in order for this to be a proper v1 release, the following must be done, at the
very very very
v e r y
very least:
- dang it, it just totally messes up the text wrapping, i'm crying in a corner okay?
- clear notification bell right away when viewing it
- ability to restart an individual task (e.g. by pressing 'r')
- ability to gracefully exit the program (e.g. by pressing 'q')
- ability to gracefully stop one task (e.g. by pressing 'x')
- fix tab bar width overflow issue
- fix the ugly asni line clearing that messes up the content (looking at you yarn)
- add a predefined set of commands you can easily kick off from the overview page
- add an init command that creates a
file - suggest init if no ren.json
- improve the way it looks; at least the overview page since it's confusing af
- load stuff from the package.json, composer.json etc ????? not sure tho
- add a super minimal view that kills all the borders and spacing and just shows the shiz
- enable ansi colors from the processes
- in process: info line at the bottom right of the screen (e.g. "Press 'q' to quit" or "Press 'r' to restart")
- overview should show
- a selector to trigger shortcuts/commands eg like open browser db etc
- table of all running processes and commands and their last output
- a hint line
- disable logging by default
- scrollable content
- search
- ability to clear the screen (e.g. by pressing 'c')