The Tideland Go Cells provide a package for the creation of event based applications with networked concurrently working cells. The way how they process the recevied events is defined by behaviors. During the processing of an event a cell can emit multiple events to its subscribers.
I hope you like them. ;)
Version 6.0.0-beta.2017-08-20
Major package providing the infrastructure for event based applications. It is organized as an environment of networked cells. Each cell is controlled by its behavior implementing the according interface. It receives events, processes them, and can emit a number of new events during this time. Those events are then received by those cells which subscribed to the individual cell.
For the implementation of own behaviors the EventSink
, the EventSinkAccessor
and the EventSinkAnalyzer
provide help for their tasks.
The project already contains some standard behaviors, the number is still growing.
- Aggregator aggregates events and emits each aggregated value.
- Broadcaster simply emits received events to all subscribers.
- Callback calls a number of passed functions for each received event.
- Collector collects events which can be processed on demand.
- Combo waits for a user-defined combination of events.
- Condition tests events for conditions using a tester function and calls a processor then.
- Countdown counts a number of events down to zero and executes an event returning function. The event will be emitted then.
- Counter counts events, the counters can be retrieved.
- Evaluator evaluates events based on a user-defined function which returns a rating.
- Filter re-emits received events based on a user-defined filter. It can be selective or excluding.
- Finite State Machine allows to build finite state machines for events.
- Key/Value collects and emits payloads grouped by topics.
- Logger logs received events with level INFO.
- Mapper maps received events based on a user-defined function to new events.
- Once calls the once function only for the first event it receives.
- Pair checks if the event stream contains two matching ones based on a user-based criterion in a given timespan.
- Rate measures times between a number of criterion fitting events and emits the result.
- Rate Window checks if a number of events in a given timespan matches a given criterion.
- Round Robin distributes events round robin to its subscribers.
- Sequence checks the event stream for a defined sequence of events discovered by a user-defined criterion.
- Simple Processor allows to not implement a behavior but only use one function for event processing.
- Status receives and processes status events by other behaviors. Those have to emit it when receiving the topic "status" with a status cell ID as payload.
- Ticker emits tick events in a defined interval.
- Topic/Payloads collects payloads per topic, processes them and emits the result payload.
An example application using the Tideland Go Cells to analyze a stream of crypto coin information. It's called coinalyzer. Later extensions may correlate it with news streams.
- Frank Mueller ( /
- Jonathan Camp (
Tideland Go Cells is distributed under the terms of the BSD 3-Clause license.