Image stitching or photo stitching is the process of combining multiple photographic images with overlapping fields of view to produce a segmented panorama or high-resolution image. This project was intended to create image stitching algorithm in FPGA to get high throughput
SIFT (patented) is slow compared to FAST algorithm (source : Homography Estimation by Elan Dubrofsky (Master’s essay submission)) FAST algorithm is already implemented in vivado xfopencv library
FAST algorithm lacks orientation component so the algorithm is not invariant for orientation. ORB add orientation component to the FAST features. ORB is using BRISK keypoint descriptor which is relatively speed and contains less data relative to the SIFT descriptor
FLANN based matcher used random sampling. Since we are using FPGA all the feature sizes are fixed size, hence take only fixed number of clock cycles which can be calculated in compilation time so planned to proceed with brute force matcher.
In this repository we have implemented following functions
- ORB Extractor
- ORB Matcher brute force
- RANSAC algorithm
- Homography estimation
In following section we present the API and functionality of the above functions
ORB extractor generate keypoints and descriptors. ORB stands for Oriented FAST Rotated Brief. In this algorithm first we find keypoints using FAST in different scales (to make scale invariant). Then we assign orientation to each keypoint. After that descriptors are calculate(Based on BRIEF) API:
void ORBExtractor::operator()(cv::InputArray _image, cv::InputArray _mask, std::vector<cv::KeyPoint>& _keypoints,
cv::OutputArray _descriptors)
Ex Usage :
TORB::ORBExtractor orbextractor(1000, 1.2, 8, 31, 20);
orbextractor(gray_image1, cv::Mat(), keypoints_object, descriptors_object);
orbextractor(gray_image2, cv::Mat(), keypoints_scene, descriptors_scene);
ORB matcher matches to descriptors and return DMatches using brute force Hamming. API:
std::vector<int> ORBMatcher::MatchDescriptors(cv::Mat descriptors1, cv::Mat descriptors2, std::vector<cv::DMatch> *matches)
Ex Usage :
ORBMatcher orb;
orb.MatchDescriptors(descriptors_object, descriptors_scene, &matches);
- Extract features
- Compute a set of potential matches
- do
- select minimal sample (i.e. 7 matches)
- compute solution(s) for F
- determine inliers until a large enough set of the matches become inliers
- Compute F based on all inliers
- Look for additional matches
- Refine F based on all correct matches
@Compute the homogrphy using RANSAC Algorithm
@Param obj std::vector to the array of points of object
@Param scene std::vector to the array of points of scene
Compute Homography matrix and Inlier mask by minimizing the
distance under a perticular H
distance = d(Hx, x') + d(invH x', x)
return: structure containing Homography matrix and inlier mask
returnRANSAC RANSAC_algo::computeHomography_RANSAC(std::vector< cv::Point2d > obj, std::vector< cv::Point2d > scene)
Ex Usage :
RANSAC_algo ra;
struct returnRANSAC r = ra.computeHomography_RANSAC(obj, scene);
finding the homography using 4 given points
[ X ] [ h11 , h12, h13] [ x ]
[ Y ] = [ h21 , h22, h23] [ y ]
[ 1 ] [ h31 , h32, 1] [ 1 ]
Computer hij values which satisfy above equation
src cv::Point2d 4 source points dst cv::Point2d 4 destination points
NOTE: Currently gaussian elimination is used. New mechanism will be required for optimized algorithm
cv::Mat homography::findHomography_(cv::Point2d src[4], cv::Point2d dst[4])