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Trail Contract API

This guide outlines all the contract actions available on the Trail Voting Platform.

Admin Actions

ACTION setconfig()

Sets the data in the contract's config singleton.

  • string trail_version: the version number of the deployed Trail contract.

  • bool set_defaults: if true, sets default config values.

cleos push action trailservice setconfig '["v2.0.0-RFC2", true]' -p trailservice

ACTION updatefee()

Updates a config fee.

  • name fee_name: the name of the fee to update.

  • asset fee_amount: the new fee amount.

cleos push action trailservice updatefee '["ballot", "35.0000 TLOS"]' -p trailservice

ACTION updatetime()

Updates a config time.

  • name time_name: the name of the config time to update.

  • uint32_t length: the length of time in seconds.

cleos push action trailservice updatetime '["balcooldown", 86400]' -p trailservice

Treasury Actions

ACTION newtreasury()

Creates a new treasury with the given access method and max supply.

  • name manager: the account that will manage the new treasury.

  • asset max_supply: the maximum number of tokens allowed in circulation at one time.

  • name access: the access method for acquiring a balance of the treasury's tokens. The list of available access methods can be found in the Treasury Guide.

Required Authority: manager

Required Fee: 1000 TLOS

cleos push action trailservice newtreasury '["youraccount", "2,TEST", "public"]' -p manager

ACTION edittrsinfo()

Edits the title, description, and icon of a treasury.

  • symbol treasury_symbol: the treasury to change.

  • string title: the new title.

  • string description: the new description.

  • string content: the new content

Required Authority: manager

cleos push action trailservice edittrsinfo '["2,TEST", "New Title", "New Desc", "New Icon"]' -p manager

ACTION toggle()

Toggles a treasury setting on and off.

  • symbol treasury_symbol: the treasury to change.

  • name setting_name: the name of the setting to toggle.

cleos push action trailservice toggle '["2,TEST", "transferable"]' -p manager

ACTION mint()

Mints new tokens into circulation.

  • name to: the account to receive the minted tokens.

  • asset quantity: the amount of tokens to mint.

  • string memo: a memo describing the minting event.

cleos push action trailservice mint '["testaccounta", "5.00 TEST", "testing mint"]' -p manager

ACTION transfer()

Transfers a quantity of tokens from one voter to another.

  • name from: the account sending the tokens.

  • name to: the account receiving the tokens.

  • asset quantity: the quantiy of tokens to transfer.

  • string memo: a memo describing the transfer.

cleos push action trailservice transfer '["testaccounta", "testaccountb", "5.00 TEST", "test transfer"]' -p testaccounta

ACTION burn()

Burns a quantity of tokens from the manager's liquid balance. Reduces the circulating supply of tokens.

  • asset quantity: the quantity of tokens to burn.

  • string memo: a memo describing the burn.

cleos push action trailservice burn '["5.00 TEST", "test burn"]' -p manager

ACTION reclaim()

Reclaims tokens from a voter to the treasury manager.

  • name voter: the name of the account from which to reclaim.

  • asset quantity: the amount of tokens to reclaim.

  • strin memo: a memo describing the reclamation.

cleos push action trailservice reclaim '["someaccount", "5.00 TEST", "reclaim memo"]' -p manager

ACTION mutatemax()

Changes the max supply of a treasury.

  • asset new_max_supply: the new max supply to set.

  • string memo: a memo describing the max supply mutation.

cleos push action trailservice mutatemax '["500.00 TEST", "test mutate max"]' -p manager

ACTION setunlocker()

Sets a new treasury unlocker. Only the new unlock_account@unlock_authority will be able to unlock the treasury.

  • symbol treasury_symbol: the treasury for which to set the new unlocker.

  • name new_unlock_acct: the name of the new unlocker account.

  • name new_unlock_auth: the name of the new unlock authority.

Required Authority: treasury.manager

cleos push action trailservice setunlocker '["2,TEST", "someaccount", "active"]' -p unlock_acct@unlock_auth

ACTION lock()

Locks a treasury, preventing changes to settings.

  • symbol treasury_symbol: the treasury to lock.

Required Authority: treasury.manager

cleos push action trailservice lock '["2,TEST"]' -p manager

ACTION unlock()

Unlocks a treasury, allowing changes to settings.

  • symbol treasury_symbol: the treasury to unlock.

