diff --git a/Our_World_in_Data_logo.png b/Our_World_in_Data_logo.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d70b6f6
Binary files /dev/null and b/Our_World_in_Data_logo.png differ
diff --git a/data/happiness-cantril-ladder.csv b/data/happiness-cantril-ladder.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bfafb53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/happiness-cantril-ladder.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,1524 @@
+Entity,Code,Year,Cantril ladder score
+Bosnia and Herzegovina,BIH,2022,5.6325
+Bosnia and Herzegovina,BIH,2021,5.768
+Bosnia and Herzegovina,BIH,2020,5.8131
+Bosnia and Herzegovina,BIH,2019,5.6741
+Bosnia and Herzegovina,BIH,2018,5.3865
+Bosnia and Herzegovina,BIH,2017,5.1294
+Bosnia and Herzegovina,BIH,2016,5.182
+Bosnia and Herzegovina,BIH,2015,5.163
+Bosnia and Herzegovina,BIH,2014,4.949
+Bosnia and Herzegovina,BIH,2011,4.857435
+Burkina Faso,BFA,2022,4.6376
+Burkina Faso,BFA,2021,4.6705
+Burkina Faso,BFA,2020,4.8338
+Burkina Faso,BFA,2019,4.7687
+Burkina Faso,BFA,2018,4.5868
+Burkina Faso,BFA,2017,4.4244
+Burkina Faso,BFA,2016,4.032
+Burkina Faso,BFA,2015,3.739
+Burkina Faso,BFA,2014,3.587
+Burkina Faso,BFA,2011,3.926028
+Central African Republic,CAF,2019,3.4759
+Central African Republic,CAF,2018,3.083
+Central African Republic,CAF,2017,3.083
+Central African Republic,CAF,2016,2.693
+Central African Republic,CAF,2014,3.678
+Central African Republic,CAF,2011,3.567892
+Costa Rica,CRI,2022,6.6085
+Costa Rica,CRI,2021,6.582
+Costa Rica,CRI,2020,7.0694
+Costa Rica,CRI,2019,7.1214
+Costa Rica,CRI,2018,7.1674
+Costa Rica,CRI,2017,7.0717
+Costa Rica,CRI,2016,7.079
+Costa Rica,CRI,2015,7.087
+Costa Rica,CRI,2014,7.226
+Costa Rica,CRI,2011,7.251115
+Cote d'Ivoire,CIV,2022,5.0527
+Cote d'Ivoire,CIV,2021,5.2346
+Cote d'Ivoire,CIV,2020,5.306
+Cote d'Ivoire,CIV,2019,5.2333
+Cote d'Ivoire,CIV,2018,4.9438
+Cote d'Ivoire,CIV,2017,4.6712
+Cote d'Ivoire,CIV,2016,4.18
+Cote d'Ivoire,CIV,2015,3.916
+Cote d'Ivoire,CIV,2014,3.655
+Cote d'Ivoire,CIV,2011,4.197182
+Democratic Republic of Congo,COD,2022,3.2072
+Democratic Republic of Congo,COD,2019,4.311
+Democratic Republic of Congo,COD,2018,4.4181
+Democratic Republic of Congo,COD,2017,4.2449
+Democratic Republic of Congo,COD,2016,4.28
+Democratic Republic of Congo,COD,2015,4.272
+Democratic Republic of Congo,COD,2014,4.517
+Democratic Republic of Congo,COD,2011,3.983849
+Dominican Republic,DOM,2022,5.5689
+Dominican Republic,DOM,2021,5.7372
+Dominican Republic,DOM,2020,5.5451
+Dominican Republic,DOM,2019,5.6892
+Dominican Republic,DOM,2018,5.4253
+Dominican Republic,DOM,2017,5.3018
+Dominican Republic,DOM,2016,5.23
+Dominican Republic,DOM,2015,5.155
+Dominican Republic,DOM,2014,4.885
+Dominican Republic,DOM,2011,5.036006
+El Salvador,SLV,2022,6.1216
+El Salvador,SLV,2021,6.12
+El Salvador,SLV,2020,6.0605
+El Salvador,SLV,2019,6.3483
+El Salvador,SLV,2018,6.2531
+El Salvador,SLV,2017,6.1668
+El Salvador,SLV,2016,6.003
+El Salvador,SLV,2015,6.068
+El Salvador,SLV,2014,6.13
+El Salvador,SLV,2011,5.955841
+Hong Kong,HKG,2022,5.3085
+Hong Kong,HKG,2021,5.4248
+Hong Kong,HKG,2020,5.4767
+Hong Kong,HKG,2019,5.5104
+Hong Kong,HKG,2018,5.4304
+Hong Kong,HKG,2017,5.4304
+Hong Kong,HKG,2016,5.472
+Hong Kong,HKG,2015,5.458
+Hong Kong,HKG,2014,5.474
+Hong Kong,HKG,2011,5.423889
+New Zealand,NZL,2022,7.1229
+New Zealand,NZL,2021,7.1998
+New Zealand,NZL,2020,7.2766
+New Zealand,NZL,2019,7.2996
+New Zealand,NZL,2018,7.3075
+New Zealand,NZL,2017,7.3238
+New Zealand,NZL,2016,7.314
+New Zealand,NZL,2015,7.334
+New Zealand,NZL,2014,7.286
