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Hannes Datta edited this page Sep 30, 2021 · 30 revisions

Welcome to Tilburg Science Hub | Onboarding Guide!

We have written this wiki to make your onboarding experience as smooth as possible. It contains valuable information on how the Tilburg Science Hub-Team collaborates on projects - both our core platform as well as empirical research projects supported by our lab.

Why onboarding?

With Tilburg Science Hub, we disseminate open science practices to the research and student community - at Tilburg and beyond. Our goal is to make research more reproducible and more efficient.

Our approach is different from how you have organized your work before. Therefore, we ask you to invest in a couple of new skills and tools before you can fully enjoy working on projects. By the way, many of these skills and tools are [already featured on our core platform in the form of tutorials, building blocks (code snippets), or examples. This wiki also helps you get more familiar with the various initiatives and resources provided by Tilburg University.

Getting started

Are you a

  • team member and co-author (e.g., research assistant, Ph.D. student),
  • interested colleague, or
  • student (e.g., thesis student)?

Then please get started using the sidebar menu!


If you want to share your feedback, questions, and suggestions about this wiki, please reach out to us directly or via tsh [at] tilburguniversity [dot] edu.

We thankfully acknowledge the Gslab-econ RA Manual and the Whitaker Lab, on the basis of which this wiki has been started.

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