In this project, you're going to create a GitHub Client application that can search GitHub user and display a short profile about them that contains the following:
- The profile picture
- The username
- The URL to the profile page
- And the score
The sample of this application can be found in this link
All you need in the HTML page is a form with text input and a submit button.
The GitHub API documentation is very large, but you only need to follow this one search API to search by user. Try to call on it, then log the returned data. You can then adjust your JavaScript code properly.
Good Luck!
Congratulations! You have learned the magic behind web page interactivity by learning about JavaScript and how it interacts with the DOM. Indeed, without JavaScript, all we have today would only be a collection of static web pages, served using HTML and CSS. With JavaScript, the web has become a more livelier place, where a web page can react to user's actions and "talk" to other web pages using the network request.
Next in part 3, you will learn about Node.js API, and how it enables JavaScript to create a fully functional web server.