diff --git a/git/shared.lua b/git/shared.lua
index a515d60d..24ef5ab0 100644
--- a/git/shared.lua
+++ b/git/shared.lua
@@ -4,5 +4,5 @@ APP_REPO = "theheroGAC"
APP_PROJECT = "Autoplugin"
APP_VERSION_MAJOR = 0x03 -- major.minor
APP_VERSION = ((APP_VERSION_MAJOR << 0x18) | (APP_VERSION_MINOR << 0x10)) -- Union Binary
diff --git a/lang/GREEK.txt b/lang/GREEK.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..076a709d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lang/GREEK.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+STRING_UNSAFE_MODE = "Η λειτουργία Unsafe Homebrew χρειάζεται για αυτο το homebrew."
+STRING_PSVITA_RESTART = "Το PS Vita σας θα κάνει επανεκκίνηση"
+STRING_BACKUP_CONFIGS = "Δημιουργία Config_backups.txt"
+STRING_MISSING_CONFIG = "Μη υπαρχών config.txt"
+STRING_CIRCLE_BACK = "Πατήστε O για να πάτε πίσω"
+STRING_CROSS_BACK = "Πατήστε Χ για να πάτε πίσω"
+STRING_START_CLOSE = "Πατηστε START για κλείσιμο"
+STRING_INSTALLED = "έχει εγκατασταθεί"
+STRING_PLEASE_WAIT = "Παρακαλώ περιμένετε..."
+STRING_CROSS_INSTALL = "X : για εγκατάσταση plugin(s)"
+STRING_CIRCLE_INSTALL = "O : για εγκατάσταση plugin(s)"
+MENU_INSTALL_SD2VITA = "Εγκατάσταση Plugin SD2VITA"
+MENU_INSTALL_PLUGINS = "Εγκατάσταση Plugins"
+MENU_UNINSTALL_PLUGINS = "Απεγκατάσταση Plugins"
+MENU_CONVERTBOOTSPLASH = "Ορίστε προσαρμοσμένo Boot Splash"
+MENU_INSTALL_NPDRMFREE = "Εγκατάσταση plugin npdrm free from qwikrazor87 (Adrenaline)"
+MENU_INSTALL_CONFIG = "Εγκατάσταση config.txt για PKGJ v0.43+"
+MENU_INSTALL_REMASTERED_CTRLS = "Εγκατάσταση RemasteredControls plugins από Theflow (Adrenaline)"
+MENU_CHECK_ONLINEP = "Έλεγχος για ενημερώσεις plugins"
+MENU_EXIT = "Έξοδος"
+MENU_INSTALLED_CONFIG = "Το ux0:pkgi/config.txt for pkgj έχει ειδη εγκατασταθεί."
+--install sd2vita
+SD2VITA_1_WARNING = "To install Storage Manager plugin Your sd2vita MUST be ready"
+SD2VITA_2_WARNING = "If a gamecard is inserted it MUST be removed before rebooting !!!"
+SD2VITA_3_WARNING = "VERY IMPORTANT: your sd2vita MUST have some apps already in it, you can copy/paste"
+SD2VITA_4_WARNING = "them from your official MC only copy really needed apps to your sd."
+SD2VITA_5_WARNING = "For example: H-encore, Vitashell/ONEMenu, pkgj, adrenaline, etc... "
+SD2VITA_GAMECARD_REMOVED = "removed before install"
+SD2VITA_TRIANGLE_INSTALL = "To proceed to installation press △"
+SD2VITA_CIRCLE_CANCEL = "To cancel the installation press O"
+SD2VITA_CROSS_CANCEL = "To cancel the installation press X"
+--install plugins
+INSTALLP_LIST_PLUGINS = "List of plugins ready to install:"
+INSTALLP_SQUARE_MARK = "[] : to select the plugin(s) to install"
+INSTALLP_TRIANGLE_ALL = "△ : to Install ALL the plugins"
+INSTALLP_SELECT_CLEAN = "SELECT : to clean selected plugins"
+INSTALLP_LR_SWAP = "L/R : to swap ux0/ur0"
+INSTALLP_CUSTOM_PATH = "△ : Install in the custom path"
+INSTALLP_VITABRIGHT_360 = "Vitabright only for 3.60/H-encore 3.68"
+INSTALLP_CWARNING_360_365 = "Custom Warning not work for 3.67/3.68"
+INSTALLP_QUESTION_SHELLSECBAT = "\n Plugin shellsecbat detected !!!\n\nInstall shellbat instead and uninstall shellsecbat ?"
+INSTALLP_QUESTION_SHELLBAT = "\n Plugin shellbat detected !!!\n\nInstall shellsecbat instead and uninstall shellbat ?"
