Releases: tidepool-org/uploader
Releases · tidepool-org/uploader
Now supports uploads from the OmniPod DASH PDM.
Test version to see if a CP2102-based cable can talk to a FreeStyle Lite meter.
Hotfix: Specifies publisher name in signing certificate to fix auto-update issue
Testing auto-update cert checks
Testing auto-update cert check with publisher name set
Updates the Windows USB/HID/VCP driver certificates for the next three years.
Bug fixes
- text boxes in UI are now bigger
- not showing misleading "our servers are down" message anymore
This release also renews our Windows code signing certificate.
Test version to investigate 600-series checksum issue.
New features
- Abbott Libre "scan" records are now uploaded as SMBG records with sub type "scanned"
- Libre date & time events that happen at the same time are now combined into a single event
- OmniPod IBFs are now stored as binary blobs on the backend
- New Uploader releases are now automatically submitted to antivirus vendors for whitelisting
- The QA1 environment has been added to the server list
- Improved usability of the macOS .dmg installer
Bug fixes
- VCA appears to be able to change non-custodial patient email address, but silently fails
- TypeError when there are no records on a Libre reader
- Uploader not handling the "user already exists" error
- Medtronic 600-series: Added UI to remind user to accept ad hoc connection on the pump
- Add comprehensive data parsing unit tests for Medtronic pumps
Bug fixes
- Carbs now visualized for calculator bolus that includes carbs but no insulin delivery
- Now reads full 600-series pump history