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Google Colaboratory and GIMPS

Google offers a service known as Colaboratory (Colab), which allows anyone with an internet connection free access to high-performance TPU, GPU and CPU-powered Jupyter Notebooks. This service can be used to run Distributed Computing projects such as the Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search (GIMPS) for free. GIMPS can be run on some Nvidia, AMD and Intel GPUs using the GpuOwl program or a CPU using the Prime95/MPrime program.

This repository contains two Jupyter Notebooks, a “CPU” only notebook (Colab CPU MPrime.ipynb) and a “GPU and CPU” notebook (Colab GPU GpuOwl.ipynb). The “CPU” only notebook runs MPrime, while the “GPU and CPU” notebook runs both GpuOwl and MPrime since they can run simultaneously to “crunch” more prime numbers. Previous versions of the GPU notebook ran CUDALucas. Each notebook makes use of Google Drive storage, which is provided to all Google accounts. See here for a “TPU” only notebook which runs TensorPrime.

How to Use

Please Note: you must keep each notebook OPEN in your browser to prevent it from disconnecting due to being perceived as idle. Pin the tab(s) or move them to a dedicated window for easy access to your notebook(s).

  1. Choose a Persistent Storage Option Recommend Method: Copy the source of our respective “GPU and CPU” notebook and/or “CPU” notebook, pasting them into one or more new notebooks in Colab. Then, uniquely name and save the notebook(s) (Ctrl + s). Then, on the far left, click “📁”, the “Mount Drive” folder button and select “Connect to Google Drive”. Your Drive storage should automatically remount each time you run the notebook(s). You may need to repeat this last part after a while. See the official video for a walkthrough.
Alternative Method Open “GPU and CPU” notebook: GPU-CPU-Notebook and/or the “CPU” only notebook: CPU-Notebook in Colab. Then, uniquely name and save a copy to your Drive (Ctrl + s) to avoid a warning each time you run the notebook. *WARNINGS*: This method will continually require an authorization step each time you run the notebook(s). After step 4 below, follow the link Google provides to authorize the login to your Drive and copy-and-paste the authorization string into the textbox Google provides within the notebook's output box.
  1. If Running the GPU notebook, you must enable the GPU runtime. On the upper left, click “Runtime” → “Change runtime type”, under “Hardware accelerator” select one of the GPUs and then click “Save”.

  2. Leave the default options to run anonymously. Alternatively, fill in your GIMPS/PrimeNet account user ID and set any other desired options. Each instance of a notebook type needs to have a unique computer_number value. Note that the PRP worktypes can use several GiB of your Drive storage. Every lower value will halve Drive storage requirements for PRP tests, but double the certification cost. Set the highest prp_proof_power value that you have available Drive storage for (see below for the space needed for several proof powers and exponents).

  3. Click▶️” to run the notebook.

  4. When the Notebook Disconnects – for example due to its 12-hour usage limit, idle timeouts, Google requiring your GPU type, etc. – repeat step 4 again to continue where you left off. Use our Colab Autorun and Connect Firefox and Chrome add-on/extension to automate this step.

Google may offer you up to two GPU runtimes to disperse among your notebooks. In this case, you may create another GPU notebook by re-running the steps with a different computer_number value. For example, choose 2 if you are already running a GPU notebook with the Default (1) number.


A user may optionally perform other steps to gain more insight into GIMPS and/or this software:

  1. Create a GIMPS/PrimeNet account here and join the “Portland State University” team!

  2. Set the debug option to view the last 100 lines of output and the status from the respective GIMPS program. Alternatively, you may access the cpu1.outcpuN.out, 1/gpu.outN/gpu.out, and 1/autoprimenet.outN/autoprimenet.out files, where N is the computer_number value, in your Google Drive under the GIMPS and mprime_gpu/mprime_cpu or gpuowl folders to see the full MPrime and/or GpuOwl output respectively.

Required Tools, Restrictions

Anyone with an internet connection and a free Google/Gmail account with just ~50 MiB of free space on Google Drive can use both our notebooks to “crunch” primes.

