This document describes the necessary steps to install ARSnova Mobile.
In case you are viewing this file from the repository please make sure you are on the corresponding x.y-stable
branch for the target version.
ARSnova Mobile is only the frontend and does not work standalone. Before you proceed we suggest that you install ARSnova Backend first.
The ARSnova Mobile application is contained in a single file: the web archive (.war file
You can download the latest version from our
GitHub releases page.
To deploy the frontend on the Tomcat Servlet container, copy the file to Tomcat's webapp directory and name it mobile.war
Check that the application is deployed correctly by sending a HTTP request:
$ curl localhost:8080/mobile/resources/version.json
Version information should be returned.
Modify the site configuration file arsnova
in /etc/nginx/sites-available
which you have created before for the backend.
Add the following line to the server
section of this file:
location /mobile { proxy_pass http://localhost:8080; }
Modify the site configuration file arsnova
in /etc/apache2/sites-available
which you have created before for the backend.
Add the following lines to the VirtualHost
section of this file:
<Location /mobile/>
ProxyPass http://localhost:8080/mobile/
All configuration the frontend needs is provided via the backend's API.
No additional configuration for ARSnova Mobile is necessary.
Changes to the configuration are made in the backend's
If you want to run ARSnova in a containerized environment, you can use our Docker images. Have a look at our deployment instructions for Docker.