- Namespace: thi.ng.fabric.core
This namespace provides…
(defprotocol IVertex
(vertex-id [_])
(connect-to! [_ v sig-fn edge-opts])
(disconnect-neighbor! [_ v])
(disconnect-all! [_])
(neighbors [_])
(collect! [_])
(collect-final! [_])
(score-collect [_])
(signal! [_ handler])
(score-signal [_])
(receive-signal [_ src sig])
(uncollected-signals [_])
(signal-map [_])
(new-edge-count [_])
(set-value! [_ val])
(update-value! [_ f])
(previous-value [_]))
(defprotocol IComputeGraph
(add-vertex! [_ val vspec] [_ val vspec ctor])
(update-vertex! [_ v f])
(remove-vertex! [_ v])
(vertex-for-id [_ id])
(vertices [_])
(add-edge! [_ src dest f opts])
(remove-edge! [_ src dest]))
(defprotocol IStateful
(state [_])
(update-state! [_ f]))
(defprotocol IWatch
(notify-watches [_ evt])
(add-watch! [_ type id f])
(remove-watch! [_ type id]))
(defprotocol IGraphComponent
(component-type [_])
(add-to-graph! [_ g])
(remove-from-graph! [_ g] [_ g parent]))
(defprotocol IGraphExecutor
(execute! [_])
(notify! [_])
(stop! [_]))
(deftype Vertex
[id value prev-val state uncollected signal-map new-edges outs
score-signal-fn score-collect-fn collect-fn collect-final-fn]
[_] @value)]
[_] @value)])
[_] id)
[_ val] (reset! value val) _)
[_ f] (swap! value f) _)
[_] @prev-val)
(collect-fn _)
(reset! uncollected [])
(when collect-final-fn
(collect-final-fn _)
[_] (score-collect-fn _))
[_ v sig-fn opts]
(swap! outs assoc v [sig-fn opts])
(swap! new-edges inc)
(debug id "edge to" (thi.ng.fabric.core/vertex-id v) "(" (pr-str opts) ") new:" @new-edges)
[_] (keys @outs))
[_ v]
(when v
(debug id "disconnect from" (thi.ng.fabric.core/vertex-id v))
(swap! outs dissoc v))
(run! #(disconnect-neighbor! _ %) (keys @outs))
[_] @new-edges)
[_] (score-signal-fn _))
[_ handler]
(reset! prev-val @value)
(reset! new-edges 0)
(handler _ @outs))
[_ src sig]
(if-not (= sig (@signal-map src))
(do (swap! uncollected conj sig)
(swap! signal-map assoc src sig)
(debug id " ignoring unchanged signal: " (pr-str sig))))
[_] @signal-map)
[_] @uncollected)
[_] @state)
[_ f] (swap! state f) _))
(defrecord InMemoryGraph [state watches]
[_ val vspec]
(add-vertex! _ val vspec vertex))
[_ val vspec ctor]
(let [nv (volatile! nil)]
(swap! state
#(let [id (::next-id %)
v (ctor id val vspec)]
(vreset! nv v)
(-> %
(update ::next-id (::id-gen-fn %))
(update ::vertices assoc id v))))
(notify-watches* @watches [:add-vertex @nv])
[_ v]
(when (get-in @state [::vertices (vertex-id v)])
(notify-watches* @watches [:remove-vertex v])
(swap! state update ::vertices dissoc (vertex-id v))
;;(disconnect-all! v)
[_ v f]
(update-value! v f)
(notify-watches* @watches [:update-vertex v])
[_ id] (get-in @state [::vertices id]))
[_] (-> @state ::vertices vals))
[_ src dest sig-fn opts]
(connect-to! src dest sig-fn opts)
(notify-watches* @watches [:add-edge src dest sig-fn opts])
[_ src dest]
(disconnect-neighbor! src dest)
(notify-watches* @watches [:remove-edge src dest])
[_ type id f]
(info "adding watch" type id f)
(swap! watches assoc-in [type id] f)
[_ type id]
(info "removing watch" type id)
(swap! watches update type dissoc id)
[_ evt] (notify-watches* @watches evt)))
(def default-vertex-opts
{::score-collect-fn default-score-collect
::score-signal-fn default-score-signal
::collect-fn collect-into})
(defn vertex
[id val opts]
(let [opts (merge default-vertex-opts opts)
opts' (dissoc opts
::score-signal-fn ::score-collect-fn
::collect-fn ::collect-final-fn)]
(atom val) ;; value
(atom nil) ;; prev
(atom opts') ;; state
(atom []) ;; uncollected
(atom {}) ;; sig-map
(atom 0) ;; new-edges
(atom {}) ;; outs
(::score-signal-fn opts)
(::score-collect-fn opts)
(::collect-fn opts)
(::collect-final-fn opts))))
(defn compute-graph
(compute-graph {::id-gen-fn (fnil inc -1)}))
(let [start-id ((::id-gen-fn opts) nil)
state (merge opts {::vertices {} ::next-id start-id})]
(atom state)
(atom {})))))
(defn collect-pure
(fn [vertex]
(update-value! vertex #(collect-fn % (uncollected-signals vertex)))))
(def collect-into (collect-pure into))
(defn signal-forward
[vertex _] @vertex)
(defn default-score-signal
"Computes vertex signal score. Returns 0 if value equals prev-val,
else returns 1."
