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SourceForge to Github Quick Start

Jordan Justen edited this page Feb 7, 2016 · 5 revisions

GitHub Help

GitHub ( provides step-by-step instructions for user registration and basic features supported by GitHub.

GitHub EDK II Project Repositories

The EDK II project repository is available at

Prebuilt Windows tools are available at

Please note that FatPkg is not included in the EDKII project repository, it is an independent repository which can be found at

Content that is not released under an accepted open source license can be found at

How to Setup the EDK II Tree

Note: Some of the following examples use the Multiple Workspace feature to configure the EDK II BaseTools. More information on the Multiple Workspace feature can be found at the following location.

Linux Support

For EDKII project developers:

  • Clone the EDK II project repository
  • Change to the edk2 directory
  • Build the tools
    • make -C BaseTools
  • Run the script
    • .

When the above steps are done, you can work in the edk2 directory for code development.

For FatPkg developers:

  • Create a workspace directory
  • Change to the workspace directory
  • Clone the EDK II project repository
  • Clone the edk2-FatPkg repository to “FatPkg”
  • Build the tools
    • make -C edk2/BaseTools
  • Set environment variables
    • WORKSPACE – The workspace directory created above
    • PACKAGES_PATH – Set it to $WORKSPACE/edk2


export WORKSPACE=/Sample/Path
  • Run the script
    • . edk2/

When the above steps are done, the directory structure will look like:

   └───Path (WORKSPACE)

Windows Support

For EDKII project developers:


set EDK_TOOLS_BIN=c:\efi\test\edk2-BaseTools-win32

  • Change to the edk2 directory
  • Run the edksetup.bat script

When the above steps are done, the directory structure will look like:

   └───test (WORKSPACE)

For FatPkg developers:


set WORKSPACE=c:\efi\test
set EDK_TOOLS_BIN=%WORKSPACE%\edk2-BaseTools-win32
  • Run the edksetup.bat script
    • edk2\edksetup.bat

When the above steps are done, the directory structure will look like:

  └───test (WORKSPACE)

Please keep in mind that the EDK II project, FatPkg and edk2-BaseTools-win32 are independent Git repositories. Each of these repositories must be updated individually.

Development Process for the EDK II Project

The developer process for the EDK II project is:

  1. Setup the EDK II tree if you do not have one
  2. Create and checkout a topic branch for new feature or bug fix
  3. Make changes in the working tree
  4. Break up working tree changes into independent commits that do not break git bisect
  5. Follow the commit message template given below when writing commit messages
  6. Use the ‘’ script under ‘edk2\BaseTools\Scripts’ directory to verify the commits are correctly formatted
  7. Update the master branch (pull or fetch/merge)
  8. Rebase the topic branch onto master branch
  9. Create patch (serial) to the edk2-devel mailing list or upload the topic branch to your forked EDK II project and send the URL and branch name of the fork to the above mailing list
    • Using git send-email is the preferred method for posting patches to the mailing list
  10. Modify local commits based on the review feedbacks and repeat steps 3 to 9

The maintainer process for the EDK II project is:

  1. Determine if a patch has met the review requirements for the package
  2. Update the master branch
  3. Create and checkout an integration branch
  4. Integrate reviewed commits on the integration branch
  5. Rebase commit message to include any reviewed-by or other attributions
  6. Push changes to the EDKII project repository
    • Pushing the integration branch directly to origin/master is preferred

See Also

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