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Chris Zuko edited this page Apr 3, 2020 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the!

How to contribute:

If your code program/language does not already exist in the side bar -> Please do the following, if it does exist already skip to the next section:

  1. Make a new page for your program/language such as "Maya"
  2. Save the page and then click the pencil (edit) icon on the Sidebar (at the top)
  3. Add [Language/Program]({Language/Program}) into the page (preferably "alphabetical" At least try is all we ask)

Then you're ready to follow the next section for creating your snippet page.

  1. Create a new page and call it [Language/Program] {Descriptive name of snippet}
  2. Add your snippet and save.
  3. Navigate to the main Language/Program page for your snippet
  4. Edit the page and add a new link in the page to your new snippet page.

This will keep the sidebar clean and clear.

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