pod 'SocketIO-Client-CPP'
- Create a static library
- Copy the header files into xcode
Use the static libraries generated by the example project iOS example project
Create one for
- release iphoneos
- release simulator
- debug iphoneos
- debug simulator
Join the debug libraries and the release libraries with e.g.
libtool -static -o libUniversalRelease.a Release-iphoneos/libsioclient.a Release-iphonesimulator/libsioclient.a
libtool -static -o libUniversalDebug.a Debug-iphoneos/libsioclient.a Debug-iphonesimulator/libsioclient.a
Use this shell to download and build boost completely automattically. It installs boost to <shell folder>/prefix
See the iOS example project for how to integrate the rest.