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Do I need to buy the game?
Yes, you can buy on steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1388770/Cruelty_Squad/
How do I update if a new update releases and I already installed the VR Mod?
This answer will depend if you originally installed before or after the 1.0 release.
If you installed before the 1.0 release, then download the latest release, unzip it somewhere NOT in the game files, and take the cs-vr-mod-vr-files folder and cs-scripts-vr-mod folder and cs-vr-mod-xr-tools folder from the release, delete the old versions of these folders in your "mods" folder in AppData, and put the new versions of those folders in. Then backup your original crueltysquad.exe somewhere and put the new crueltysquad.exe found in the release zip in your install directory.
If you installed after the 1.0 release, then just download the cs-vr-mod-vr-files folder and cs-scripts-vr-mod folder and cs-vr-mod-xr-tools folder from the release, delete the old versions of these folders in your "mods" folder in AppData, and put the new versions of those folders in.
Either way, note that I think because of the virtual "handshake" between the mod and steam, it can take up to FOUR times clicking on the game for it to start the first time in VR. More than that please report an issue. Also, note that there will be a terminal / command line window in the background while playing, you will see a lot of "ERROR" spam when first running the game or sometimes when scenes are loaded, that is fine.
Why are you replacing my game.exe?
So, the VR Mod was crashing a ton, and after a ton of bug hunting we found the only complete fix for crashes was essentially upgrading the entire game to a newer version of the Godot Engine (3.3 --> 3.4). The new crueltysquad.exe is actually just a build of Godot Engine 3.4 renamed, which then through the magic of the way Godot works just runs the original game files by clicking on it like the original .exe. You can find that build here if you are curious: https://github.com/Gramps/GodotSteam/releases?page=5 (Godot 3.4 - Steamworks 1.52 - GodotSteam 3.11 (Nov 12, 2021 build)).
How do I go back to normal flat screen Cruelty Squad?
Just remove the VR related mods from your mods folder.
Does this support custom levels created by the community?
Yes, for the most part but it is not a guarantee that a specific custom level will load or run well in VR. I've gotten about 20 so far to load and play in VR. A few have crashed when loading for some reason, likely because they use some script or file incompatible with my edits for the VR version to the base game.
Of the about 20 custom levels I've tried out in VR, I would say about 10 perform about as well as the base game levels, 5 are somewhat worse and 5 are drastically worse. For most custom levels it probably helps to have ASW always on, SSW (Virtual Desktop) always on or reprojection always on.
They are really all great levels by amazing creators, and easy to install and play so I highly encourage you to give them a shot!
Find the levels at: https://crus.cc/
How do I potentially increase performance?
Decrease NPCs and draw distance in the main settings menu.
Turn on ASW (Oculus) always on at 45 FPS, Steam Reprojection on, or if you have Virtual Desktop and Quest 2 or Pico, turn on SSW always on with 90 FPS target framerate. If you have an index, don't use 144 hz refresh rate, people have reported issues with that.
I am crashing on load what is going on?
Try a few times. If it is more than four times it crashes, report an issue. If you have OpenXR Toolkit installed / enabled (for instance if you use it for MSFS2020), then disable / uninstall and see if that fixes your issue. OpenXR Toolkit is not compatible with Godot OpenXR. This fixed a crash on startup for at least one person.
What do I do if I find new issues?
If you find other issues, report them under the "Issues" tab above on Github, and we will take a look!
My kick doesn't seem consistent? Not sure what is going on. And can I do stuff like kick jump and baton jump in VR?
The kick hit detection actually goes from where your weapon aims to give you more precision where you are kicking. Otherwise if you wanted to kick down or up it would get very difficult in VR. So just aim your weapon where you want your kick to "hit" and it will. The kick itself is really just an animation for visual effect.
Yeah, I tried to implement as many cool things as possible in VR but didn't do the kick jump or baton jump. I had to completely rewrite how the baton worked in VR so it actually worked with physical swinging, and the kick as above. May look at this someday again.
I feel like the NPCs are too dumb, and I can catch them sleeping, especially from far away or if I'm too far above or below them.
This is the result of my NPC performance hack, which disables NPCs a certain distance from the player. In my testing it increases frame rates by 15-20 FPS!! But if you don't like that, that's cool, just uncheck the hack check box in the VR options menu.
I feel like tapping on stuff in the main menu is too hard.
Just enable the laser pointer in the VR options menu. I don't have it on by default just because I kind of like touch-based menus and if I enabled the laser people wouldn't even realize you could touch the menus probably.
Can I load other mods other than the ones required for custom levels?
You can try but its virtually guaranteed they will not work because of conflicts with the files I had to modify for VR.
