All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
1.4.0 (2024-11-17)
- add experimental support for readarr (9085a52)
- add expermintal whisparr v3 support (ff2f08e)
- implement preferredRatio (b6333db)
- make Trash template / QualityProfiles includable (5339ced)
- deps: update dependencies (non-major) (cd8b081)
- adjust some logging (795ecbd)
- fix test (bcfa622)
- improve flow (738949a)
- improve ky error log (e68e073)
- move index.ts to src (b6052e5)
- move types (98aa2fe)
- remove tsconfig paths config (4a34869)
- rewrite api client usage (43784ba)
- split config merging and improve types (2aa101c)
- split local path importer (e0871ac)
- unify clone repo (18c1b69)
- update sonarr/radarr apis (1dc0d09)
- use configureApi (27aed23)