Required Authority: unlocker_acct@unlocker_auth

cleos push action trailservice unlock '["2,TEST"]' -p unlock_acct@unlock_auth

Payroll Actions

ACTION addfunds()

Adds funds to a payroll. Funds will be charged from the voter's TLOS balance.

  • name from: the voter account sending the funds.

  • symbol treasury_symbol: the treasury receiving the funds.

  • name payroll_name: the name of the payroll to receive the funds.

  • asset quantity: the number of tokens to add to the specified payroll.

cleos push action trailservice addfunds '["testaccounta", "2,TEST", "workers", "50.0000 TLOS"]' -p publisher

ACTION editpayrate()

Edits the pay rate of a payroll.

  • name payroll_name: the name of the payroll to edit.

  • symbol treasury_symbol: the name of the treasury the payroll belongs to.

  • uint32_t period_length: the new length of the payroll's pay period in seconds.

  • asset per_period: the amount of payroll funds to make available for claiming per period.

cleos push action trailservice editpayrate '["workers", "2,TEST", "86400", "50.0000 TLOS"]' -p publisher

Ballot Actions

ACTION newballot()

Creates a new ballot with the given initial options.

  • name ballot_name: the name of the new ballot.

  • name category: the category of the new ballot. The list of available categories can be found in the Ballot Guide.

  • name publisher: the name of the account publishing the ballot.

  • symbol treasury_symbol: the treasury symbol the ballot will use to count votes.

  • name voting_method: the method of weighting votes. The list of available voting methods can be found in the Ballot Guide.

  • vector(name) initial_options: a list of initial options to place on the ballot.

Required Fee: 30 TLOS

Required Authority: publisher

cleos push action trailservice newballot '["ballot1", "poll", "testaccounta", "2,TEST", "quadratic", ["opt1", "opt2"]]' -p testaccounta

ACTION editdetails()

Edits the title, description, and content of a ballot.

  • name ballot_name: the name of the ballot to edit.

  • string title: the new ballot title.

  • string description: the new ballot description.

  • string content: the new ballot content. This is typically an IPFS link or URI to additional information about the ballot.

cleos push action trailservice editdetails '["ballot1", "Ballot 1 Example", "Example Description", ""]' -p testaccounta

ACTION togglebal()

Toggles a ballot setting on or off.

  • name ballot_name: the name of the ballot.

  • name setting_name: the name of the setting to toggle.

cleos push action trailservice togglebal '["ballot1", "lightballot"]' -p testaccounta

ACTION editminmax

Changes the minimum and maximum number of options a single voter can select on a ballot.

  • name ballot_name: the name of the ballot to update.

  • uint8_t new_min_options: the new minimum number of options a voter can select.

  • uint8_t new_max_options: the new maximum number of options a voter can select.

cleos push action trailservice editminmax '["ballot1", 1, 3]' -p testaccounta

ACTION addoption()

Adds an option to a ballot.

  • name ballot_name: the name of the ballot to add an option to.

  • name new_option_name: the name of the new ballot option.

cleos push action trailservice addoption '["ballot1", "opt3"]' -p testaccounta

ACTION rmvoption()

Removes an option from a ballot.

  • anme ballot_name: the name of the ballot containing the option to remove.

  • name option_name: the option name to remove.

cleos push action trailservice rmvoption '["ballot1", "opt3"]' -p testaccounta

ACTION openvoting()

Opens a ballot for voting and sets the ballot end time. All ballot settings and voting options must be finalized before pushing this action, as they cannot be altered once voting has begun. Ballots can, however, be cancelled by the publisher mid-vote at any time.

  • name ballot_name: the name of the ballot to open for voting.

  • time_point_sec end_time: the time point at which to end voting.

cleos push action trailservice openvoting '["ballot1", "2020-05-22T13:00:00"]' -p testaccounta

ACTION cancelballot()

Cancels a running ballot.

  • name ballot_name: the name of the ballot to cancel.

  • string memo: a memo describing the cancellation.

cleos push action trailservice cancelballot '["ballot1", "cancellation reason here"]' -p testaccounta

ACTION deleteballot()

Deletes a ballot.

  • name ballot_name: the name of the ballot to delete.
cleos push action trailservice deleteballot '["ballot1"]' -p testaccounta

ACTION postresults()

Posts the final results of a light ballot.

