diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index ea36add..e464a76 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,11 +1,41 @@
-# Very short description of the package
+# Blade Form Components Library
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-This is where your description should go. Try and limit it to a paragraph or two, and maybe throw in a mention of what PSRs you support to avoid any confusion with users and contributors.
+Opinionated library designed to streamline the process of building forms in Laravel applications by leveraging Blade
+components and Boostrap utilities.
-## Installation
+- [Key Features](#key-features)
+- [Installation](#installation)
+- [Usage](#usage)
+- [Examples](#examples)
+- [Components](#components)
+ - [SearchSelect](#searchselect)
+ - [MultiSelect](#multiselect)
+ - [Select](#select)
+ - [Input](#input)
+ - [Textarea](#textarea)
+ - [Checkbox](#checkbox)
+ - [Radio](#radio)
+### Key Features
+- **Reduced boilerplate**: Minimize repetitive code and simplify the form-building process
+- **Advanced Select Components**: Utilize `SearchSelect` and `MultiSelect` for enhanced and complex selection input
+ needs, providing a better user experience.
+- **Automatic Old Input Handling**: Automatically
+ manage [old input](https://laravel.com/docs/validation#repopulating-forms) based on the field name, ensuring form
+ repopulation is seamless.
+- **Livewire Support**: Fully integrate with Livewire by forwarding tags (e.g., `wire:model`) to the underlying
+ input/select
+ elements.
+### Installation
You can install the package via composer:
@@ -13,18 +43,303 @@ You can install the package via composer:
composer require tiknil/bs-blade-forms
-## Usage
+JS/CSS assets should be automatically published alongside the default laravel libraries assets. Alternatively, publish
+them using:
+php artisan vendor:publish --tag=bs-blade-forms:assets
+> [!NOTE]
+> Boostrap is not imported automatically by the library. We assume you are already using it on your page and it is
+> already available
+### Usage
+The advanced select elements (SearchSelect / MultiSelect) requires some additional assets to be included. Add this
+between your page `head` tag:
-// Usage description here
+## Components
+#### SearchSelect
+Renders a single selection element with a research bar for filtering the options.
+> Include `{{ BsBladeForms::assets() }}` in the page head for this component to work
+| Attribute | Type | Description |
+| name | string | *Required*. Name of the select element |
+| options | array, Collection | The options to display on the select. |
+| value | string, int | The initial selected value | |
+| required | bool | Set the select element as required (form can't be submitted without selection) | |
+| placeholder | string | Element placeholder when no option is selected |
+| label | string | If present, renders a `Label` above the element |
+| icon | string | If present, renders an `IconGroup` around the element |
+| allow-clear | bool | Allows the user to clear the selected option |
+| empty-value | string | The value to submit when no option is selected |
+| search-placeholder | string | The placeholder of the search input |
+| * | | Additional attributes will be forwarded to the underlying element. |
+#### MultiSelect
+Renders a multiple selection element with a research bar for filtering the options.
+> Include `{{ BsBladeForms::assets() }}` in the page head for this component to work
+| Attribute | Type | Description |
+| name | string | *Required*. Name of the select element |
+| options | array, Collection | The options to display on the select. |
+| value | array | The initial selected values | |
+| required | bool | Set the select element as required (form can't be submitted without selection) | |
+| placeholder | string | Element placeholder when no option is selected |
+| label | string | If present, renders a `Label` above the element |
+| icon | string | If present, renders an `IconGroup` around the element |
+| search-placeholder | string | The placeholder of the search input |
+| * | | Additional attributes will be forwarded to the underlying element. |
+#### Select
+| Attribute | Type | Description |
+| name | string | *Required*. Name of the select element |
+| options | array, Collection | The options to display on the select. |
+| value | string | The initial selected values | |
+| required | bool | Set the select element as required (form can't be submitted without selection) | |
+| label | string | If present, renders a `Label` above the element |
+| icon | string | If present, renders an `IconGroup` around the element |
+| empty-option | string | When present, an additional option with empty string as value is added with this label. |
+| * | | Additional attributes will be forwarded to the underlying element. |
+#### Input
+| Attribute | Type | Description |
+| name | string | *Required*. Name of the input element |
+| value | string | The initial value |
+| label | string | If present, renders a `Label` above the element |
+| icon | string | If present, renders an `IconGroup` around the element |
+| type | string | Type of the input (`text` by default) |
+| * | | Additional attributes will be forwarded to the underlying element. |
+#### Textarea
+| Attribute | Type | Description |
+| name | string | *Required*. Name of the textarea element |
+| value | string | The initial value | |
+| label | string | If present, renders a `Label` above the element |
+| * | | Additional attributes will be forwarded to the underlying element. |
+#### Checkbox
+> [!NOTE]
+> When the form is submitted, a parameter is submitted even when the checkbox is not checked!
+> The parameter submitted has value `1` when the checkbox is checked, `0` otherwise
+| Attribute | Type | Description |
+| name | string | *Required*. Name of the element |
+| label | string | If present, renders a `Label` aside the input checkbox |
+| checked | bool | Initial checked value (default `false`) |
+| value | string | The value submitted when the checkbox is checked (default `1`) |
+| false-value | string | The value submitted when the checkbox is not checked (default `0`) |
+| send-false-value | bool | Send the false value when the checkbox is not checked (default `true`) |
+| * | | Additional attributes will be forwarded to the underlying element. |
+#### Radio
+contact_choice === 'email')
+| Attribute | Type | Description |
+| name | string | *Required*. Name of the element |
+| label | string | If present, renders a `Label` aside the input radio |
+| checked | bool | Initial checked value (default `false`) |
+| value | string | The value submitted when the checkbox is checked |
+| * | | Additional attributes will be forwarded to the underlying element. |
+#### Label
+All form components automatically include the `Label` component when the `label` attribute is present, but it can be used independently:
+ User email
### Changelog
Please see [CHANGELOG](CHANGELOG.md) for more information what has changed recently.
@@ -35,12 +350,8 @@ Please see [CONTRIBUTING](CONTRIBUTING.md) for details.
### Security
-If you discover any security related issues, please email [balduzzi.giorgio@tiknil.com](mailto:balduzzi.giorgio@tiknil.com) instead of using the issue tracker.
-## Credits
-- [Giorgio Balduzzi](https://github.com/tiknil)
-- [All Contributors](../../contributors)
+If you discover any security related issues, please
+email [balduzzi.giorgio@tiknil.com](mailto:balduzzi.giorgio@tiknil.com) instead of using the issue tracker.
## License
diff --git a/resources/views/search-select.blade.php b/resources/views/search-select.blade.php
index b6000bf..ffa6c3d 100644
--- a/resources/views/search-select.blade.php
+++ b/resources/views/search-select.blade.php
@@ -50,10 +50,11 @@ class="form-select ss-box"
{{ $placeholder }}
- @endif
+ @endif
{{-- Option dropdown --}}