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144 lines (120 loc) · 5.41 KB


temo verb — Classical Nahuatl: [1] to descend, to go down.


Creates a colorful maze inspired by a famous one line C64 BASIC program (10 PRINT CHR$(205.5+RND(1)); : GOTO 10). Output is generated as a set of vector shapes in Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) format and printed on the standard output stream.


An installation of Python 3 (any version above v3.5 will do fine). For the optional PNG output support an installation of the cairosvg 3rd-party Python module is recommended. The module can be installed with Python's package manager:

pip --install cairosvg --user

Output Examples

Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 5 Figure 6 Figure 7


usage: [-V] [-h] [--columns INT] [--rows INT] [--scale FLOAT]
               [--random-seed INT] [--frame FLOAT] [--stroke-width FLOAT]
               [--background-color COLOR] [--hue-shift FLOAT]
               [--hue-shift-line FLOAT] [--best-path-width FLOAT]
               [--schotter-falloff {infinite,horizontal,vertical,radial,box,random}]
               [--schotter-inverse] [--schotter-rotation FLOAT]
               [--schotter-offset FLOAT] [-o FILENAME] [--output-size INT]

  -V, --version         show version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

  --columns INT         number of grid columns  [:11]
  --rows INT            number of grid rows  [:11]
  --scale FLOAT         base scale factor of the grid elements [:10.0]
  --random-seed INT     fixed initialization of the random number generator
                        for predictable results

  --frame FLOAT         increase or decrease spacing around the maze  [:20.0]
  --stroke-width FLOAT  width of the generated strokes  [:2.0]
  --background-color COLOR
                        SVG compliant color specification or identifier; adds
                        a background <rect> to the SVG output
  --hue-shift FLOAT     amount to rotate an imaginary color wheel before
                        looking up new colors (in degrees)  [:15.0]
  --hue-shift-line FLOAT
                        separate hue shift for continuous lines; if not passed
                        `--hue-shift' applies too
  --best-path-width FLOAT
                        show the best (aka the longest) path through the maze
                        and set width of its marker line

  --schotter-falloff {infinite,horizontal,vertical,radial,box,random}
                        enable `George Nees'-style randomizing rotations and
                        offsets of the maze's line segments
  --schotter-inverse    flip the schotter mapping of the selected mode
  --schotter-rotation FLOAT
                        rotational variance for schottering  [:0.5]
  --schotter-offset FLOAT
                        positional variance for schottering  [:0.25]

  -o FILENAME, --output FILENAME
                        optionally rasterize the generated vector paths and
                        write the result into a PNG file (requires the
                        `svgcairo' Python module)
  --output-size INT     force pixel width of the raster image, height is
                        automatically calculated; if omitted the generated SVG
                        viewbox dimensions are used

Usage Examples

# Generate a SVG file
./ --columns=8 --rows=5 > output.svg

# Rasterize directly into a PNG file (requires "cairosvg")
./ --hue-shift=4 -o output.png
# One Tiny Worm in its Home
./ \
	-o "tinyworm.png"      \
	--output-size=320      \
	--stroke-width=1       \
	--hue-shift=15         \
	--hue-shift-line=0     \
	--best-path-width=2    \
	--rows=3               \
	--columns=3            \
# Preview output with ImageMagick's "convert" and (Mac OS X)
./ --random-seed=12345 | convert svg:- png:- | open -f -a

# Preview output with ImageMagick's "convert" and "display" (Linux/BSD/etc.)
./ --random-seed=12345 | convert svg:- png:- | display


1.3 09-Jul-2020
  • Added support for various 'schotter' modes
1.2 21-Jun-2020
  • Added `--best-path-width` option to ignite a simple solver to find and visualize the longest path through the generated maze (aka "the worm")
  • Fixed missing handling of user input for hue shift in continuous lines and added `--hue-shift-line` option for further fine tuning of the effect
  • Various code improvements
1.1 19-Jun-2020 Initial public source code release