+New Zealand,NZL,2011,7.372486
+North Macedonia,MKD,2022,5.2536
+North Macedonia,MKD,2021,5.199
+North Macedonia,MKD,2020,5.1012
+North Macedonia,MKD,2019,5.1598
+North Macedonia,MKD,2018,5.2736
+North Macedonia,MKD,2017,5.1848
+North Macedonia,MKD,2016,5.175
+North Macedonia,MKD,2015,5.121
+North Macedonia,MKD,2014,5.007
+North Macedonia,MKD,2011,4.369255
+Northern Cyprus,OWID_CYN,2021,5.4666
+Northern Cyprus,OWID_CYN,2020,5.5355
+Northern Cyprus,OWID_CYN,2019,5.5355
+Northern Cyprus,OWID_CYN,2018,5.7177
+Northern Cyprus,OWID_CYN,2017,5.8348
+Northern Cyprus,OWID_CYN,2016,5.81
+Northern Cyprus,OWID_CYN,2015,5.771
+Northern Cyprus,OWID_CYN,2014,5.695
+Puerto Rico,PRI,2015,7.039
+Puerto Rico,PRI,2011,6.592634
+Saudi Arabia,SAU,2022,6.4626
+Saudi Arabia,SAU,2021,6.5228
+Saudi Arabia,SAU,2020,6.494
+Saudi Arabia,SAU,2019,6.4065
+Saudi Arabia,SAU,2018,6.3747
+Saudi Arabia,SAU,2017,6.3709
+Saudi Arabia,SAU,2016,6.344
+Saudi Arabia,SAU,2015,6.379
+Saudi Arabia,SAU,2014,6.411
+Saudi Arabia,SAU,2011,6.597326
+Sierra Leone,SLE,2022,3.1376
+Sierra Leone,SLE,2021,3.574
+Sierra Leone,SLE,2020,3.8494
+Sierra Leone,SLE,2019,3.9264
+Sierra Leone,SLE,2018,4.3742
+Sierra Leone,SLE,2017,4.5706
+Sierra Leone,SLE,2016,4.709
+Sierra Leone,SLE,2015,4.635
+Sierra Leone,SLE,2014,4.507
+Sierra Leone,SLE,2011,3.585802
+South Africa,ZAF,2022,5.2746
+South Africa,ZAF,2021,5.1939
+South Africa,ZAF,2020,4.9564
+South Africa,ZAF,2019,4.8141
+South Africa,ZAF,2018,4.7222
+South Africa,ZAF,2017,4.724
+South Africa,ZAF,2016,4.829
+South Africa,ZAF,2015,4.459
+South Africa,ZAF,2014,4.642
+South Africa,ZAF,2011,5.10052
+South Korea,KOR,2022,5.9511
+South Korea,KOR,2021,5.9351
+South Korea,KOR,2020,5.8455
+South Korea,KOR,2019,5.8724
+South Korea,KOR,2018,5.8947
+South Korea,KOR,2017,5.8749
+South Korea,KOR,2016,5.838
+South Korea,KOR,2015,5.835
+South Korea,KOR,2014,5.984
+South Korea,KOR,2011,5.643442
+South Sudan,SSD,2019,2.8166
+South Sudan,SSD,2018,2.8526
+South Sudan,SSD,2017,3.2542
+South Sudan,SSD,2016,3.591
+South Sudan,SSD,2015,3.832
+Sri Lanka,LKA,2022,4.4416
+Sri Lanka,LKA,2021,4.3622
+Sri Lanka,LKA,2020,4.325
+Sri Lanka,LKA,2019,4.327
+Sri Lanka,LKA,2018,4.3659
+Sri Lanka,LKA,2017,4.4706
+Sri Lanka,LKA,2016,4.44
+Sri Lanka,LKA,2015,4.415
+Sri Lanka,LKA,2014,4.271
+Sri Lanka,LKA,2011,4.25961
+Trinidad and Tobago,TTO,2019,6.1919
+Trinidad and Tobago,TTO,2018,6.1919
+Trinidad and Tobago,TTO,2017,6.1919
+Trinidad and Tobago,TTO,2016,6.168
+Trinidad and Tobago,TTO,2015,6.168
+Trinidad and Tobago,TTO,2014,6.168
+Trinidad and Tobago,TTO,2011,6.262625
+United Arab Emirates,ARE,2022,6.5712
+United Arab Emirates,ARE,2021,6.576
+United Arab Emirates,ARE,2020,6.5605
+United Arab Emirates,ARE,2019,6.7908
+United Arab Emirates,ARE,2018,6.8245
+United Arab Emirates,ARE,2017,6.7741
+United Arab Emirates,ARE,2016,6.648
+United Arab Emirates,ARE,2015,6.573
+United Arab Emirates,ARE,2014,6.901
+United Arab Emirates,ARE,2011,6.977243
+United Kingdom,GBR,2022,6.7956
+United Kingdom,GBR,2021,6.9425
+United Kingdom,GBR,2020,7.0636
+United Kingdom,GBR,2019,7.1645
+United Kingdom,GBR,2018,7.0537
+United Kingdom,GBR,2017,6.8143
+United Kingdom,GBR,2016,6.714
+United Kingdom,GBR,2015,6.725
+United Kingdom,GBR,2014,6.867
+United Kingdom,GBR,2011,6.936396
+United States,USA,2022,6.8937
+United States,USA,2021,6.9768
+United States,USA,2020,6.9515
+United States,USA,2019,6.9396
+United States,USA,2018,6.8923
+United States,USA,2017,6.886
+United States,USA,2016,6.993
+United States,USA,2015,7.104
+United States,USA,2014,7.119
+United States,USA,2011,7.270243
