This program converts the data structures used in the PLA [1] web-page to a file in DOT language used by the Graphviz [2] tool.
This program doesn't need to be compiled.
To run this script Python needs to be installed, together with the docopt module.
pip install docopt
For the output to be of any use you probably also want to have graphviz installed.
The input data for this script can be generated by viewing the source code of a web-page in the PLA [1] that contains a dependency graph. You will find a section looking something like
<style type="text/css">
#mynetwork {
width: 600px;
height: 400px;
border: 1px solid lightgray;
<script type="text/javascript">
// create an array with nodes
var nodes = new vis.DataSet([{id: 7, label: 'NEST code with abstracted neuron model representations', color: 'rgba(97,195,238,1.0)'},
{id: 19, label: 'Streaming, steering and data analysis of NEST - VisNEST', color: 'rgba(97,195,238,1.0)'},
Copy and paste the passages create an array with nodes
and create an array with edges
to a text file on your disk, e.g. "". Now you
can convert this text to a dot-file and view it with graphviz as follows:
dot -Tx11
To get help about the usage type
pla2dot --help
currently this gives ``` Usage: convert [options]
--rankdir=<dir> either TB or LR [default: TB]
-v, --verbose tell what is going on
-h, --help print this text
# References