diff --git a/git/shared.lua b/git/shared.lua
index 891a6101..5073c440 100644
--- a/git/shared.lua
+++ b/git/shared.lua
@@ -4,5 +4,5 @@ APP_REPO = "theheroGAC"
APP_PROJECT = "Autoplugin"
APP_VERSION_MAJOR = 0x03 -- major.minor
APP_VERSION = ((APP_VERSION_MAJOR << 0x18) | (APP_VERSION_MINOR << 0x10)) -- Union Binary
diff --git a/lang/SPANISH.txt b/lang/SPANISH.txt
index 564a6201..c9e127ac 100644
--- a/lang/SPANISH.txt
+++ b/lang/SPANISH.txt
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ MENU_CONVERTBOOTSPLASH = "Activar imagen para el Custom Boot Splash"
MENU_INSTALL_NPDRMFREE = "Instalar plugin npdrm free de Qwik (Adrenaline)"
MENU_INSTALL_CONFIG = "Instalar config.txt para PKGJ v0.37+"
MENU_INSTALL_REMASTERED_CTRLS = "Instalar Remastered Controls plugins de Theflow (Adrenaline)"
+MENU_CHECK_ONLINEP = "Buscar Actualizaciones de Plugins"
MENU_EXIT = "Salir"
MENU_INSTALLED_CONFIG = "¡¡¡ ux0:pkgi/config.txt para pkgj ha sido instalado !!!"
@@ -41,6 +42,7 @@ INSTALLP_SQUARE_MARK = "[] : Para seleccionar plugins individuales"
INSTALLP_TRIANGLE_ALL = "△ : Para instalar TODOS los Plugins"
INSTALLP_SELECT_CLEAN = "SELECT : Para limpiar los plugins seleccionados"
INSTALLP_LR_SWAP = "L/R : Para cambiar entre ux0/ur0"
+INSTALLP_CUSTOM_PATH = "△ : Instalación de plugins"
INSTALLP_VITABRIGHT_360 = "Vitabright SOLO funciona en 3.60/H-Encore 3.68"
INSTALLP_CWARNING_360_365 = "Custom Warning no funciona en 3.67/3.68"
@@ -79,6 +81,17 @@ PSPCTRLS_LR_SWAP = "L/R : Cambiar de Partición"
PSPCTRLS_GAME_UPDATED = "game.txt actualizado"
PSPCTRLS_DESCP = "Colección de parches analógicos duales para juegos de PSP en Adrenaline"
+--plugins online
+UPDATE_WIFI_LOW = "Wifi SEñal Baja"
+UPDATE_WIFI_IS_ON = "Wifi es requerido"
+UPDATE_CHECK_DB = "Revisando Base de Datos"
+UPDATE_PLUGIN = "Plugin Actualizado"
+UPDATE_ERROR_DB = "Error al descargar db.lua"
+UPDATE_NO_NEWS = "Todos los plugins están actualizados"
+UPDATE_VITACHEAT_DB = "Actualizar Base de Cheats para Vitacheat ?"
+UPDATE_VITACHEAT_DB_WRITE = "Los archivos serán sobre-escritos !!!"
+UPDATE_CHECK_VITACHEAT_DB = "Revisando Base de Datos Vitacheat"
--descriptions plugins
INSTALLP_DESC_NONPDRM = "Permite evitar la protección DRM en cualquier contenido de PS Vita"
diff --git a/lang/english_us.txt b/lang/english_us.txt
index 89e67d59..768b5bae 100644
--- a/lang/english_us.txt
+++ b/lang/english_us.txt
@@ -88,6 +88,9 @@ UPDATE_CHECK_DB = "Checking Database"
UPDATE_PLUGIN = "Updated Plugin"
UPDATE_ERROR_DB = "Error downloading db.lua"
UPDATE_NO_NEWS = "All the plugins are up to date"
+UPDATE_VITACHEAT_DB = "Update Cheats db for Vitacheat ?"
+UPDATE_VITACHEAT_DB_WRITE = "The files will be overwritten !!!"
