speed (1-3 inclusive)
Command Effect Variables
###s Perform Segnor's Loop ### - any bank command from previous table
###t Perform Talon Roll ### - any turn command from previous table
###r Perform a reverse bank ### - any bank command from previous table
##r Perform a reverse straight ## - any straight command from previous table

Technical note:
Adding 's', 't', 'r' and 'b' on the end of the command should work with most moves (s <- turn 180deg at the end, t <- turn 90 deg inward at the end, r <- do the move in reverse, b <- forbid partial moves). You can use this to e.g. quickly resolve IG-88D ability, entering 'tr3s'/'te3s' instead of doing a turn and rotating model manually. Announcements handle weird moves like this. Adding more than one modifier ('br3ts') or one that doesn't make sense ('s3t') should not go through but if it will, outcome is undefined. Just undo it.

II. Movement commands (repositioning actions)

These will move your ship, but refuse to complete if there was an unavoidable ship overlap. You will be notified of the command result.

Command Effect
br1b Perform a boost right
s1b Perform a boost straight
bl1b OR be1b Perform a boost left
xr Perform a barrel roll right
xl OR xe Perform a barrel roll left
cr Perform a decloak right
cs Perform a decloak straight
cl OR ce Perform a decloak left
Command Effect Variables
##f Perform a roll or side decloak sliding as far forward as possible ## - any roll or side decloak command from above
##b Perform a roll or side decloak sliding as far back as possible ## - any roll or side decloak command from above

III. Range measure spawn commands

These commands will spawn an appropriate "range ruler" model that allows you to measure whatever you need. Although listed as capitalized fore readability, character casing is ignored.

Command What spawned ruler depicts
R Range 1, 2, 3 rings (no arc lines)
R1 Range 1 ring (no arc lines)
R2 Range 2 ring (no arc lines)
R3 Range 3 ring (no arc lines)
A Primary firing arc and any auxiliary firing arcs (or turret range for primary turret) this ship has
AP Primary firing arc
AS Primary + side firing arcs
AR Primary + rear firing arcs
AM Primary + all directions of mobile arc
AA Every arc and line possible at once

IV. Assisted bomb drops commands

These commands will let you create "bomb drops" that snap bomb tokens in correct position after you drop them near. So you'd want to execute one of the commands below, grab a bomb token and drop it wherever near the destination position. Click 'OK' over the spawned template to finish.
You can perform these easily using 'Bomb drop token', see Helper tokens.

Dropping a bomb using rear guides:

Command Effect Variables
b:s# Drop using straight template # - template speed (1-5 inclusive)
b:br# Drop using bank right template # - template speed (1-3 inclusive)
b:bl# OR b:be# Drop using bank left template # - template speed (1-3 inclusive)
b:tr# Drop using turn right template # - template speed (1-3 inclusive)
b:tl# OR b:te# Drop using turnleft template # - template speed (1-3 inclusive)

Dropping a bomb using front guides:

Command Effect Variables
###r Drop using front guides ### - any command for rear guides drop (previous table)

V. Move history related commands

Positions are saved every time your ship finishes a move (rests on the table after an automated movement) or when you use 'keep' command, see below.

Command Effect
q OR undo Go to the previous saved position or move to the last saved position if your ship is not already on it
z OR redo Go to the next saved position (undo an undo you could say)
keep Save current position to ship move history (you can then undo with 'q' to it)
restore#N Move a ship to a position deleted ship was last seen at (explained if you delete moved ship)

Technical notes:
Move history is stored as a "list" that does not allow branching out. If you undo some moves and then perform another move, move history you undid through is thrown away and new position is saved at the end of history that was still there behind.

VI. Automated dial handling commands

Since the introduction of quick assign with a button near your hidden zone, these should not be used. Explanation provided cause they still are there if someone wants to go the low level road.

See Doc: Automated dials for details on what they are and what they do.

sd <- Save the nearest dial layout to this ship. It is fit to work smoothly with layouts that appear when you click Lay out on provided dial stacks. If you didn't scatter the dials manually, it should only assign dials from correct sized area, you can scale the dial stack BEFORE clicking Lay out and have more tight layout and it will work fine. Your ship doesn't have to be perfectly on the middle of a layout for it to work. Assigned dials will be highlighted and appropriate message written in chat, VERIFY if everything went well.

rd <- Unassign and flip (so you can see which were unassigned) all dials assigned to this ship. Unassigned dials can be flipped back and reused.

cd <- Creates a visualizaton of zone from which dials would be assigned if you used 'sd' command. Remnant from the past, with "smart" dial assignment using 'sd' there's pretty much no use for it anymore.

VII. Misc commands

There are better ways than to use these directly, but you have the option to do so if you want.

Underlying commands for StarViper Mk.II roll token (see Helper tokens)

Command Effect
vrrf Perform a roll forward-right using 1 bank template
vrrb Perform a roll backward-right using 1 bank template
vref OR vrlf Perform a roll forward-left using 1 bank template
vreb OR vrlb Perform a roll backward-left using 1 bank template

Underlying commands for Cloak token when using "Echo" pilot (see Helper tokens)

Command Effect
chrf Perform a side decloak forward-right using 2 bank template
chrb Perform a side decloak backward-right using 2 bank template
chef OR chlf Perform a side decloak forward-left using 2 bank template
cheb OR chlb Perform a side decloak backward-left using 2 bank template
chsr Perform a forward decloak right using 2 bank template
chse OR chsl Perform a forward decloak left using 2 bank template