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diff --git a/docs/TANSTACK-QUERY.md b/docs/TANSTACK-QUERY.md
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+++ b/docs/TANSTACK-QUERY.md
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+# tips
+- prefer `useSuspenseQuery` over `useQuery`
+- prefer defining `queryOptions` over inlinignthem into the query hooks
+ ```tsx
+ import { queryOptions,useSuspenseQuery } from "@tanstack/react-query";
+ //users/queryOptions.ts
+ // this is re-usable and decltters your components
+ export const userQueryOptions = queryOptions({
+ queryKey: ["user"],
+ queryFn: () => {
+ ...
+ }
+ })
+ // users.tsx
+ const query = useSuspenseQuery(userQueryOptions);
+ ```
+- wrap the data fetching components with `Suspense` component
+ ```tsx
+ // users page
+ Users page
+ Loading users
+ ```
+run `p/mpm run page users` to scafold a page with these best practices
diff --git a/docs/TANSTACK-ROUTER.md b/docs/TANSTACK-ROUTER.md
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index 0000000..81b583f
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+++ b/docs/TANSTACK-ROUTER.md
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+- anything under the src/routes folder is a route
+- `src/routes/index.tsx` ->` /`
+- `src/routes/profile.tsx` or `src/routes/profile/index.tsx` -> `/profile/`
+Dynamic routes
+- `src/routes/users/$oneuser/index.tsx` -> `/users/$oneuser`
+inside here you'll have access to the `oneuser` param
+// src/routes/users/$user/index.tsx
+import { createFileRoute, useParams } from '@tanstack/react-router'
+export const Route = createFileRoute('/users/$user')({
+ component:OneUserComponent,
+functon OneUserComponent() {
+const {user} = useParams({
+ from:"/users/$user"
+ return (
+ )
+if you nest multiple dynamic routes then you can access them in the same way
+// src/routes/users/$user/friends/$friend/index.tsx
+import { createFileRoute, useParams } from '@tanstack/react-router'
+export const Route = createFileRoute('/users/$user/friends/$friend/')({
+ component: RouteComponent,
+function RouteComponent() {
+ const { friend,user } = useParams({
+ from: "/users/$user/friends/$friend/",
+ });
+ return (
+ );
+you can also define search params ,validate them and auth guard
+import {
+ createFileRoute,
+ redirect,
+ useNavigate,
+ useSearch,
+} from "@tanstack/react-router";
+import { z } from "zod";
+const searchparams = z.object({
+ // make it optional if it won't always be used
+ page: z.number().optional(),
+export const Route = createFileRoute("/users/")({
+ component: RouteComponent,
+ // declare and validate your search params here
+ // this page should alwatys have /users?page=1
+ validateSearch: (search) => searchparams.parse(search),
+ // this is how you auth guard routes (only allow logged in users here )
+ async beforeLoad(ctx) {
+ const viewer = ctx.context?.viewer;
+ if (!viewer?.record) {
+ throw redirect({
+ to: "/auth",
+ // this search params will be used to redirect you back to this page once you log in
+ search: { returnTo: ctx.location.pathname },
+ });
+ }
+ },
+function RouteComponent() {
+ const { page } = useSearch({
+ from: "/users/",
+ });
+ const navigate = useNavigate({
+ from: "/users",
+ });
+ return (