+INSTALLP_OSK_TITLE = "Text for Custom Warning"
+INSTALLP_OSK_TEXT = "Put text here"
+--Uninstall plugins
+UNINSTALLP_TITLE = "Plugins Manager"
+UNINSTALLP_NOCONFIG_FOUND = "No config.txt found at: "
+UNINSTALLP_CROSS_INSTALL = "X : to uninstall plugin"
+UNINSTALLP_CIRCLE_INSTALL = "O : to uninstall plugin"
+UNINSTALLP_LR_SWAP = "L/R : to swap ux0/ur0"
+UNINSTALLP_LEFTRIGHT_SECTION = "Left/Right : to switch section"
+--npdrm free
+NPDRMFREE_TITLE = "Install npdrm free plugin from Qwik"
+NPDRMFREE_INSTALLED = "npdrm free installed"
+NPDRMFREE_VSH_UPDATED = "vsh.txt updated"
+NPDRMFREE_GAME_UPDATED = "game.txt updated"
+NPDRMFREE_NO_PARTITION = "Partition not found!"
+CUSTOMBOOTSPLASH__MESSAGE = "Remember to enable the Custom Boot Splash plugin"
+CUSTOMBOOTSPLASH_RESTART = "Do you want to restart now ?"
+PSPCTRLS_TITLE = "Remastered Controls plugins from Theflow (Adrenaline)"
+PSPCTRLS_LR_SWAP = "L/R: to swap partitions"
+PSPCTRLS_GAME_UPDATED = "game.txt updated"
+PSPCTRLS_DESCP = "A collection of dual analog patches for PSP games on Adrenaline"
+--plugins online
+UPDATE_WIFI_LOW = "Wifi Low Signal"
+UPDATE_WIFI_IS_ON = "Wifi is required"
+UPDATE_CHECK_DB = "Checking Database"
+UPDATE_PLUGIN = "Updated Plugin"
+UPDATE_ERROR_DB = "Error downloading db.lua"
+UPDATE_NO_NEWS = "All the plugins are up to date"
+UPDATE_VITACHEAT_DB = "Update Cheats db for Vitacheat ?"
+UPDATE_VITACHEAT_DB_WRITE = "The files will be overwritten !!!"
+UPDATE_CHECK_VITACHEAT_DB = "Checking Vitacheat Database"
+--descriptions plugins
+INSTALLP_DESC_NONPDRM = "Allows you to bypass DRM protection on any PS Vita content"
+INSTALLP_DESC_MINIVITATV = "Allows you to play local multiplayer games on your PS Vita with up to 4 friends"
+INSTALLP_DESC_NOPSMDRM = "Allows you to bypass DRM protection on PSM game content"
+INSTALLP_DESC_VITABRIGHT = "Plugin enabling you to use a custom gamma table, and thus decrease brightness below the minimum, and increase it above the maximum"
+INSTALLP_DESC_NOAVLS = "Plugin that will permanantly disable AVLS on AVLS-Forced vitas"
+INSTALLP_DESC_REPATCH = "Allow the modding of encrypted games similar to ux0:patch and Enables usage of 3.67+ games on 3.60/65 HEN"
+INSTALLP_DESC_LOLICON = "Small vita shell ran from kernel that allows for actual overclocking"
+INSTALLP_DESC_DS3VITA = "Control your Vita using a DualShock 3"
+INSTALLP_DESC_DS4VITA = "Control your Vita using a DualShock 4"
+INSTALLP_DESC_UDCDUVC = "UVC device to stream its display over USB to your computer"
+INSTALLP_DESC_VIIMOTE = "Control your Vita using a WiiMote"
+INSTALLP_DESC_KUIO = "Allows user modules to access ux0:data for basic I/O operations. May be necessary for certain specific plugins"
+INSTALLP_DESC_ADRENALINE = "Allows you to run adrenaline with a single touch"
+INSTALLP_DESC_DSMOTION = "DualShock motion control support for PlayStation TV"
+INSTALLP_DESC_USBMC = "USB storage as Vita memory card"
+INSTALLP_DESC_ANALOGSENHANCER = "This little kernel plugin allows users to improve their experience with PSVITA analogs"
+INSTALLP_DESC_IOPLUS = "A PSVita kernel plugin that allows more IO operations in userland"
+INSTALLP_DESC_NOPSMWHITE = "Disables PSTV Whitelist for PSM Games"
+INSTALLP_DESC_ANALOGSTICK = "Plugin to completely disable PSVita's analog stick"
+INSTALLP_DESC_CIDSPOOF = "Spoof CID (ConsoleID) on PSVITA(Could possibly be used to unban your console from PSN)"
+INSTALLP_DESC_CUSTOMBOOTSPLASH = "This plugin can display Boot Splash on PS Vita/PSTV at boot. Require ENSO"
+INSTALLP_DESC_CONVERTBOOTSPLASH = "Set your splash image as custom boot splash ?"
