All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- csv export and cleanRoomTime
- scanner page v2
- serial numbers
- added order and product/partnuber statistics functionalities
- added second source of truth (besides Excel spreadsheet)
- new big functionality -
order statistics
dashboard page (orders list with sorting, filtering and counting + order details with extendable hourly pace according to lines used)
- refactored all into Typescript
- handling part numbers with dots (now part numbers with dots are allowed - but partnumbers with dots are not)
- (WIDS) RedirectionWithProducts component for adding (and deleting) multiple products to one redirection
- multi purpose sorting logic
- updated some styling
- (WIDS) full Instructions component / page
- (WIDS) ProductChooser component
- (WIDS) InstructionsViewer component
- (WIDS) LineProductChooser component
- (WIDS) PartNumberProductChooser component
- (WIDS) StickerScanProductChooser component
- (WIDS) ZkScanProductChooser component
- (WIDS) LinkBlock component
- Loader component
- (WIDS) EditProduct component
- (WIDS) ConnectedLinks component
- (WIDS) ConnectedRedirections component
- (WIDS) LinkAdder component
- (WIDS) RedirectionAdder component
- (WIDS) create, read, update delete (and connect with links and redirections) functionalities for products (integration with backend)
- (WIDS) ProductsList component
- (WIDS) implement product filtering logic in ProductList component
- (WIDS) ProductItem component
- (WIDS) ProductRouter component
- (WIDS) NewProduct component
- updated input styling
- (WIDS) RedirectionsList component
- (WIDS) NewRedirection component
- (WIDS) EditRedirection component
- (WIDS) RedirectionItem component
- (WIDS) RedirectionRouter component
- (WIDS) create, read, update and delete functionalities for redirections (integration with the backend)
- simplified and refactored the modal logic to another files
- instruction, products and redirection tabs for Workplace Instructions Distribution System (WIDS)
- live view prototype (alpha stage)
- CORS with websockets error
- websocket client-side handling and securing (for
live view
- not implemeted yet)
- occupying lines with picked orders
- scanContentComponent for better handling lower resolution (or +150% scaling)
- sound volume
- implemented sidebar
- sound messages
- scan serial number font size
- implemented sound notifications
- implemented missed scans alert
- FIXED: scans with diffrent date are appearing in missing scans component (and they shouldn't)
- implemented three efficiency ranges with three colors (feature request: rl-100)
- scrolling scanList to the top after user action (feature request: rl-098)
- disappearing interface elements
- updated
- updated favicon.ico
- updated logo192.png
- updated title and description
- visible scrolls on lower resolution issue
- updated
- updated package.json
- updated error message on login screen to more relevant one
- updated welcome screen to show links to frontend's and backend's changelogs
- header height issue
- interface wrapping issue
- unused method in ScanList component
- initial release