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Example of bulk loading HBase from a Spark stream

This code demonstrates streaming bulk load into HBase 1.2.x using Spark 1.6.x. A Netcat process is used to simulate a stream of data.

To run this example:

  1. Start an HBase server in standalone mode by downloading version 1.2.5 and then issuing ./bin/ Verify it works by checking the HBase Master UI console is visible on http://localhost:16010/master-status.

  2. Create the table in HBase:

$ ./bin/hbase shell
hbase(main):034:0> create 'streamingtest', {NAME => 'c', VERSIONS => 1} 
  1. The example uses a socket to provide the stream. On a linux machine, start Netcat using $ nc -lk 7001 before running the example. On the Netcat terminal you can then write sample messages to be read from the stream.

  2. The project pom contains a profile named ide which allows you to run the example in Intellij by simply enabling the ide profile and then right-click Bulkload and Run Bulkload (this assumes an HBase cluster is running locally).

Each entry writen in the Netcat console should result in a new row in HBase. The rows are written in bulk every 10 seconds.

To run the example using Kafka, follow the above and then

  1. Start a Kafka server locally by downloading version 2.10- and then issuing ./bin/ config/

  2. Create a topic by issuing ./bin/ --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic test

  3. Open a producer by issuing ./bin/ --broker-list localhost:9092 --topic test

  4. Right-click Bulkload4 and Run Bulkload4