0.4.0 (2015-12-21)
lots of improvements with broken changes.
- [DJBP-22] - should organize settings module better #13
- [DJBP-23] - should organize urls module better #15
- [DJBP-24] - audit the settings and overall organization to keep up to date with Django 1.8.x #16
- [DJBP-25] - migrate Site data for dev, stag and prod modes #19
- [DJBP-27] - should support send mass html mails #21
- [DJBP-28] - should support optional celery app #24
- [DJBP-30] - should support newrelic monitoring #22
- [DJBP-26] - Release django-boilerplate v0.4.0
0.3.0 (2015-12-01)
upgrade Django and packages, add apps and libs to the sytem path
- [DJBP-19] - Fix style error from travis-ci failed build
- [DJBP-18] - add apps and libs to system path
- [DJBP-20] - upgrade dependencies
0.2.0 (2013-11-07)
proper prod settings, improve jenkins.sh, remove "test" profile settings.
- [DJBP-7] - import TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS on settings.dev
- [DJBP-8] - proper prod settings
- [DJBP-9] - test requirements and settings are not really needed, remove it
- [DJBP-13] - Improve jenkins.sh
- [DJBP-10] - installation bash script for overlay upgrade strategy project
- [DJBP-11] - upgrade to latest django 1.5.x
- [DJBP-12] - set email_backend to be console email backend for dev mode
0.1.0 (2013-09-07)
Initial milestone release
separated boilerplate stuff and project specific stuff
coding convention checking, unit test, test coverage report