scala_proto_library(name, deps)
Generates Scala code from proto sources. The output is a .srcjar
that can be passed into other rules for compilation.
See example use in /tests/proto/BUILD
name |
Name; required
A unique name for this target. |
deps |
List of labels; optional
The proto_library targets you wish to generate Scala from |
scala_proto_toolchain(name, compiler, compiler_supports_workers)
Specifies a toolchain of the @rules_scala3//rules/scala_proto:compiler_toolchain_type
toolchain type.
This rule should be used with an accompanying toolchain
that binds it and specifies constraints
(See the official documentation for more info on Bazel Toolchains)
For example:
name = "scalapb_toolchain_example",
compiler = ":worker",
compiler_supports_workers = True,
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
name = "scalapb_toolchain_example_linux",
toolchain = ":scalapb_toolchain_example",
toolchain_type = "@rules_scala3//rules/scala_proto:compiler_toolchain_type",
exec_compatible_with = [
target_compatible_with = [
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
name |
Name; required
A unique name for this target. |
compiler |
Label; optional
The compiler to use to generate Scala form proto sources |
compiler_supports_workers |
Boolean; optional |