- node.js v16
- IPFS Desktop/CLI (https://github.com/ipfs/ipfs-desktop/releases)
Let's try to run IPFS network on LAN network
we need to lookup IP address of our PC (let's say our main PC has local IP, and second testing device has IP
- after installing node and IPFS open IPFS's config file (~//.ipfs/config on Linux, or C:\Users<username>.ipfs\config on Windows)
- put following config
"API": {
"HTTPHeaders": {}
"Addresses": {
"API": "/ip4/",
"Announce": [],
"AppendAnnounce": null,
"Gateway": "/ip4/",
"NoAnnounce": [],
"Swarm": [
"AutoNAT": {},
"Bootstrap": [
"DNS": {
"Resolvers": {}
"Datastore": {
"BloomFilterSize": 0,
"GCPeriod": "1h",
"HashOnRead": false,
"Spec": {
"mounts": [
"child": {
"path": "blocks",
"shardFunc": "/repo/flatfs/shard/v1/next-to-last/2",
"sync": true,
"type": "flatfs"
"mountpoint": "/blocks",
"prefix": "flatfs.datastore",
"type": "measure"
"child": {
"compression": "none",
"path": "datastore",
"type": "levelds"
"mountpoint": "/",
"prefix": "leveldb.datastore",
"type": "measure"
"type": "mount"
"StorageGCWatermark": 90,
"StorageMax": "10GB"
"Discovery": {
"MDNS": {
"Enabled": true,
"Interval": 10
"Experimental": {
"AcceleratedDHTClient": false,
"FilestoreEnabled": false,
"GraphsyncEnabled": false,
"Libp2pStreamMounting": false,
"P2pHttpProxy": false,
"StrategicProviding": false,
"UrlstoreEnabled": false
"Gateway": {
"APICommands": [],
"HTTPHeaders": {
"Access-Control-Allow-Headers": [
"Access-Control-Allow-Methods": [
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin": [
"NoDNSLink": false,
"NoFetch": false,
"PathPrefixes": [],
"PublicGateways": null,
"RootRedirect": "",
"Writable": false
"Identity": {
"PeerID": "12D3KooWHHcwhVgQmnHvCgGAkRxRzUyNnr7g3ixNErUBeVJghGc9",
"PrivKey": "CAESQFGrvT1ZiA24xlMxSDMWzzJ4GFAb9+ZQ0Y7c9W/chJAJbv0yUgMnBDnMf+uYX2WRYmCIT3g82LpTk/a+1jP+J+I="
"Internal": {},
"Ipns": {
"RecordLifetime": "",
"RepublishPeriod": "",
"ResolveCacheSize": 128
"Migration": {
"DownloadSources": [],
"Keep": ""
"Mounts": {
"FuseAllowOther": false,
"IPFS": "/ipfs",
"IPNS": "/ipns"
"Peering": {
"Peers": null
"Pinning": {
"RemoteServices": {}
"Plugins": {
"Plugins": null
"Provider": {
"Strategy": ""
"Pubsub": {
"DisableSigning": false,
"Router": ""
"Reprovider": {
"Interval": "12h",
"Strategy": "all"
"Routing": {
"Type": "dht"
"Swarm": {
"AddrFilters": null,
"ConnMgr": {
"GracePeriod": "300s",
"HighWater": 300,
"LowWater": 50,
"Type": "basic"
"DisableBandwidthMetrics": false,
"DisableNatPortMap": false,
"RelayClient": {},
"RelayService": {},
"Transports": {
"Multiplexers": {},
"Network": {},
"Security": {}
where is IP of your IPFS server
let's configure frontend now
- install Angular CLI
npm install -g @angular/cli
- clone project
[email protected]:thecyberd3m0n/dPress.git
open src/environment.ts file
replace all with address of your IPFS server
remove "rootAdddress" string (make '' empty)
npm install
npm start -- --host=
after compilation app will available at
after first visit your Identity keys will be created and stored by the browser also OrbitDb database will be created go to "Debug info" page and copy your newly created address to "rootAddress" value in src/environment.ts
app will check the ownership of database and allow you to publish new articles
Articles will be pinned by your IPFS node. After visiting website from other ( device your articles should be loaded, but without permissions to add new articles.
Work in progress...