Here are high level instructions on cleaning up after you have completed the workshop. Do this so you don't incur any ongoing charges once you have completed this excercise.
If you manually deploy a region in module 1_API
- Delete the three Lambda functions in each region
- Delete the SXRTickets DynamoDB table in each region
- Delete the API Gateway and Custom Domains in each region
- Delete the SSL Certificates in ACM (you may need to wait some time for resources to fully un-deploy before this is possible) - in each region
- Delete the IAM Roles and Policies you created
If you used CloudFormation to deploy a 1_API regions
- In the console, select the correct regions
- Go into CloudFormation and select the wild-rydes-api stack and then select delete
- The template will be deleted along with all resources it created
- In the Console, go into S3, and Empty but don't delete the bucket hosting your website content
- Select the web-ui-stack stack and then delete it.
- The template will be deleted along with all resources it created
- In Route53, remove the Health Check as well as all DNS entries you created during the workshop
- In Amazon Certificate Manager, delete all SSL certificates you created (both regions)
- Go to the Cloud9 Console and delete the IDE you created