  • name ballot_name: the name of the ballot to post results to.

  • map(name, asset) light_results: the final results calcualted off-chain.

  • uint32_t total_voters: the total number of unique voters who participated on the light ballot.

cleos push action trailservice postresults '["ballot1", [{"opt1": "25.00 TEST"},{"opt2", "15.00 TEST"}], 8]' -p trailservice

ACTION closevoting()

Closes voting on a ballot and renders the final results.

  • name ballot_name: the name of the ballot to close.

  • bool broadcast: if true, will inline the broadcast() action with the ballot results and total voters.

cleos push action trailservice closevoting '["ballot1", true]' -p testaccounta

ACTION broadcast()

Broadcasts ballot results and notifies the ballot publisher.

  • name ballot_name: the name of the ballot being broadcast.

  • map(name, asset) final_results: the final weighted ballot results.

  • uint32_t total_voters: the total number of unique voters who participated on the ballot.

Inline from closeballot()

ACTION archive()

Archives a ballot. A flat fee is charged up front per day of archival.

  • name ballot_name: the name of the ballot to archive.

  • time_point_sec archived_until: the time point at which the ballot can be unarchived.

Daily Fee: 3 TLOS

cleos push action trailservice archive '["ballot1", "2020-09-08T23:41:00"]' -p testaccounta

ACTION unarchive()

Unarchives a ballot. If force is true, will unarchive before the unarchival date and forfeit any remaining archival time.

  • name ballot_name: the name of the ballot being archived.

  • bool force: if true, forces the ballot to unarchive. Remaining time on the archival is lost if forced to unarchive.

cleos push action trailservice unarchive '["ballot1", false]' -p testaccounta

Voter Actions

ACTION regvoter()

Registers a voter to a treasury. If the treasury is non-public then a referral is required.

  • name voter: the name of the voter to register.

  • symbol treasury_symbol: the treasury symbol registering the voter.

  • name OPTIONAL referrer: an optional referrer. Some treasuries will require a referral in order to access.

cleos push action trailservice regvoter '["testaccountb", "2,TEST", null]' -p testaccountb

ACTION unregvoter()

Unregisters a voter. Requires liquid and staked amount to be zero.

  • name voter: the name of the voter to unregister.

  • symbol treasury_symbol: the treasury symbol to which the voter is registered.

cleos push action trailservice unregvoter '["testaccountb", "2,TEST"]' -p testaccountb

ACTION castvote()

Casts a vote on a ballot. If a vote already exists, and the ballot allows revoting, the old vote will be rolled back and the new vote applied.

  • name voter: the name of the voter casting the vote.

  • name ballot_name: the name of the ballot receiving the vote.

  • vector(name) options: a list of options to vote for.

cleos push action trailservice castvote '["testaccountb", "ballot1", ["opt1", "opt2"]]' -p testaccountb

ACTION unvoteall()

Unvotes all options from a single vote.

  • name voter: the name of the voter who cast the vote.

  • name ballot_name: the name of the ballot for which the vote was cast.

cleos push action trailservice unvoteall '["testaccountb", "ballot1"]' -p testaccountb

ACTION stake()

Stakes a quantity of tokens to a voter's staked amount from their liquid amount.

  • name voter: the name of the voter staking tokens.

  • asset quantity: the quantity of tokens to stake.

cleos push action trailservice stake '["testaccountb", "5.00 TEST"]' -p testaccountb

ACTION unstake()

Unstakes a quantity of tokens from a voter's staked amount to their liquid amount.

  • name voter: the name of the voter unstaking tokens.

  • asset quantity: the quantity of tokens to unstake.

cleos push action trailservice unstake '["testaccounb", "5.00 TEST"]' -p testaccountb

Worker Actions

ACTION rebalance()

Rebalances a single vote. If worker name is supplied, credits worker with rebalance work on vote. Subsequent rebalances on the same vote will overwrite the previous work performed.

  • name voter: the name of the voter whose vote is being rebalanced.

  • name ballot_name: the name of the ballot that was voted for.

  • name OPTIONAL worker: the name of the worker performing the rebalance.

cleos push action trailservice rebalance '["testaccountb", "ballot1", "testaccountc"]' -p testaccountc

ACTION cleanupvote()

Cleans a single expired vote. If worker name is supplied, credits worker with cleanup. If rebalance work was done on the vote, that work is credited to the rebalance worker.

