Redis Sidekiq/ Resque IMAP, FTP, Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, Google Drive, Rackspace Cloud Files listener.
Ryespy provides an executable for listening to IMAP mailboxes, FTP folders, Amazon S3 buckets, Google Cloud Storage buckets, Google Drive accounts, or Rackspace Cloud Files containers, keeps track of what it's seen using Redis, and writes Sidekiq/Resque-compatible payloads.
Ryespy was inspired by Redimap. Yes, it's sometimes possible to inspire oneself. Ryespy with my little eye.
More sleep lost by tiredpixel.
Install using:
gem install ryespy
Listener dependencies are required dynamically. That means that it may be necessary to manually install the indicated gems if you are using that listener. If you are not using that listener, the dependencies need not be installed.
gem install fog -v '~> 1.19'
gem install fog -v '~> 1.19'
gem install google_drive -v '~> 0.3'
gem install fog -v '~> 1.19'
The default Ruby version supported is defined in .ruby-version
Any other versions supported are defined in .travis.yml
View the available options:
ryespy --help
It is necessary to specify a listener and at least one notifier.
Currently, the only notifier is --notifier-sidekiq
To run eternally, use --eternal
(no need for Cron, but you can if you prefer).
Check IMAP, queue new email UIDs, and quit:
ryespy --listener imap --imap-host --imap-username [email protected] --imap-password helpimacarrot --notifier-sidekiq
For non-SSL, use --no-imap-ssl
For non-INBOX or multiple mailboxes, use --imap-mailboxes INBOX,Sent
class RyespyIMAPJob
include Sidekiq::Worker
sidekiq_options :queue => :ryespy
def perform(mailbox, uid)
Check FTP, queue new file paths, and quit:
ryespy --listener ftp --ftp-host --ftp-username [email protected] --ftp-password helpimacucumber --notifier-sidekiq
For PASSIVE mode, use --ftp-passive
For non-root or multiple directories, use --ftp-dirs /DIR1,/DIR2
class RyespyFTPJob
include Sidekiq::Worker
sidekiq_options :queue => :ryespy
def perform(dir, filename)
Check Amazon S3, queue new file keys, and quit:
ryespy --listener amzn-s3 --amzn-s3-access-key c/example/com --amzn-s3-secret-key helpimabroccoli --amzn-s3-bucket vegetable-box --notifier-sidekiq
For non-* or multiple key prefix filters,
use --amzn-s3-prefixes virtual-dir1/,virtual-dir
class RyespyAmznS3Job
include Sidekiq::Worker
sidekiq_options :queue => :ryespy
def perform(filename)
Check Google Cloud Storage, queue new file keys, and quit:
ryespy --listener goog-cs --goog-cs-access-key d/example/com --goog-cs-secret-key helpimanasparagus --goog-cs-bucket vegetable-box --notifier-sidekiq
For non-* or multiple key prefix filters,
use --goog-cs-prefixes virtual-dir1/,virtual-dir
class RyespyGoogCSJob
include Sidekiq::Worker
sidekiq_options :queue => :ryespy
def perform(filename)
Note that the Google Drive listener currently has a pre-filter maximum of 1000
files. That means that having more files than this in an account is not (yet)
supported; such files might be ignored entirely, or strange behaviour might be
encountered depending on the order in which the files are returned.
Check Google Drive, queue new file resource ids, and quit:
ryespy --listener goog-drv --goog-drv-username [email protected] --goog-drv-password helpimgarlic --goog-drv-filters vegetable-box --notifier-sidekiq
class RyespyGoogDrvJob
include Sidekiq::Worker
sidekiq_options :queue => :ryespy
def perform(resource_id)
Check Rackspace Cloud Files, queue new file keys, and quit:
ryespy --listener rax-cf --rax-cf-username vegetable --rax-cf-api-key helpimacelery --rax-cf-container vegetable-box --notifier-sidekiq
For non-DFW region, use --rax-cf-region lon
For non-US auth endpoint, use --rax-cf-endpoint uk
Is your Rackspace account in London? Fret not; combine these and
use --rax-cf-endpoint uk --rax-cf-region lon
For non-* or multiple key prefix filters,
use --rax-cf-prefixes virtual-dir1/,virtual-dir
class RyespyRaxCFJob
include Sidekiq::Worker
sidekiq_options :queue => :ryespy
def perform(filename)
If you want to do something rather more magical such as checking multiple
accounts for a listener or even multiple listeners, then you may wish to use the
Ryespy library directly instead of the ryespy
Depend upon the ryespy
gem in a Gemfile
, remembering to add any manual
dependencies for listeners as detailed in Installation:
# Gemfile
gem 'ryespy'
gem 'fog' # example manual dependency
Configure Ryespy Redis and require Ryespy:
require 'redis'
require 'redis/namespace'
Redis.current ='ryespy',
:redis => Redis.connect(:url => nil) # Redis default
require 'ryespy'
Create the notifiers:
require 'ryespy/notifier/sidekiq'
notifiers = []
notifiers <<
:url => nil, # Redis default
:namespace => 'resque'
For each listener, configure like in ryespy --help
but without the prefix and
with -
changed to _
(e.g. --amzn-s3-access-key
=> :access_key
). Pass in
an array of notifiers. Note that the check()
argument varies per listener,
meaning IMAP mailbox, FTP directory, Google Drive filter, or storage key prefix.
require 'ryespy/listener/amzn_s3'
:access_key => 'ACCESS_KEY',
:secret_key => 'SECRET_KEY',
:bucket => 'BUCKET',
:notifiers => notifiers
) do |listener|
That's about the size of it.
We have a Librelist mailing list! To subscribe, send an email to [email protected]. To unsubscribe, send an email to [email protected]. There be archives. That was easy.
You can also become a watcher on GitHub. And don't forget you can become a stargazer if you are so minded. :D
Contributions are embraced with much love and affection! Please fork the repository and wizard your magic, preferably with plenty of fairy-dust sprinkled over the tests. ;) Then send me a pull request. Simples! If you'd like to discuss what you're doing or planning to do, or if you get stuck on something, then just wave. :)
Do whatever makes you happy. We'll probably still like you. :)
Tests are written using minitest, which is included by default in Ruby 1.9 onwards. To run all tests:
rake test
When using the ryespy
executable in development, you'll probably want to set
mode so debug-level messages are logged and stack traces raised.
We render grateful thanks unto our contributors.
May you find peace, and help others to do likewise.
© tiredpixel and others 2013 - 2015.
It is free software, released under the MIT License, and may be redistributed under the terms specified in LICENSE.txt