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diff --git a/index.Rmd b/index.Rmd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e4a6eaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/index.Rmd
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+title: "Replicating the Our World in Data Grapher"
+ html_document:
+ theme: united
+**GOAL**: Use R to replicate [this set of interactive tables and charts](https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/happiness-cantril-ladder){target="_blank"} from Our World in Data on life satisfaction across countries.
+```{r include = F}
+knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE, message = FALSE, warning = FALSE)
+# Load packages
+if(!require(pacman)) install.packages("pacman")
+pacman::p_load(plotly, tidyverse, reactable, here, scales)
+## Import data
+cantril <-
+ read_csv(here("data/happiness-cantril-ladder.csv")) %>%
+ rename(Country = Entity)
+# Self-reported life satisfaction, 2011 to 2022
+โPlease imagine a ladder, with steps numbered from 0 at the bottom to 10 at the top. The top of the ladder represents the best possible life for you and the bottom of the ladder represents the worst possible life for you. On which step of the ladder would you say you personally feel you stand at this time?โ
+# {.tabset}
+## ๐ข Table
+# In this tab, you will need to create a table with the following columns:
+# Country, `2011`, `2022`, Absolute change, and Relative change.
+# You should:
+# 1. Use `select` to drop the Code column from the `cantril` data as it is not needed in the table.
+# 2. Filter the `cantril` data frame to just the years 2011 and 2022.
+# 3. Use the `pivot_wider` function to create the columns for 2011 and 2022.
+# (You may need backticks around column names with spaces or which start with numbers.)
+# 4. Use the `mutate` function to calculate the Absolute change and Relative change.
+# 5. Also with `mutate`, you should round your numbers to appropriate decimal places.
+# 6. Then use scales::percent to format the Relative change as a percentage.
+# 7. Use the `reactable` function to create and output the table.
+## ๐ Map
+# This code is already done for you. You don't need to change anything here.
+# But if you change any of the column names, or something else with the data,
+# you may need to adjust the code below.
+cantril %>%
+ mutate(`Cantril ladder score` = round(`Cantril ladder score`, 2)) %>%
+ plotly::plot_geo(width = 940) %>%
+ add_trace(
+ z = ~`Cantril ladder score`,
+ color = ~`Cantril ladder score`,
+ locations = ~Code,
+ text = ~Country,
+ frame = ~Year, colors = "YlGn"
+ ) %>%
+ colorbar(title = NULL)
+## ๐ Simple Chart
+# In this tab, create a simple line chart of the Cantril score over time for a few countries.
+# You should follow these steps:
+# 1. Filter the cantril data to just 4 to 8 countries you want to highlight
+# 2. Use ggplot to create a line chart of the Cantril score over time, with different colors for each country
+# 3. Use geom_line to create the lines
+# 4. Use scale_y_continuous to set the y-axis limits to 0 and 10.
+# 5. Use labs to create neat labels for the chart
+# 6. Use theme_minimal to set the theme.
+# 7. Finally, use ggplotly to convert the ggplot chart to a plotly chart
+## ๐ Advanced Chart
+One problem with the simple chart on the previous tab is that the countries are fixed. It would be better if the user could select the countries they want to see. This is not possible with `plotly` alone, but with the `crosstalk` package and some custom JavaScript, we can achieve this, as demonstrated below.
