Configuration concerns addressed here are scoped to only managing and maintaining credential sets and other secret information, and usage of that secret information within source control and .NET projects. We do NOT address delivery of configuration settings to different environments in this documentation, although below some tool sets are recommend for handling that.
The following are goals of proper configuration for an application:
- Minimal developer ramp up
- Minimal redundancy of secret information storage
- Ease of discoverability and access of configuration values
- Automation of configuration value replacement wherever possible.
You MUST store any/all sets of credentials, or other files that would be used for configuration for all dev/qa/production environments, in Mainframe. An example of this would be a connection string, a shared secret key for an API HMAC, a simple remote desktop username/password, or the password to an encrypted zip file or exported SSL Certificate.
Mainframe limits access to credentials to project members and keeps an audit history of who accesses them.
Credentials SHOULD be properly labeled as Dev/QA/Prod categories, and SHOULD appropriately describe the system they are for. Dev/QA/Prod versions of the same credential SHOULD all be labeled the same but be properly tagged under the appropriate Dev/QA Category. Multiple credential sets to a single system SHOULD be grouped under a single system record.
Credentials for accessing secure files, such as an exported SSH Key Pair, SSL Certificate or encrypted Zip file.
Use the following fields as guidance:
- Name: System Name (e.g., Application Database) or Associated file name in the Files tab
- Type: Service Type (e.g., SQL Server)
- Description: (optional) Description if not obvious by the name and type.
- IP Address / Domain: Connection information to the system, such as Base URL endpoint for a rest API, server name and port (if non-default) for TCP based server like SQL Server
- Credentials: List any/all credential sets associated with this. If there are multiple unique logins for the same environment, these SHOULD be listed here. Credential sets for a different environment (e.g., admin user on a stage/dev/prod) SHOULD NOT be listed here, and SHOULD be listed as a separate system with the same name in the proper category
- Name: Description of user account (e.g., Admin, App User)
- Username / Password: Credential set for accessing account.
For credentials that do not have a username, such as an SSH key, use dashes “--” for the name.
When working with multiple projects associated with the same environment, it is RECOMMENDED that the lead to go through any existing / new systems and properly associate them with the new project. This means going through any/all systems associated with the client and ensuring the new project has them associated. Not doing so will lead to duplicates or difficulty in combing through a large list of systems.
Assuming source control has it’s own method of controlled access that is private to The Nerdery and its clients, it is generally acceptable to store secure values within source control. Nerdery internal Bitbucket or GitHub Private git repo are an example of a controlled source control environment.
Open source projects ARE NOT considered a controlled environment and this does not apply to those projects.
If a previously protected project becomes open source, any secure values stored within source control MUST be invalidated. It is not sufficient to simply add another commit removing them: they are forever available in git history. There are bots that scrape GitHub looking for AWS keys and stealing data or running up thousands of dollars in usage fees. Don't think your project is safe by being obscure.
If a project has a chance of being open sourced, its better to start good habits at the beginning and avoid storing secrets in git altogether.
Any C# project (class library, web application, etc.) that utilizes an XML application settings file (app.config, web.config, etc.) SHOULD create a C# object wrapper for the settings file. Property getters SHOULD be used for this. Getters SHOULD read from the System.Configuration namespace to get the appropriate data out of the configuration file, and the Configuration namespace SHOULD NOT be used anywhere else within the application.
For example:
public static class Settings
public static string ApiKey => ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ApiKey];
public static bool ShouldSendEmails => ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SendEmails"] === "true";
Custom Configuration sections MAY be used and are RECOMMENDED when configuration is complex or contains collections. When used configuration sections SHOULD be named according to the namespace of the configuration code. Custom Configurations MAY transform raw configuration data into properties and methods as needed.
Any classes that require configuration SHOULD declare this configuration need through constructor arguments and SHOULD NOT access the app settings wrapper directly.
If a configuration parameter is optional, the value SHOULD be checked for null and defaulted to a configuration value. If there is no reasonable default configuration value, an exception SHOULD be thrown.
public class MyCoolApiClient
public MyCoolApiClient(string apiKey) // GOOD!
// do stuff with it
public class MyCoolApiClient
public MyCoolApiClient()
var apiKey = Settings.ApiKey; // BAD!
Reaching out to the Settings
class makes the object hard to test and hard to
use in different contexts.
SlowCheetah is a visual studio extension (and optional MSBuild target) that allows your application to apply config transformations to non-web.config files when using Web Deploy for deployment. It is recommended for use if you’re doing any config transformations at all, just for the preview capability alone.
VS 2015:
VS 2013 and earlier:
Octopus deploy has a number of capabilities to update config files with values provided into Octopus, using a decision matrix that is built into the deployment tool. If Octopus Deploy is available for use on your project, consider using it for storing your configuration values for deployments.
Note: The Nerdery does not currently have an Octopus Deploy server for general use, although we have used it very successfully on several projects in the past.
When deploying to an Azure App Service, configuration values can be updated by Azure at deploy time when stored in the “settings” for your azure app service. This SHOULD be limited to web.config use only, so if additional configuration files need to be deployed, use an alternate solution.
See “App Settings”
Note “Slot-Specific settings”
Configuration for Azure Cloud services are managed through configuration files. These files SHOULD be stored in source control and SHOULD have an associated Azure Cloud project for managing them.