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File metadata and controls

254 lines (181 loc) · 8.46 KB


Basic usage

The PostType class helps you register and manage WordPress custom post types.

In order to register a custom post type, you may call the make and set methods of the PostType class.

For example, let's register a custom post type in order to handle a list of books. The custom post type will have a slug of books and is registered inside a Books hookable class:

namespace App\Hooks;

use Themosis\Hook\Hookable;
use Themosis\Support\Facades\PostType;

class Books extends Hookable
    public function register()
        PostType::make('books', 'Books', 'Book')->set();

This will build a basic custom post type accessible in the WordPress administration.

Note: the custom post type will only be registered if you call the set() method.
Note: do not forget to register the new Hook in your configuration file config/app.php


The make() method needs a plural and singular display names as second and third parameter. Those parameters will pre-fill the labels property of your custom post type.

PostType::make('books', 'Books', 'book')->set();

In the above code sample, the custom post type will have a plural display name of Books and a singular display name of Book.

Labels for custom post type are set in english by default.

If you need to change default labels or provide labels in your locale, you can override them by using the setLabels() method like so:

PostType::make('books', 'Books', 'Book')
        'add_new_item' => _x('Add a book', 'post_type', 'textdomain')


You can customize the custom post type by passing arguments to the setArguments() method. You can pass all the arguments defined in the WordPress core function register_post_type like so:

PostType::make('slug-books', 'Books', 'Book')
        'public' => true,
        'menu_position' => 20,
        'supports' => ['title', 'editor'],
        'rewrite' => false,
        'query_var' => false

Retrieve parameter value

Get the custom post type name

If you need to retrieve the name of your custom post type instance, you can use the getName() or getSlug() method:

$books = PostType::make('slug_books', 'Books', 'Book')

$name = $books->getName();

Get the custom post type argument

You can retrieve any value from your custom post type arguments. In order to retrieve all defined arguments, you may use the getArguments() method:

$args = $postType->getArguments();

or you can fetch a single argument using the getArgument() method like so:

$arg = $postType->getArgument('menu_position');

This can only fetch a value from a defined argument when registering the custom post type.

Get the custom post type label

In order to fetch all labels, you can use the getLabels() method on your custom post type instance:

$labels = $postType->getLabels();

or you can get a single label using the getLabel() method like so:

$label = $postType->getLabel('view_item');

The WP_Post_Type instance

WordPress now returns an object when registering a custom post type. In order to get access to this instance, use the getInstance() method like so:

$books = PostType::make('books', 'Books', 'Book')->set();
$type = $books->getInstance(); // return WP_Post_Type instance

Set title placeholder

You can define a custom title input placeholder value by calling the setTitlePlaceholder method on your post type instance like so:

PostType::make('books', 'Books', 'Book')
    ->setTitlePlaceholder('Insert the book title here...')

Service container

Each defined custom post type instance is registered into the application service container using the abstract name themosis.posttype.slug. If you need your post type instance elsewhere in your project, you may use the app() function helper or the App facade.

Here is an example based on the above books custom post type:

PostType::make('books', 'Livres', 'Livre')->set();

$instance = app('themosis.posttype.books');

$instance = App::make('themosis.posttype.books');

Custom status

The PostType class provides a method to register one or multiple custom statuses for your custom post type.

Note: This do not work for core post types (post, page, attachment,...).

When you add custom statuses, the default statuses are removed except the draft and trash ones.

When you add custom statuses, they appear in the order you defined them. And the first defined status is the one used in order to "publish/register/post" your custom post type. So basically, the first defined status is acting like the core "Publish" button or simply is the first status to be saved for your custom post type except if you choose to draft it.

Add custom status

In this example, keeping the books custom post type, we want to build a system to rent and sell books. So we need to register a status to say that a book is available for rent, is currently rented or for sell. Plus by getting advantage of the default draft status, you can save your work for later.

Add one status

The status() method uses the same arguments than the WordPress register_post_status() function. But you can also pass an array of statuses.

First, let's add one custom status rent:

// Register the custom post type and add the "rent" custom status.
$books = PostType::make('books', 'Books', 'Book')

In the example above, one status rent is registered. The method assign default properties to the status, the same properties used in the register_post_status() function:

  • label: Its default value is the status name with first character set to uppercase
  • public: Default to true
  • exclude_from_search: Default to false
  • show_in_admin_all_list: Default to true
  • show_in_admin_status_list: Default to true
  • label_count: Default to _n_noop() function with status label
  • publish_text: Property available to the framework only. Default value to __('Apply Changes'). This property allows you to define a custom text for the publish button and per status.

In the following example, we add a custom publish button text to our rent status:

$books = PostType::make('books', 'Books', 'Book')
    ->status('rent', [
        'publish_text' => __('Rent the book', 'textdomain')

The code above will change the default button text of Publish to Rent the book when a user is registering its book from the edit screen.

Add multiple statuses

Using the same status() method on your custom post type, you can add more than one status. Just pass an array of custom statuses like so:

$books = PostType::make('books', 'Books', 'Book')

These statuses are registered with default properties. If you create a new book in the WordPress administration, you should see this list of statuses inside the publish metabox: Draft, Rent, Rented, Sell and Sold.

You can also define their properties like so:

$books = PostType::make('books', 'Books', 'Book')
        'rent' => [
             'publish_text' => 'Save and rent the book'
        'rented' => [
            'publish_text' => 'Set the book as rented'
        'sell' => [
            'publish_text' => 'Sell the book'
        'sold' => [
            'publish_text' => 'Set the book as sold'

The array key is the custom status name and each value is an array of status properties.


You can read the following documentation: