Follow these instructions to run the OMS locally, using the
Temporal Service provided by the temporal server start-dev
command. This is an expanded version of the instructions found
in the Quickstart section of the top-level README file.
You will need Go to run the core OMS application, the Temporal CLI to run the Temporal Service locally, plus Node.js and the pnpm package manager to run the OMS web application.
Run the following command in your terminal (from the root directory of your repo clone) to start the Temporal Service:
temporal server start-dev \
--ui-port 8080 \
--db-filename temporal-persistence.db
The Temporal Service manages application state by assigning tasks related to each Workflow Execution and tracking the completion of those tasks. The detailed history it maintains for each execution enables the application to recover from a crash by reconstructing its pre-crash state and resuming the execution.
The temporal
CLI provides a convenient way of running the Temporal
Service locally for development purposes. By default, it provides a
Web UI on port 8233 and persists data to an ephemeral in-memory
database. The options in this command change the Web UI port to 8080
and instructs the Temporal Service to persist its data to a file so
that it will be available in subsequent sessions. This file will be
created if it does not exist.
You can verify that this is running by using your browser to access the Temporal Web UI at http://localhost:8080/.
Run the following command in another terminal to start the Workers:
go run ./cmd/oms worker
This command starts both Workflow and Activity Workers in a single process. The Workers run Workflow and Activity code, which carry out the various aspects of order processing in the OMS.
Although one Worker Process is sufficient for local development, you will want to run multiple Workers in production since this can improve both the scalability and availability of an application. You can repeat this step to launch as many additional Workers as you like. Temporal's SDK automatically distributes processing load among all running Workers.
Run the following command in another terminal to start the API Servers:
go run ./cmd/oms api
The API Servers provide REST APIs that the web application uses to interact with the OMS. This design decouples the web application from the Temporal Service and the order management system's back-end processing, which increases the flexibility and security of the entire system.
You will need to clone the code for the web application, which is maintained separately in the reference-app-orders-web repository:
cd ..
git clone
You will then need to run the following commands to start it:
cd reference-app-orders-web
pnpm install
pnpm dev
Setup is now complete. You have started the Temporal Service, the OMS Workers, the OMS API Servers, and the web application you'll use to interact with the OMS.
Continue by following the instructions for processing a basic order or processing a more complex order.