[vertex] (if (= @vertex (previous-value vertex)) 0 1))
(defn score-signal-with-new-edges
"Computes vertex signal score. Returns number of *new* outgoing
edges plus 1 if value not equals prev-val. New edge counter is reset
each time signal! is called."
[vertex] (+ (new-edge-count vertex) (if (= @vertex (previous-value vertex)) 0 1)))
(defn default-score-collect
"Computes vertex collect score, here simply the number of
uncollected signal values."
[vertex] (count (uncollected-signals vertex)))
(defn sync-vertex-signal
[vertex outs]
(let [id (vertex-id vertex)]
(loop [active (transient []), outs outs]
(let [[v [f opts]] (first outs)]
(if v
(let [signal (f vertex opts)]
(if-not (nil? signal)
(if (receive-signal v id signal)
(recur (conj! active v) (next outs))
(recur active (next outs)))
(do (debug "signal fn for" (vertex-id v) "returned nil, skipping...")
(recur active (next outs)))))
(persistent! active))))))
(defn execution-result
[type sigs colls t0 & [opts]]
(let [rt (millis-since t0)]
(->> {:collections colls
:signals sigs
:type type
:runtime rt
:time-per-op (if (or (pos? sigs) (pos? colls)) (/ rt (+ sigs colls)) 0)}
(merge opts))))
(defn async-execution-result
[type out sigs colls t0 & [opts]]
(go (>! out (execution-result type colls sigs t0 opts))))
(defn collect-final-all!
[vertices] (run! collect-final! vertices))
(defn sub-pass-combine
([] [#{} 0])
([acc] acc)
([[active ax] [active' x]] [(into active active') (+ ax x)]))
(defn single-pass-combine
([] [#{} 0 0])
([acc] acc)
([[act as ac] [act' s c]] [(into act act') (+ as s) (+ ac c)]))
(defn add-context-watches!
[g watch-id queue watches]
(run! (fn [[id f]] (add-watch! g id watch-id (f queue))) watches))
(defn remove-context-watches!
[g watch-id watches]
(run! (fn [[id]] (remove-watch! g id watch-id)) watches))
(defn sync-signal-pass-simple
(fn [vertices]
(loop [sigs 0, verts vertices]
(if verts
(let [v (first verts)]
(if (> (score-signal v) thresh)
(do (debug (vertex-id v) "signaling")
(recur (long (+ sigs (count (signal! v sync-vertex-signal)))) (next verts)))
(recur sigs (next verts))))
(defn sync-collect-pass-simple
(fn [vertices]
(loop [colls 0, verts vertices]
(if verts
(let [v (first verts)]
(if (> (score-collect v) thresh)
(do (debug (vertex-id v) "collecting")
(collect! v)
(recur (inc colls) (next verts)))
(recur colls (next verts))))
(defn parallel-signal-pass-simple
(fn [vertices]
+ (fn [sigs v]
(if (> (score-signal v) thresh)
(+ sigs (count (signal! v sync-vertex-signal)))
(defn parallel-collect-pass-simple
(fn [vertices]
+ (fn [colls v]
(if (> (score-collect v) thresh)
(do (collect! v) (inc colls))
(defn default-sync-context-opts
{:collect-thresh 0
:signal-thresh 0
:max-iter 1e6
:signal-fn parallel-signal-pass-simple
:collect-fn parallel-collect-pass-simple
:collect-final? false
:watches {:remove-vertex
(fn [queue]
(fn [[__ v]] (signal! v sync-vertex-signal)))}})
(defn sync-execution-context
(let [ctx (merge (default-sync-context-opts) opts)
g (:graph ctx)
coll-fn ((:collect-fn ctx) (:collect-thresh ctx))
sig-fn ((:signal-fn ctx) (:signal-thresh ctx))
max-iter (:max-iter ctx)
watch-id (keyword (gensym))
->result (fn [type iter sigs colls t0]
(remove-context-watches! g watch-id (:watches ctx))
(execution-result type sigs colls t0 {:iterations iter}))]
(deref [_] ctx)]
(-deref [_] ctx)])
(stop! [_] (err/unsupported!))
(notify! [_] (err/unsupported!))
