List of all (?) available and funniest GitHub repos. Contribute if you know others!
- Emojicode - the emoji programming language
- nocode -
- BIIIIIIRLL programming language - Bambam's "It's show time" Recursive Language
- ArnoldC - Programming language based on the one-liners of Arnold Schwarzenegger.
- DreamBerd programming language - If the link doesn't work, try this
- TrumpScript - Donald Trump's programming language?
- UwU - UwU is an esoteric dynamically-typed programming language.
- Git Musak - Inserts the currently playing iTunes or Spotify track in your git commit messages
- I-Made-THIS - Why build impressive things when many devs already did it? So copy someone else's code and take credit for it!
- Git-self-blame - is a simple git plugin that lets you take the blame for code you didn't write!!!
- Git-vanity-sha - try to tweak the last commit commiter's timestamp to create a commit SHA using the hex prefix you supply
- lolcommits - takes a snapshot with your webcam every time you git commit code, and archives a lolcat style image with it!
- GitHub Drama - lists of dramatic github discussions, lol
- lolcat - rainbows your terminal output!
- - Run
to start a party! - ascii-live - Curl-based animations
- Bash Cat With Cat - The classic cat command but with a cat
- Automated Hacker Scripts - if you like automation, this one is for you
- C++
- represents each object as an NFT on the Ethereum blockchain] - is-positive - check whether a number is positive or not (sadly some people use this omg)
- StackOverflow Importer - if you don't know the how to do it, just import some StackOverflow's answer's code
- PHP Table Flip - if doesn't work, f*ck this sh*t
- Is Even - Is a number even?
- is-thirteen npm package - verify if a number is equal 13 (wtfffff)
- Simple easy PHP plus 2 numbers (wtf) - the best enterprised and standadized code to sum to numbers in PHP!
- Not-paid - User didnt pay? Add opacity to the <body> and decrease every day until his website completely fades away!
- Hipku - JavaScript library to encode IPv6 and IPv4 addresses as haiku
- FuckItJs - uses state-of-the-art tech to make sure your JS code runs whether your compiler likes it or not
- DADA.js - plant something that looks like a Virus made of Windows 98 dialogs on your website
- NPM All Fucking Packages - Yes, someone did this
- Penis.js - what if you want to "compare" things size? if you know what I mean ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
- my_first_calculator - the BEST way EVER to build command line calculators, look the source code
- FizzBuzz Enterprise edition - following all possible standards and patterns to write a FizzBuzz
- my first tic tac toe - this is the best way to write this, for sure
- Activate Linux Desktop Message - like Windows - Why not?????????
- Gemidão do Zap caller - call people and perform Alexis Texas famous moaning "aaaawnn awwwnnn"
- BossSensor - change the screen when your boss is approaching
- The fuck - magnificent app, that corrects errors in previous console commands
- get-H - if you wanna use the
uppercase char, this goes to the Wikipedia Horse's page and copies it for you! - Safadometro Calc on many langs - calculate how "naughty" someone is based on Wesley Safadão's algorithm
- Funny Algorithms - bunch of funny algorithms, beginners friendly
- GentooWSL - Have you ever wanted to run Gentoo on Windows? No? Me neither. Introducing GentooWSL
- UXVideos - What if someone merges XVIDEOS website with UX content? lol
- volkswagen - Volkswagen detects when your tests are being run in a CI server, and makes them pass!!!
- 30(500) Redirect Blame - Trick users into thinking their internet is slow! They'll keep reloading until the deploy is over!
- NSA Product Generator - the name tells everything
- Minegrub - A Grub Theme in the style of Minecraft! (this pearson is a genius)
- http cats api - You can use cats instead of HTTP errors
- ButtFish - Transmitting Morse Code of chess moves to your butthole (explanation)
- How To Exit Vim, check also VIMKiller!
- Unmaintainable Code - Patterns to (un)maintain your software projects
- Dumb Password Rules - The best rules to create passwords!!1!1
- Bad Licenses - A compendium of absurd, funny, and downright bad licenses
- eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
- Potato - If you fork this you can say that you forked a potato. Forking potatoes is an ancient and well-mannered tradition.