{% hint style="warning" %} Keep your robot still at startup EVERY TIME with this gyroscope. {% endhint %}
{% embed url="https://wiki.analog.com/first/adis16448_imu_frc" %} Official Documentation {% endembed %}
{% embed url="https://docs.wpilib.org/en/stable/docs/software/hardware-apis/sensors/gyros-software.html#adis16448" %} WPILib documentation {% endembed %}
The ADIS16448 is a 3-axis gyroscope meaning it must be parallel to the earth for it to work!
- Ensure the ADIS16448 is attached to the roboRIO firmly.
- The roboRIO is centered on the robot.
- The roboRIO is flat parallel to the earth.
- The robot DOES NOT MOVE AT ALL on startup for at least 10 seconds!
The ADIS16448 attaches directly to the SPI port on the roboRIO MXP and is only connectable via there with YAGSL.
"imu": {
"type": "adis16448",
"id": 0,
"canbus": null
"invertedIMU": false,
"modules": [