diff --git a/pokemonred_puffer/sweep.py b/pokemonred_puffer/sweep.py
index 31ac840..e4f5b4a 100644
--- a/pokemonred_puffer/sweep.py
+++ b/pokemonred_puffer/sweep.py
@@ -91,10 +91,25 @@ def launch_sweep(
             "N.B. The sweep and base config MUST BE THE SAME"
     ] = None,
+    dry_run: Annotated[bool, typer.Option(help="Attempts to start CARBS, but not wandb")] = False,
     console = Console()
     if not sweep_id:
         params = sweep_config_to_params(base_config, sweep_config)
+        for param in params:
+            print(f"Checking param: {param}")
+            assert (
+                param.space.min
+                < param.search_center - param.space.scale
+                < param.search_center + param.space.scale
+                < param.space.max
+            ), (
+                f"{param.space.min} < "
+                f"{param.search_center} - {param.space.scale} "
+                f"< {param.search_center} + {param.space.scale} "
+                f"< {param.space.max}"
+            )
         config = CARBSParams(
@@ -104,84 +119,91 @@ def launch_sweep(
         carbs = CARBS(config=config, params=params)
-        sweep_id = wandb.sweep(
-            sweep={
-                "name": sweep_name,
-                "controller": {"type": "local"},
-                "parameters": {p.name: {"min": p.space.min, "max": p.space.max} for p in params},
-                "metric": {
-                    "name": "environment/stats/required_count",
-                    "goal": "maximize",
-                    "goal_value": 100,
+        if not dry_run:
+            sweep_id = wandb.sweep(
+                sweep={
+                    "name": sweep_name,
+                    "controller": {"type": "local"},
+                    "parameters": {
+                        p.name: {"min": p.space.min, "max": p.space.max} for p in params
+                    },
+                    "metric": {
+                        "name": "environment/stats/required_count",
+                        "goal": "maximize",
+                        "goal_value": 100,
+                    },
+                    "command": ["${args_json}"],
-                "command": ["${args_json}"],
-            },
-            entity=base_config.wandb.entity,
-            project=base_config.wandb.project,
-        )
+                entity=base_config.wandb.entity,
+                project=base_config.wandb.project,
+            )
         carbs = CARBS.warm_start_from_wandb(run_name=sweep_id, is_prior_observation_valid=True)
     import pprint
-    sweep = wandb.controller(sweep_id)
-    console.print(f"Beginning sweep with id {sweep_id}", style="bold")
-    console.print(
-        f"On all nodes please run python -m pokemonred_puffer.sweep launch-agent {sweep_id}",
-        style="bold",
-    )
-    finished = []
-    while not sweep.done():
-        # Taken from sweep.schedule. Limits runs to only one at a time.
-        # Only one run will be scheduled at a time
-        sweep._step()
-        if not (sweep._controller and sweep._controller.get("schedule")):
-            suggestion = carbs.suggest()
-            run = sweeps.SweepRun(
-                config={k: {"value": v} for k, v in suggestion.suggestion.items()}
-            )
-            sweep.schedule(run)
-        # without this nothing updates...
-        sweep_obj = sweep._sweep_obj
-        if runs := sweep_obj["runs"]:
-            for run in runs:
-                if run["state"] == RunState.running.value:
-                    pass
-                elif (
-                    run["state"]
-                    in [
-                        RunState.failed.value,
-                        RunState.finished.value,
-                        RunState.crashed.value,
-                    ]
-                    and run["name"] not in finished
-                ):
-                    finished.append(run["name"])
-                    if summaryMetrics_json := run.get("summaryMetrics", None):
-                        summary_metrics = json.loads(summaryMetrics_json)
-                        if (
-                            "environment/stats/required_count" in summary_metrics
-                            and "performance/uptime" in summary_metrics
-                        ):
-                            obs_in = ObservationInParam(
-                                input={
-                                    k: v["value"]
-                                    for k, v in json.loads(run["config"]).items()
-                                    if k != "wandb_version"
-                                },
-                                # TODO: try out other stats like required count
-                                output=summary_metrics["environment/stats/required_count"],
-                                cost=summary_metrics["performance/uptime"],
-                            )
-                            carbs.observe(obs_in)
-                            # Because wandb stages the artifacts we have to keep these files
-                            # dangling around wasting good disk space.