(add-context-watches! g watch-id nil (:watches ctx))
(let [t0 (now)]
(loop [i 0, colls 0, sigs 0]
(if (<= i max-iter)
(let [verts (vertices g)
sigs' (sig-fn verts)
colls' (coll-fn verts)]
(if (or (pos? sigs') (pos? colls'))
(recur (inc i) (long (+ colls colls')) (long (+ sigs sigs')))
(do (when (:collect-final? ctx) (collect-final-all! verts))
(->result :converged i sigs colls t0))))
(->result :max-iter-reached i sigs colls t0))))))))
(def ^:private default-context-watches
(fn [queue]
(fn [[__ v]] (swap! queue into (signal! v sync-vertex-signal))))
(fn [queue]
(fn [[__ src dest]] (swap! queue into [src dest])))})
(defn default-scheduled-context-opts
{:collect-thresh 0
:signal-thresh 0
:processor parallel-two-pass-processor
:scheduler two-pass-scheduler
;;:processor eager-probabilistic-single-pass-processor
;;:scheduler single-pass-scheduler
:max-ops 1e6
:threads #?(:clj (+ 2 (.availableProcessors (Runtime/getRuntime))) :cljs 1)
:collect-final? false
:watches default-context-watches})
(defn scheduled-execution-context
(let [ctx (merge (default-scheduled-context-opts) opts)
g (:graph ctx)
c-thresh (:collect-thresh ctx)
s-thresh (:signal-thresh ctx)
max-ops (:max-ops ctx)
scheduler ((:scheduler ctx) ctx)
threads (:threads ctx)
watch-id (keyword (gensym))
v-filter (filter #(or (> (score-signal %) s-thresh) (> (score-collect %) c-thresh)))
->result (fn [type sigs colls t0]
(remove-context-watches! g watch-id (:watches ctx))
(execution-result type sigs colls t0))]
(deref [_] ctx)]
(-deref [_] ctx)])
(stop! [_] (err/unsupported!))
(notify! [_] (err/unsupported!))
(let [t0 (now)
active (atom (sequence v-filter (vertices g)))
queue (atom #{})]
(add-context-watches! g watch-id queue (:watches ctx))
(loop [colls 0, sigs 0]
;;(warn :active-count (count @active))
(if (seq @active)
(if (<= (+ colls sigs) max-ops)
(let [grp-size (max 512 (long (/ (count @active) threads)))
[act' sigs' colls'] (scheduler grp-size @active)]
;;(warn :auto (count @queue))
(reset! active (into (into #{} v-filter act') @queue))
(reset! queue #{})
(recur (long (+ colls colls')) (long (+ sigs sigs'))))
(->result :max-ops-reached sigs colls t0))
(do (when (:collect-final? ctx) (collect-final-all! (vertices g)))
(->result :converged sigs colls t0)))))))))
(defn default-async-context-opts
{:collect-thresh 0
:signal-thresh 0
:processor parallel-two-pass-processor
:scheduler two-pass-scheduler
;;:processor eager-probabilistic-single-pass-processor
;;:scheduler single-pass-scheduler
:max-ops 1e6
:auto-stop false
:threads #?(:clj (inc (.availableProcessors (Runtime/getRuntime))) :cljs 1)
:collect-final? false
:watches default-context-watches})
(defn async-execution-context
(let [ctx (merge (default-async-context-opts) opts)
ctx (update ctx :result #(or % (async/chan)))
g (:graph ctx)
c-thresh (:collect-thresh ctx)
s-thresh (:signal-thresh ctx)
max-ops (:max-ops ctx)
scheduler ((:scheduler ctx) ctx)
threads (:threads ctx)
res-chan (:result ctx)
notify-chan (async/chan (async/dropping-buffer 1))
running? (volatile! false)
watch-id (keyword (gensym))
v-filter (filter #(or (> (score-signal %) s-thresh) (> (score-collect %) c-thresh)))
->result (fn [type sigs colls t0] (go (>! res-chan (execution-result type sigs colls t0))))]
(deref [_] (assoc ctx :running @running?))]
(-deref [_] (assoc ctx :running @running?))])
(remove-context-watches! g watch-id (:watches ctx))
(async/close! notify-chan)
(vreset! running? false))
[_] (go (>! notify-chan true)) nil)
(if-not @running?
(vreset! running? true)
(let [t0 (volatile! (now))
active (volatile! (sequence v-filter (vertices g)))
queue (atom #{})]
(add-context-watches! g watch-id queue (:watches ctx))
(go-loop [colls 0, sigs 0]
;;(warn :active-count (count @active))
(if (and @running? (seq @active))
(if (<= (+ colls sigs) max-ops)
(let [grp-size (max 512 (long (/ (count @active) threads)))
[act' sigs' colls'] (scheduler grp-size @active)
curr-q @queue]
;;(warn :queue (count curr-q))
(vreset! active (into (into #{} v-filter act') curr-q))
(compare-and-set! queue curr-q #{})
(recur (long (+ colls colls')) (long (+ sigs sigs'))))
(do (stop! _)
(->result :max-ops-reached sigs colls @t0)))
(if @running?
