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Template Finite Element Library

By Thomas Hilke. More informations can be found at


To compile an use the TFEL, you must have the following packages which are probably available through your OS package system:

  • OpenMPI v2.1.1
  • liblapacke-dev v3.5.0
  • PETSc 3.7.0
  • clang++ 3.4

and the following packages must be compiled and installed:

Location of the PETSc installation and liblapacke-dev header files can be configured in the file Run make in the root directory of the project to build the static library and a set of binaries, which are stored in the subdirectory bin/. Each binary uses and tests some feature of the library. Run make install to install the binaries, static library and header files in the directories ~/.local/{bin/,lib/,include/tfel/}.

Some knowledge of the finite element theory and the intricacies of the implementation of these methods helps.

Brief Intro

The TFEL is a set of tools to help in rapid prototyping of numerical algorithms built around finite element methods. The TFEL provide a domain specific language which matches closely the mathematical notation of finite element problem formulations. The TFEL models the finite element method concepts using the C++ type system and template metaprogramming techniques to offer a user-friendly interface an prevent compilation of expressions and constructs that are mathematically non-sensical.


The TFEL is a set of building blocks that are organized to be easily extensible. Nevertheless the toolbox is already rich enough to implement and solve some not-so-trivial-problems, such as the Navier-Stokes equations.

The following concepts and features, among others, are already available:

  • Conformal, simplicial meshes built from edges, triangle, tetrahedron cells,
  • Polynomial Lagrange finite element of degree 0, 1 and 2 on edges, triangle, tetrahedron cells,
  • Scalar and vector finite element spaces,
  • Linear and bilinear forms expressed as integrals over meshes and submeshes,
  • Various numerical quadrature formulas,
  • Interface with PETSc's sparse solvers, and LAPACK dense solver,
  • Export in Ensight6 file format,

Hello World: The Poisson Equation in 2D

One of the simplest elliptical partial differential equation is the Poisson's equation. The following example solve the Poisson's equation with homogeneous boundary conditions and a constant right hand side on a square domain in 2 space dimensions.

#include <tfel/tfel.hpp>

double f(const double* x);

const std::size_t n = 10;

int main() {
  using cell_type = cell::triangle;
  using mesh_type = fe_mesh<cell_type>;
  using fe_type = cell_type::fe::lagrange_p1;
  using fes_type = finite_element_space<fe_type>;
  using quad_type = quad::triangle::qf5pT;
  mesh_type m(gen_square_mesh(1.0, 1.0, n, n));
  submesh<cell_type> dm(m.get_boundary_submesh());

  fes_type fes(m);

  bilinear_form<fes_type, fes_type> a(fes, fes); {
    auto u(a.get_trial_function());
    auto v(a.get_test_function());
    a += integrate<quad_type>(d<1>(u) * d<1>(v) +
                              d<2>(u) * d<2>(v)
                              , m);
  linear_form<fes_type> b(fes); {
    auto v(b.get_test_function());
    b += integrate<quad_type>(f * v, m);
  dictionary param(dictionary()
                     .set("maxits",  2000u)
                     .set("restart", 1000u)
                     .set("rtol",    1.e-8)
                     .set("atol",    1.e-50)
                     .set("dtol",    1.e20)
                     .set("ilufill", 2u));
  solver::petsc::gmres_ilu s(param);
  const fes_type::element u(a.solve(b, s));

                     to_mesh_vertex_data<fe_type>(u), "u");

  return 0;

double f(const double* x) {
  return 1.0;

Assuming the code is saved in a file poisson.cpp, it can be compiled with the command

clang++ -std=c++14 poisson.cpp -I$HOME/.local/include -I/usr//local/Cellar/lapack/3.7.1/include/ -I$PETSC_DIR/include -L$HOME/.local/lib -L$PETSC_DIR/lib -L/usr/local/Cellar/lapack/3.7.1/lib -llapacke -ltfel  -lpetsc -lmpi -o poisson

(Your setup may vary. Here LAPACK is installed through homebrew on macos, and PETSc is compiled from source)

Run the computation with


and the results are stored in the output file