Tesselo's Homepage Deploy with the following command. #bucket=dev.tesselo.com #bucket=staging.tesselo.com bucket=tesselo.com aws s3 sync --exclude *.html --acl public-read src/ s3://$bucket aws s3 cp --content-type 'text/html' --acl public-read src/index.html s3://$bucket/index.html aws s3 cp --content-type 'text/html' --acl public-read src/error.html s3://$bucket/error.html aws s3 cp --content-type 'text/html' --acl public-read src/about.html s3://$bucket/about aws s3 cp --content-type 'text/html' --acl public-read src/terms.html s3://$bucket/terms aws s3 cp --content-type 'text/html' --acl public-read src/solutions-for-sustainability.html s3://$bucket/solutions-for-sustainability aws s3 cp --content-type 'text/html' --acl public-read src/spatial-insights-as-a-service.html s3://$bucket/spatial-insights-as-a-service Regex searches for inital porting "{% static "(.*?)" %}" {% static "(.*?)" %} {% static '(.*?)' %}