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dotbraga / docs / aliases

I've created some useful aliases to work together with Oh My Zsh aliases. Some of them override the behavior from Oh My Zsh, like gb for example, that adds a --no-pager flag.


Alias Command
b brew
bs brew services
bsl brew services list
bsr brew services restart
bss brew services stop


Alias Command
dps docker ps
dpsa docker ps -a
dpsaq docker ps -a -q
dpsq docker ps -q
dstart docker star
dstats docker stats
dstop docker stop
dr docker run
drm docker rm
drmf docker rm -f
drma docker rm $(docker ps -q -a)
drmfa docker rm -f $(docker ps -q -a)
drmi docker rmi
drmif docker rmi -f
drmiq docker rmi $(docker images -q)
drmifq docker rmi -f $(docker images -q)
drmimg docker rmi $(docker images -q)
drmfimg docker rmi -f $(docker images -q)
di docker inspect
dim docker images
dn docker network

Docker applications

Alias Command
gitlab-runner docker exec -it -w $PWD gitlab-runner gitlab-runner
phpdoc docker run --rm -v $PWD:/data phpdoc/phpdoc:3

Docker Compose

Alias Command
dc docker-compose
dcb docker-compose build
dcbn docker-compose build --no-cache
dce docker-compose exec
dck docker-compose kill
dcl docker-compose logs
dcr docker-compose kill && docker-compose up
dcrd docker-compose kill && docker-compose up -d
dcup docker-compose up
dcupd docker-compose up -d
dcdn docker-compose down


Alias Command
gb git --no-pager branch
gba git --no-pager branch -a
gco git checkout
gcd git checkout develop
gcdm git checkout development
gcs git checkout stage
gcm git checkout master
gcma git checkout main
gcmain git checkout main
gstl git --no-pager stash list
gmn git merge --no-ff --no-edit
gfp git fetch --all --prune
gcs git checkout stage
gpf git push -f
ggc git gc


Alias Command
k kool
ke kool exec
ka kool exec app
kea kool exec app
kr kool run
kc kool run composer
krc kool run composer
kcd kool run composer dump-autoload
krcd kool run composer dump-autoload
kra kool run artisan
km kool run artisan migrate
kram kool run artisan migrate
ks kool start
kstp kool stop


Alias Command
m make
mb make build
mc make clean
mi make install
mr make release
mw make watch


Alias Command
apt sudo apt
aptu apt update && apt upgrade -V && apt autoclean && apt autoremove -V
aptitude sudo aptitude
dpkg sudo dpkg
snap sudo snap
rm /bin/rm -v
l LC_COLLATE=C ls -alh --color=tty --group-directories-first
ll LC_COLLATE=C ls -lh --color=tty --group-directories-first
ls LC_COLLATE=C ls -a --color=tty --group-directories-first
www cd ${HOME}/www


Alias Command
phpdoc docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/data phpdoc/phpdoc:3


Alias Command
v ./vessel
vup v start
vst v start
vstart v start
vdn v down
vdown v down


Alias Command
y yarn
ya yarn add
yau yarn audit
yb yarn build
yc yarn create
yd yarn dev
yp yarn prod
yr yarn release
yrm yarn remove
ys yarn start
yt yarn test
yw yarn watch
yyau yarn && yarn audit
yys yarn && yarn start
yyw yarn && yarn watch


Alias Command
dotbraga "${HOME}/www/braga/dotbraga"
dot "${HOME}/www/braga/dotbraga/install"