While Tessera has a lot of custom code on the front end, it's been built with as many "off-the-shelf" components as possible.
Server Side
Client Side
- Bootstrap
- Font Awesome
- darkstrap
- The extracted callouts from bootstrap's documentation site.
- bootbox simplifies modal dialog interactions.
- bootstrap-validator. This is now formvalidation.io, and appears to no longer have an OSS compatible license (the version included here is MIT licensed).
- bootstrap-growl
- bootstrap-datetimepicker
- jQuery
- d3. d3 is used for value formatting in text and for stacked graph layout.
- flot is used for interactive chart rendering.
- DataTables
- moment.js for time parsing & formatting.
- bean.js for events.
- handlebars.js for client side templating.
- marked for Markdown support.
- highlight.js
- URI.js for URL manipulation.
- limivorous
- tagmanager
- x-editable
- color
- mousetrap
- simple-statistics
- equalize.js
- usertiming.js provides polyfill of the W3 User Timing API for browsers that don't support it natively (i.e. Safari 8).
- node-inflection
- HumanizeDuration
- filejaver.js