- The Traveling Saleman Problem
- What to expect in this course
- Machine learning vs optimization
- Traveling Salesman Problem explained
- Linear regression with hill climbing/simulated annealing
- Linear quantile regression with hill climbing/simulated annealing
- Other metaheuristics algorithms
- EXERCISE: Multiple choice, which hyperparameters need to be fixed?
- Too greedy/random temperature schedule
- Not enough iterations
- Not enough move variety
- Solving a Sudoku
- Creating a schedule under constraints
- Knapsack Problem/Branch-and-bound Intuition
- Mixing search algorithms with simulations
- EXERCISE: Choosing the right heuristics
- Knapsack: which items should I grab first?
- Knapsack: what's the relaxation value?
- Scheduling: which employees should I schedule first?
- Scheduling: upon scheduling this employee, what can I prune?
Basic Convex Optimization Intuition
Linear Programming
Blending Problem
Manufacturing problem
Continuous Scheduling Problem
Using libraries for linear/integer/mixed programming
- Python - PyOmo/PuLp
- Java - ojAlgo
- Convex/Not Convex?
- Choosing the right objective expression
- Choosing the right constraints
Understanding Gradient Descent
Doing linear regression with gradient descent
Partial derivatives
How neural networks use gradient descent
Types of gradient descent
- Learning rate too big/small
- Machine learning versus optimization - which to use?