Add the following HTML code to your site:
// Load Cub widget asynchronously. Put this as higher as possible so
// widget will load faster.
if (document.getElementById("cub-widget-script")) {return;}
var firstScript = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];
var cubJs = document.createElement("script"); = "cub-widget-script";
// See notes about widget versioning
cubJs.src = "//";
firstScript.parentNode.insertBefore(cubJs, firstScript);
<!-- User menu will be rendered inside this element. You can place it anywhere
on the page. This element should be present on all site pages. -->
<div id="cub-widget-menu"></div>
<!-- Login, Registration, Reset Password, My Profile, My Subscriptions,
and other widget forms will be rendered inside this element. You can
place it anywhere on the page. It must be present on those pages where
you expect a widget form to appear. -->
<div id="cub-widget-app"></div>
<!-- Cub widget initialization script.
Important: place it below cub-widget-menu and cub-widget-app tags. -->
var cubAsyncInit = function(cub) {
// Configuration parameters
apiKey: '<your-public-API-key>'
Contents of cub-widget-app tags depend on URL. By default, widget uses hash URLs, like #login, #registration, etc. Transitions between such URLs don't trigger page reload, so the rest of the page around the widget menu and widget app elements will remain unchanged. If you'd like to place widget forms on different pages of your site, please login to Cub Admin and configure URLs for your site in the Widget Configuration section.
Widget adds some very basic CSS styles for its elements, but in general it leaves styling to you. Please feel free to define or override any styles for any elements rendered by widget, just as you would for any other elements on the page.
User can be automatically registered during form submission using 'Register me' feature.
If SingleSO is enabled for a site, a user will be automatically logged in on this site if he is already logged in to one of the sites with enabled SingleSO. For SingleSO to work between two sites, SingleSO must be enabled for both sites. For the particular user, SingleSO will start to work after they access the site with enabled SingleSO (when already logged in) or after they log in to the site with enabled SingleSO. To work, SingleSO must be enabled for the site in CubAdmin.
If SingleSO is enabled and you want to log a user out, the user should be logged out only with standard "#logout" url(or other url configured as logout page), do not try just to delete cub cookies or user will be automatically logged back again.
If user logs out on a site with enabled SingleSO he will be automatically logged out on all other sites that have SingleSO enabled.