+This is simply a demonstration for you, you do not need to work on this for your assignment. You may want to come back to this when you need such functionality in your own projects.
+For more information on how we achieved this, see [this Stack Overflow question](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67058016/how-to-set-default-values-in-filter-select-in-crosstalk-in-r-plotly).
+pacman::p_load(crosstalk, plotly)
+# Crosstalk shared data object
+# This allows the filter to interact with the plot
+shared_cantril_data <- highlight_key(cantril)
+cantril_plotly <- plot_ly(
+ shared_cantril_data,
+ x = ~Year,
+ y = ~`Cantril ladder score`,
+ color = ~Country,
+ type = "scatter",
+ mode = "lines+markers"
+) %>%
+ layout(yaxis = list(range = c(0, 10)))
+country_filter <- filter_select(
+ "country_filter",
+ "Select a country to examine",
+ shared_cantril_data,
+ ~Country,
+ multiple = TRUE
+# Output the filter and the plot
+ list(country_filter, cantril_plotly)
+# {.unlisted}
+Data source: World Happiness Report
+[OurWorldInData.org/happiness-and-life-satisfaction](https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/happiness-cantril-ladder) | CC BY
diff --git a/index.html b/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3eb70fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,3000 @@
+Replicating the Our World in Data Grapher
GOAL: Use R to replicate this set of interactive tables and charts from Our
+World in Data on life satisfaction across countries.
Self-reported life satisfaction, 2011 to 2022
โPlease imagine a ladder, with steps numbered from 0 at the bottom to
+10 at the top. The top of the ladder represents the best possible life
+for you and the bottom of the ladder represents the worst possible life
+for you. On which step of the ladder would you say you personally feel
+you stand at this time?โ
๐ข Table
๐ Simple Chart
๐ Advanced Chart
One problem with the simple chart on the previous tab is that the
+countries are fixed. It would be better if the user could select the
+countries they want to see. This is not possible with
alone, but with the crosstalk
+and some custom JavaScript, we can achieve this, as demonstrated
This is simply a demonstration for you, you do not need to work on
+this for your assignment. You may want to come back to this when you
+need such functionality in your own projects.
For more information on how we achieved this, see this
+Stack Overflow question.
diff --git a/rmc_life_satisfaction_webpage.Rproj b/rmc_life_satisfaction_webpage.Rproj
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+++ b/rmc_life_satisfaction_webpage.Rproj
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+Version: 1.0
+RestoreWorkspace: Default
+SaveWorkspace: Default
+AlwaysSaveHistory: Default
+EnableCodeIndexing: Yes
+UseSpacesForTab: Yes
+NumSpacesForTab: 2
+Encoding: UTF-8
+RnwWeave: Sweave
+LaTeX: pdfLaTeX
diff --git a/week_03_workshop_instructions.Rmd b/week_03_workshop_instructions.Rmd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d727f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/week_03_workshop_instructions.Rmd
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+title: "Workshop Instructions"
+subtitle: "Interactive Plots and Web Publishing with RMarkdown"
+author: "The GRAPH Courses Team"
+output: prettydoc::html_pretty
+## Workshop Goal
+Our goal is to use R to replicate [this set of interactive tables and charts](https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/happiness-cantril-ladder){target="_blank"} from Our World in Data on life satisfaction.
+Our World in Data creates gold-standard visualizations and data analysis. They provide a wealth of data on global trends and long-term changes.
+## Getting Started
+- Fork, then clone this repository: [https://github.com/the-graph-courses/rmc_life_satisfaction_webpage](https://github.com/the-graph-courses/rmc_life_satisfaction_webpage){target="_blank"}.
+- Open the `index.Rmd` file. This file contains the skeleton for your assignment.
+- Follow the instructions to complete the "Table" and "Simple Chart" tabs.
+## Submission
+- When finished, render your HTML, push your changes to GitHub and enable GitHub Pages for the repository.
+- Submit the link to the deployed website (the link will probably look something like this: `https://YOUR-USERNAME.github.io/NAME_OF_YOUR_REPO/`). Make sure it works before submitting.
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new file mode 100644
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+++ b/week_03_workshop_instructions.html
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+R Masterclass Workshop Instructions
+- You donโt need to replicate all the aesthetic features of the page.
+Focus on the core features: three tabs with a table, map, and
+- Although you will collaborate with your peers during the workshop,
+you will submit your own work.
Publishing to GitHub Pages
When finished, render your HTML and push your changes to GitHub and
+enable GitHub Pages for the repository.
Submit the link to the deployed website (the link will probably look
+something like this:
). Make
+sure it works before submitting.