+INSTALLP_DESC_NOFINDSPLASH = "Place the image of your choice at ux0:CustomBootsplash/\n(renamed to splash.png and resized to 960x544)"
+INSTALLP_DESC_SPLASHGH = "The size of the image should be: 960 * 544"
+INSTALLP_DESC_DENABLER = "Download files through your browser"
+INSTALLP_DESC_NOLOCKSCREEN = "Disables the lockscreen found on the PSVita"
+INSTALLP_DESC_NOTROPHYMSG = "Disables the trophy hint message when you launch application whose savedatas are linked to a different account. Useful if you constantly switch accounts"
+INSTALLP_DESC_CUSTOMWARNING = "Allows you to set a custom warning message instead of the epilepsy warning when you bootup with ENSO"
+INSTALLP_DESC_SHELLBAT = "Battery percent in statusbar"
+INSTALLP_DESC_SHELLSECBAT = "Battery percent in statusbar: ShellBat and LastSeconds fusion"
+INSTALLP_DESC_PNGSHOT = "pngshot is a plugin to make screenshots great again (.PNG)"
+INSTALLP_DESC_VFLUX = "Screen filter plugin for PS Vita"
+INSTALLP_DESC_AUTOBOOT = "This plugin simply auto-launch an application right after enso startup like AutoStart used to do on PSP"
+INSTALLP_DESC_VSHMENU = "A VSH menu taiHEN plugin for the PS VITA games and homebrews"
+INSTALLP_DESC_VITAGRAFIX = "Plugin that allows you to change resolution and FPS cap of PS Vita games"
+INSTALLP_DESC_OVERCLOCK = "Simple Overclock Plugin for Taihen"
+INSTALLP_DESC_FRAMECOUNTER = "This is a little plugin that works as an FPS counter. It will show an FPS counter on the top left side of your screen."
+INSTALLP_DESC_VGI = "A simple taihen plugin that prints useful information about PS Vita games."
+INSTALLP_DESC_FUCKPSSE = "A plugin to decrypt PSM games"
+INSTALLP_DESC_PSMPATCH = "Allows you to modify PSM Games, and also can be used to load PSM Homebrew."
+INSTALLP_DESC_ITLSENSO = "Adds TLS v1.2 to Enso enabled devices(requires vpk of the application)."
+INSTALLP_DESC_TROPHAX = "Universal trophy unlocker for PSVITA."
diff --git a/lang/english_us.txt b/lang/english_us.txt
index 4759b7c0..5bb0fd6a 100644
--- a/lang/english_us.txt
+++ b/lang/english_us.txt
@@ -21,8 +21,10 @@ MENU_INSTALL_NPDRMFREE = "Install plugin npdrm free from qwikrazor87 (Adrena
MENU_INSTALL_CONFIG = "Install config.txt for PKGJ v0.43+"
MENU_INSTALL_REMASTERED_CTRLS = "Install RemasteredControls plugins from Theflow (Adrenaline)"
MENU_CHECK_ONLINEP = "Check for Plugins Updates"
+MENU_QENCORE = "Install Q-Encore by Yoti (Warning: h-encore must already be installed)"
MENU_EXIT = "Exit"
MENU_INSTALLED_CONFIG = "ux0:pkgi/config.txt for pkgj have been installed !!!"
+MENU_INSTALLED_QENCORE = "Q-Encore have been installed !!!"
--install sd2vita
SD2VITA_1_WARNING = "To install Storage Manager plugin Your sd2vita MUST be ready"
diff --git a/menu.lua b/menu.lua
index fb512e53..b7aae740 100644
--- a/menu.lua
+++ b/menu.lua
@@ -33,6 +33,15 @@ local onlineplugins_callback = function ()
+local qencore_callback = function ()
+ if back then back:blit(0,0) end
+ files.copy("resources/qencore/system.dat", "ux0:user/00/savedata/PCSG90096")
+ os.delay(250)
+ power.restart()
local exit_callback = function ()
if change then
@@ -55,6 +64,9 @@ local menu = {
--Online plugins
{ text = MENU_CHECK_ONLINEP, funct = onlineplugins_callback },
+--Q-encore install
+ { text = MENU_QENCORE, funct = qencore_callback },
{ text = MENU_EXIT, funct = exit_callback }
diff --git a/resources/pkgj/config.txt b/resources/pkgj/config.txt
index 1ea28c33..2b3b4c55 100644
--- a/resources/pkgj/config.txt
+++ b/resources/pkgj/config.txt
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ url_dlcs http://nopaystation.com/tsv/PSV_DLCS.tsv
url_psx_games http://nopaystation.com/tsv/PSX_GAMES.tsv
url_psp_games http://nopaystation.com/tsv/PSP_GAMES.tsv
url_psm_games http://nopaystation.com/tsv/PSM_GAMES.tsv
-url_comppack https://gitlab.com/nopaystation_repos/nps_compati_packs/raw/master/
+url_comppack http://proxy.nopaystation.com/https://gitlab.com/nopaystation_repos/nps_compati_packs/raw/master/
install_psp_psx_location ux0:
psm_disclaimer_yes_i_read_the_readme NoPsmDrm
sort name
diff --git a/sce_sys/livearea/contents/template.xml b/sce_sys/livearea/contents/template.xml
index ff08ea70..b606e015 100644
--- a/sce_sys/livearea/contents/template.xml
+++ b/sce_sys/livearea/contents/template.xml
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
- v3.61
+ v3.63
diff --git a/sce_sys/param.sfo b/sce_sys/param.sfo
index 82cf14b8..e5ff4d69 100644
Binary files a/sce_sys/param.sfo and b/sce_sys/param.sfo differ