However, this VR Mod DOES already incorporate DX's very important armor fix mod, which restores armor calculation functioning to the way it was likely intended to work in the base game (but was broken due to a bug).
Also if you find a cool new mod you want to work in VR let me know in the issues tab and I will see if the modder will give me the code so I can put it in the VR version.
What if I have motion sickness? Will teleport be added?
Very likely I will not add teleport. Technically just "adding" it is trivial. But then I would have to spend a ton of hours finding and trying to fix bugs and implants that weren't designed with this movement.
It would also basically "break" gameplay, becuase enemies in CS are hit scan. Meaning they don't fire physical bullets. If you're teleporting all around them likely you will never be hit and the game won't be very fun.
In addition a lot of the fun of the game comes from movement implants which will not be comfortable.
All that said, if you just have moderate motion sickness, I recommend at least trying VRocker: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1143750/VRocker/, in which you jog in place lightly to move. I found this works at least with Quest + Virtual desktop with the Steam OpenXR runtime.
Since Vrocker has a free trial and anyway has the same two hour window for refunds as other Steam games there's not really much risk in trying.
What about two handed weapons? And is there manual reload?
There is no manual reload. To simulate the arcade style of the original game, you hold grip on your weapon controller and point your weapon down to reload.
Right now there are no two handed weapons. I am working on having four two handed weapons - the snipers, the transactional rifle, and assault rifle. Should be in the 1.1 Release update.
Does it support motion controls?
Does it support keyboard and mouse gameplay like the original?
Does the mod have left handed support?
Yes, in three ways. You can switch your weapon hand to left, you can swap your movement hands, or you can do both.
Does the mod have snap turn?
Yes. And you can change your turning speed for smooth and snap turning in the VR options menu.
Does the mod have HMD or Controller directed movement?
Both. By default HMD movement is on, you can change to controller in the settings. Controller directed will go off of your offhand (non-weapon) controller.
Does the mod support seated mode?
Yes. But it's experimental. I honestly don't play seated and get a bit motion sick from playing VR games seated vs. standing. So my testing of seated mode is very limited.
My VR specific options don't seem to save between play sessions other than seated mode. Is that a bug?
If you are on the latest version of the mod after March 11, 2023, then yes this is a bug, please report on Issues as your settings should save. If you are on an older version, update! On older versions I hadn’t figured out saving VR options without it breaking save compatibility yet.
I'm getting an error during install. What's going on?
Typically this happens for one of three reasons: (1) Windows cannot find your powershell to run the install scripts or when you downloaded the mod, (2) you unzipped it in a way that does not work or (3) Windows defender is blocking the replacement crueltysquad.exe that is included with the Release1 build and thereafter.
For powershell google about powershell and how to find it on your system then make sure you have Cruelty Squad and the mod installed on a drive that Powershell can access.
For the unzipping error, make sure when you downoload the file and unzip it you choose the option where the contents remain in a folder called "crus-vr-modloader." They should NOT be just loose files after unzipping. They should also NOT be in a nested folder structure of two or more "crus-vr-modloader" folders. See pictures on Github.
For Windows defender or similar anti-virus software blocking the replacement .exe respond to any alerts that Windows provides and give it permission to "keep" or "run" the replacement .exe.
What is your roadmap post-release 1.0?
My roadmap is basically trying to fix any bugs the community finds, and tweak any movement or implant values / variables that people think need tweaking.
I've never played Cruelty Squad before, how do I get all the cool stuff you showed in the video trailer like wall walking, sniper weapons and flipping gravity upside down?
Well you can earn them in the game! But I recognize the game is very difficult. See the info on the 100% save I used to test while creating the mod, which will give you all implants, weapons and levels unlocked. More info on the main page of the mod.
How can I support this mod? First, you can support the content creators who have covered this mod by subscribing and watching their content! As I find folks doing this, I will add them here:
Hoshi82: https://youtu.be/AmDYC9nEou4
Distant075: https://youtu.be/IGjFWqW7v08
Cortezj5: https://www.twitch.tv/cortezj5
StayatHomeDev: https://youtu.be/8U-CWDv9ZGs
Also if you enjoy the mod, you can write a review on the main game's page noting how much you enjoyed playing in VR. If you happened to buy the game to play in VR you can say that too.
You should NOT however negatively review the game based on the VR mod since this is my OWN work NOT the original dev's. This would hurt the future of other VR mods for games if it occurred. Give me feedback instead on the Issues page if you hate it. I can take it.
You can also support this mod by supporting Godot Game Engine, the open-source game engine the game and this mod is made with. Or you can try making your own VR game with Godot and Godot's XR Tools asset and share it with the community!