  • name voter: the name of the voter whose vote to clean.

  • name ballot_name: the name of the ballot on the vote to clean up.

  • name OPTIONAL worker: the name of the worker performing the cleanup.

cleos push action trailservice cleanupvote '["testaccounta", "ballot1", "testaccountb"]' -p testaccountb

ACTION forfeitwork()

Forfeits all unclaimed payments from a single worker.

  • name worker_name: the name of the worker to unregister.

  • symbol treasury_symbol: the treasury symbol from which to forfeit work.

Required Authority: worker_name

cleos push action trailservice forfeitwork '["testaccountb", "2,TEST"]' -p testaccountb

ACTION claimpayment()

Claims a share of available payroll funds. Payments can be claimed for each treasury where work was performed.

  • name worker_name: the name of the worker claiming a payment.

  • symbol treasury_symbol: the treasury symbol for which work was done.

cleos push action trailservice claimpayment '["testaccountb", "2,TEST"]' -p testaccountb

ACTION withdraw()

Withdraws a quantity of tokens from the voter's TLOS balance out of Trail.

  • name voter: the voter account to withdraw from.

  • asset quantity: the amount of TLOS to withdraw.

Required Authority: voter

cleos push action trailservice withdraw '["testaccounta", "5.0000 TLOS"]' -p testaccounta

Committee Actions

ACTION regcommittee()

Registers a new committee and populates it with initial seats.

  • name committee_name: the name of the new commitee.

  • string committee_title: the title of the committee.

  • symbol treasury_symbol: the treasury symbol that the committee will belong to.

  • vector(name) initial_seats: a list of initial seat names to add to the committee.

  • name registree: the name of the account registering the committee and paying the registration fee.

Required Fee: 100 TLOS

Required Authority: registree

cleos push action trailservice regcommittee '["jedicouncil", "Telos Jedi Council", "2,TEST", ["seat1", "seat2"], "testaccountc"]' -p testaccountc

ACTION addseat()

Adds a seat to the committee.

  • name committee_name: the name of the committee.

  • symbol treasury_symbol: the treasury symbol that the committee belongs to.

  • name new_seat_name: the name of the new seat to add to the committee.

Required Authority: updater_acct@updater_auth

cleos push action trailservice addseat '["jedicouncil", "2,TEST", "seat3"]' -p testaccountc

ACTION removeseat()

Removes a seat from a committee.

  • name committee_name: the name of the committee.

  • symbol treasury_symbol: the treasury symbol that the comittee belongs to.

  • name seat_name: the name of the seat to remove from the committee.

Required Authority: updater_acct@updater_auth

cleos push action trailservice removeseat '["jedicouncil", "2,TEST", "seat3"]' -p testaccountc

ACTION assignseat()

Assigns an account name to a seat name.

  • name committee_name: the name of the committee.

  • symbol treasury_symbol: the treasury symbol that the committee belongs to.

  • name seat_name: the name of the seat being assigned.

  • name seat_holder: the name of the new seat holder.

  • string memo: a memo describing the seat assignment.

Required Authority: updater_acct@updater_auth

cleos push action trailservice assignseat '["jedicouncil", "2,TEST", "seat1", "yoda", "first jedi council election"]' -p testaccountc

ACTION setupdater()

Sets a new updater account and updater authority. The committee updater is the only account allowed to add, remove, or assign seats, as well as set a new updater or delete the committee.

  • name committee_name: the name of the committee.

  • symbol treasury_symbol: the treasury symbol the committee belongs to.

  • name updater_account: the new account name required for updating the committee.

  • name updater_auth: the new authority name required for updating the committee.

  • string memo: a memo describing the change.

Required Authority: updater_acct@updater_auth

cleos push action trailservice setupdater '["jedicouncil", "2,TEST", "testaccountb", "active", "hand off authority"]' -p testaccountc

ACTION delcommittee()

Deletes a committee.

  • name committee_name: the name of the committee to delete.

  • symbol treasury_symbol: the treasury symbol that the committee belongs to.

  • string memo: a memo for describing the committee deletion.

Required Authority: updater_acct@updater_auth

cleos push action trailservice delcommittee '["jedicouncil", "2,TEST", "order 66 executed"]' -p testaccountc