- Google class is no longer for consumers, needs in workplace
- Fastly faded from public view, but still have selling and servicing in market for telecom workers and transcription service for doctors
- Brian Ballard in APX, makes software for military in 2010
- it supports Google glasses, Vuzix Smart Glasses
- knows their limitations and advatages in fields like factories and outdoors for hands free
- Augmedix, a San Francisco-based startup gives a medical service
- streams patients to remote health consultants who help fill out records (usually spends up a few hours a day)
- uses voice commands to get patient info in Google Glasses
- Albuquerque, New Mexico-based ABQ Health Partners uses glasses more than 15 doctors
- Google announced Glass Enterprise Edition today
- in agricultural equipment manufacturer, Erickson(the worker) uses Glass EE
- in 2013, EE version tested through GE, Boeing, DHL, and Volkswagen
- Diff in EE vs Original
- the iconic photo of Brian alongside designer Diane von Furstenberg at a fashion show link
- checking their task through google glasses in assembly line
- in 2020, about 14.4 million US workers will wear smart glasses in Forrester Research Report
- the sound of breaking Glass was reverberating in the tech press
- real-time info and both hands free are natural benficiaries
- in factory view, needs a lightweight AR, "assisted reality"
- In April 2014, started "Glass at work", supporting a specialized version
- Google glasses EE
- comes out to be the average weight of regular glasses
- includes beefed-up networking
- 's the battery life has been extended (complete 8 hour shift)
- 's camera was upgraded from 5M to 8M
- AGCO is a $7 billion company, farm equipment manufacturer
- changes Vuzix's Smart Glasses -> Proceedix
- security issue(can't connect to the enterprise NW), medial issue(headaches, etc)
- 70 mins jobs -> steps of 3 ~ 5 min
- starts with tiny job screen -> Menu items -> Next Step -> take a picture -> ask for help -> voice recongnition
- glasses guides parts, steps, and time via voice commands
- on job training 10 days decreased to 3 with glasses aid
- GE claims 46% decreases in the time
- Augmedix(founded 2012) provides medical service by Google Glasses
- steams doctors' info and patients' medial history
- accessing time of enterprise data decreases 33% -> 10%
- from startup, run by IPhone, sell for $99
- looks AR version of Samsung Gear VR Mira's Prism headset
- provides a stereoscopic 3D for virtual reality
- Sensors on the iPhone allow the headset to track the rotation of your head, and an included remote control tracks hand rotation and acceleration, so it can be used as a laser gun, wand, and so on
- building prototypes with 3-D-printed parts, a kind of wall-mounted fishbowl, found on Amazon
- Smartphone-reliant headsets like Gear VR and Google’s Daydream View VR