(do (when (:collect-final? ctx) (collect-final-all! (vertices g)))
(->result :converged sigs colls @t0)
(if (:auto-stop ctx)
(stop! _)
(when (<! notify-chan)
(vreset! t0 (now))
(vreset! active (sequence v-filter (vertices g)))
(reset! queue #{})
;;(warn :rerun (count @active))
(recur 0 0))))
(->result :stopped sigs colls @t0))))
(do (warn "execution context already running, use notify! to re-trigger...")
(defn probabilistic-single-pass-processor
[s-thresh c-thresh]
(fn [[active sigs colls] v]
(let [active (conj active v)]
(if (< (rand) 0.5)
(if (> (score-signal v) s-thresh)
(let [vsigs (signal! v sync-vertex-signal)]
[(into active vsigs) (+ sigs (count vsigs)) colls])
[active sigs colls])
(if (> (score-collect v) c-thresh)
(do (collect! v)
[active sigs (inc colls)])
[active sigs colls])))))
(defn eager-probabilistic-single-pass-processor
[s-thresh c-thresh]
(fn [[active sigs colls] v]
(let [active (conj active v)]
(if (< (rand) 0.5)
(if (> (score-signal v) s-thresh)
(let [vsigs (signal! v sync-vertex-signal)]
[(into active vsigs) (+ sigs (count vsigs)) colls])
[active sigs colls])
(if (> (score-collect v) c-thresh)
(do (collect! v)
(if (> (score-signal v) s-thresh)
(let [vsigs (signal! v sync-vertex-signal)]
[(into active vsigs) (+ sigs (count vsigs)) (inc colls)])
[active sigs (inc colls)]))
[active sigs colls])))))
(defn single-pass-scheduler
(let [processor ((:processor ctx) (:signal-thresh ctx) (:collect-thresh ctx))]
(fn [workgroup-size vertices]
(r/fold workgroup-size single-pass-combine processor #?(:clj vertices :cljs (seq vertices))))))
(defn parallel-signal-pass
(fn [workgroup-size vertices]
(fn [acc v]
(if (> (score-signal v) thresh)
(let [vsigs (signal! v sync-vertex-signal)]
[(into (acc 0) vsigs) (+ (acc 1) (count vsigs))])
(defn parallel-collect-pass
(fn [workgroup-size vertices]
(fn [acc v]
(if (> (score-collect v) thresh)
(do (collect! v)
[(conj (acc 0) v) (inc (acc 1))])
(defn parallel-two-pass-processor
[s-thresh c-thresh]
(let [sig-fn (parallel-signal-pass s-thresh)
coll-fn (parallel-collect-pass c-thresh)]
(fn [workgroup-size vertices]
(let [#?@(:cljs [vertices (seq vertices)])
[s-act sigs] (sig-fn workgroup-size vertices)
[c-act colls] (coll-fn workgroup-size vertices)]
[(into s-act c-act) sigs colls]))))
(defn two-pass-scheduler
((:processor ctx) (:signal-thresh ctx) (:collect-thresh ctx)))
(defn now
[] #?(:clj (System/nanoTime) :cljs (.getTime (js/Date.))))
(defn millis-since
[t0] #?(:clj (* (- (now) t0) 1e-6) :cljs (- (now) t0)))
(defn notify-watches*
[watches evt]
(let [watches (watches (first evt))]
(when watches
(loop [watches (vals watches)]
(when watches
((first watches) evt)
(recur (next watches)))))))
(defn none-or-single-user?
[src user]
(let [n (neighbors src)]
(if (seq n)
(and (== 1 (count n)) (or (nil? user) (= user (first n))))
(defn random-id
[] (keyword (gensym)))
(when-not (satisfies? IReduce LazyTransformer)
(defn- seq-reduce*
([f coll]
(if-let [s (seq coll)]
(reduce f (first s) (next s))
([f val coll]
(loop [val val, coll (seq coll)]
(if coll
(let [nval (f val (first coll))]
(if (reduced? nval)
(recur nval (next coll))))
(extend-type LazyTransformer
([coll f] (seq-reduce* f coll))
([coll f start] (seq-reduce* f start coll))))))
(ns thi.ng.fabric.core
[thi.ng.xerror.core :as err]
[taoensso.timbre :refer [debug info warn]]
[clojure.core.reducers :as r]
[clojure.core.async :as async :refer [go go-loop <! >!]])]
[cljs.core.async.macros :refer [go go-loop]]
[cljs-log.core :refer [debug info warn]])
[thi.ng.xerror.core :as err]
[clojure.core.reducers :as r]
[cljs.core.async :as async :refer [<! >!]])]))