+UPDATE_CHECK_VITACHEAT_DB = "Checking Vitacheat Database"
--descriptions plugins
diff --git a/sce_sys/livearea/contents/template.xml b/sce_sys/livearea/contents/template.xml
index dc9ef724..24bf4fd5 100644
--- a/sce_sys/livearea/contents/template.xml
+++ b/sce_sys/livearea/contents/template.xml
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
- v3.51
+ v3.52
diff --git a/sce_sys/param.sfo b/sce_sys/param.sfo
index 070cf66f..9190c80b 100644
Binary files a/sce_sys/param.sfo and b/sce_sys/param.sfo differ
diff --git a/scripts/commons.lua b/scripts/commons.lua
index 6e011e3a..39265687 100644
--- a/scripts/commons.lua
+++ b/scripts/commons.lua
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ function message_wait(message)
local mge = (message or STRING_PLEASE_WAIT)
local titlew = string.format(mge)
local w,h = screen.textwidth(titlew,1) + 30,70
- local x,y = 480 - (w/2), 272 - (h/2)
+ local x,y = 480 - (w/2), 242 - (h/2)
draw.fillrect(x,y,w,h, color.shine)
diff --git a/scripts/onlinep.lua b/scripts/onlinep.lua
index 1d312c88..c1d26098 100644
--- a/scripts/onlinep.lua
+++ b/scripts/onlinep.lua
@@ -52,6 +52,49 @@ function plugins_online()
if back then back:blit(0,0) end
+ os.delay(1500)
+ end
+ --Check db for vitacheat
+ tai.load()
+ local find_vitacheat = false
+ if tai[__UX0].exist then
+ local idx = tai.find(__UX0, "KERNEL", "vitacheat.skprx")
+ if idx then find_vitacheat = true end
+ elseif tai[__UR0].exist then
+ local idx = tai.find(__UR0, "KERNEL", "vitacheat.skprx")
+ if idx then find_vitacheat = true end
+ if find_vitacheat then
+ if os.message(UPDATE_VITACHEAT_DB.."\n\n "..UPDATE_VITACHEAT_DB_WRITE, 1) == 1 then
+ if back then back:blit(0,0) end
+ os.delay(1500)
+ if http.getfile("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/r0ah/vitacheat/master/LIST.md", "ux0:data/AUTOPLUGIN/tmp/LIST.md") then
+ --Parse list.md
+ for line in io.lines("ux0:data/AUTOPLUGIN/tmp/LIST.md") do
+ local url = line:match("(http.+psv)")
+ if url then
+ url = string.gsub(url, "github.com", "raw.githubusercontent.com"):gsub("blob/", "")
+ end
+ local gameid = line:match("%[(%w+)%]")
+ if gameid then
+ if http.getfile(url, "ux0:vitacheat/db/"..gameid..".psv") then
+ local title = line:match("> (.+)")
+ if back then back:blit(0,0) end
+ message_wait(tostring(gameid).."\n\n"..tostring(title))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scripts/sd2vita.lua b/scripts/sd2vita.lua
index 2bb72590..380c11e9 100644
--- a/scripts/sd2vita.lua
+++ b/scripts/sd2vita.lua
@@ -7,12 +7,13 @@ function sd2vita()
if back then back:blit(0,0) end
- screen.print(10,10,"1) "..SD2VITA_1_WARNING,1,color.white)
- screen.print(10,40,"2) "..SD2VITA_2_WARNING,1,color.white)
+ screen.print(480,30,SD2VITA_1_WARNING,1.1,color.green, color.black, __ACENTER)
- screen.print(10,80,"3) "..SD2VITA_3_WARNING,1,color.white)
- screen.print(10,100,"4) "..SD2VITA_4_WARNING,1,color.white)
- screen.print(10,120,"5) "..SD2VITA_5_WARNING,1,color.white)
+ screen.print(480,60,SD2VITA_2_WARNING,1,color.white, color.black, __ACENTER)
+ screen.print(480,100,SD2VITA_3_WARNING,1,color.red, color.black, __ACENTER)
+ screen.print(480,125,SD2VITA_4_WARNING,1,color.red, color.black, __ACENTER)
+ screen.print(480,150,SD2VITA_5_WARNING,1,color.white, color.black, __ACENTER)
if files.exists("gro0:") then
local device_info = os.devinfo("gro0:")