-                            # carbs.save_to_file(hash(tuple(finished)) + ".pt", upload_to_wandb=True)
-                elif run["state"] == RunState.pending:
-                    print(f"PENDING RUN FOUND {run['name']}")
-        sweep.print_status()
+    if not dry_run:
+        sweep = wandb.controller(sweep_id)
+        console.print(f"Beginning sweep with id {sweep_id}", style="bold")
+        console.print(
+            f"On all nodes please run python -m pokemonred_puffer.sweep launch-agent {sweep_id}",
+            style="bold",
+        )
+        finished = []
+        while not sweep.done():
+            # Taken from sweep.schedule. Limits runs to only one at a time.
+            # Only one run will be scheduled at a time
+            sweep._step()
+            if not (sweep._controller and sweep._controller.get("schedule")):
+                suggestion = carbs.suggest()
+                run = sweeps.SweepRun(
+                    config={k: {"value": v} for k, v in suggestion.suggestion.items()}
+                )
+                sweep.schedule(run)
+            # without this nothing updates...
+            sweep_obj = sweep._sweep_obj
+            if runs := sweep_obj["runs"]:
+                for run in runs:
+                    if run["state"] == RunState.running.value:
+                        pass
+                    elif (
+                        run["state"]
+                        in [
+                            RunState.failed.value,
+                            RunState.finished.value,
+                            RunState.crashed.value,
+                        ]
+                        and run["name"] not in finished
+                    ):
+                        finished.append(run["name"])
+                        if summaryMetrics_json := run.get("summaryMetrics", None):
+                            summary_metrics = json.loads(summaryMetrics_json)
+                            if (
+                                "environment/stats/required_count" in summary_metrics
+                                and "performance/uptime" in summary_metrics
+                            ):
+                                obs_in = ObservationInParam(
+                                    input={
+                                        k: v["value"]
+                                        for k, v in json.loads(run["config"]).items()
+                                        if k != "wandb_version"
+                                    },
+                                    # TODO: try out other stats like required count
+                                    output=summary_metrics["environment/stats/required_count"],
+                                    cost=summary_metrics["performance/uptime"],
+                                )
+                                carbs.observe(obs_in)
+                                # Because wandb stages the artifacts we have to keep these files
+                                # dangling around wasting good disk space.
+                                # carbs.save_to_file(hash(tuple(finished)) + ".pt", upload_to_wandb=True)
+                    elif run["state"] == RunState.pending:
+                        print(f"PENDING RUN FOUND {run['name']}")
+            sweep.print_status()
+    else:
+        suggestion = carbs.suggest()
diff --git a/sweep-config.yaml b/sweep-config.yaml
index 9b307d7..372a552 100644
--- a/sweep-config.yaml
+++ b/sweep-config.yaml
@@ -17,27 +17,27 @@ train:
       min: 1.0e-5
       max: 1.0e-3
-      scale: .05
+      scale: 1.0e-4
       min: .5
       max: 1.0
-      scale: .05
+      scale: .0005
       min: .5
       max: 1.0
-      scale: .05
+      scale: .01
       min: 1.0e-5
       max: 1.0e-1
-      scale: .05
+      scale: .005
       min: 1.0e-5
       max: 1.0e-1
-      scale: .05
+      scale: 1e-4
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ rewards:
           min: 1.0e-3
-          max: 10.0
+          max: 15.0
           scale: 2.0
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ rewards:
           min: 1.0e-7
           max: 1.0
-          scale: 1e-3
+          scale: 5e-5
           min: 1.0e-4