Drive storage (GiB) needed to store the proof interim residues file during each PRP test:

Proof Power Exp 50M Exp 100M Exp 150M Exp 200M Exp 250M Exp 300M Exp 332.1M (100M digits) Exp 1,000M (PrimeNet limit)
5 0.186 0.372 0.558 0.745 0.931 1.117 1.237 3.725
6 0.372 0.745 1.117 1.49 1.862 2.235 2.475 7.45
7 0.745 1.49 2.235 2.98 3.725 4.47 4.95 14.9
8 1.49 2.98 4.47 5.96 7.45 8.94 9.9 29.8
9 2.98 5.96 8.94† 11.92† 14.9† 17.88† 19.8† 59.6†
10 5.96 11.92 17.88 23.84 29.8 35.76 39.6 119.2
11 11.92 23.84 35.76 47.68 59.6 71.52 79.2 238.4
12 23.84 47.68 71.52 95.36 119.2 143 158.4 476.8

Drive storage (MiB) needed to generate proof file at the end of each PRP test:

Proof Power Proof Power Multiplier Certification Cost Exp 50M Exp 100M Exp 150M Exp 200M Exp 250M Exp 300M Exp 332.1M Exp 1,000M
5 1 1⁄32 35.76 71.52 107.2 143 178.8 214.5 237.6 715.2
- 2 1⁄64 71.52 143 214.5 286.1 357.6 429.1 475.2 1430
- 3 1⁄128 107.2 214.5 321.8 429.1 536.4 643.7 712.8 2145
- 4 1⁄256 143 286.1 429.1 572.2 715.2 858.3 950.4 2861
6 1 1⁄64 41.72 83.44 125.1 166.8 208.6 250.3 277.2 834.4
- 2 1⁄128 83.44 166.8 250.3 333.7 417.2 500.6 554.4 1668
- 3 1⁄256 125.1 250.3 375.5 500.6 625.8 751 831.6 2503
- 4 1⁄512 166.8 333.7 500.6 667.5 834.4 1001 1108 3337
7 1 1⁄128 47.68 95.36 143 190.7 238.4 286.1 316.8 953.6
- 2 1⁄256 95.36 190.7 286.1 381.4 476.8 572.2 633.6 1907
- 3 1⁄512 143 286.1 429.1 572.2 715.2 858.3 950.4 2861
- 4 1⁄1024 190.7 381.4 572.2 762.9 953.6 1144 1267 3814
8 1 1⁄256 53.64 107.2 160.9 214.5 268.2 321.8 356.4 1072
- 2 1⁄512 107.2 214.5 321.8 429.1 536.4 643.7 712.8 2145
- 3 1⁄1024 160.9 321.8 482.7 643.7 804.6 965.5 1069 3218
- 4 1⁄2048 214.5 429.1 643.7 858.3 1072.8 1287 1425 4291
9 1 1⁄512 59.6 119.2 178.8† 238.4† 298† 357.6† 396† 1192†
- 2 1⁄1024 119.2 238.4 357.6 476.8 596 715.2 792 2384
- 3 1⁄2048 178.8 357.6 536.4 715.2 894 1072 1188 3576
- 4 1⁄4096 238.4 476.8 715.2 953.6 1192 1430 1584 4768
10 1 1⁄1024 65.56 131.1 196.6 262.2 327.8 393.3 435.6 1311
- 2 1⁄2048 131.1 262.2 393.3 524.5 655.6 786.7 871.2 2622
- 3 1⁄4096 196.6 393.3 590 786.7 983.4 1180 1306 3933
11 1 1⁄2048 71.52 143 214.5 286.1 357.6 429.1 475.2 1430
- 2 1⁄4096 143 286.1 429.1 572.2 715.2 858.3 950.4 2861
12 1 1⁄4096 77.48 154.9 232.4 309.9 387.4 464.9 514.8 1549

Italic - Prime95/MPrime default proof power and multiplier, uses a maximum of 6 GiB per exponent
Bold - Optimal proof power, 9 for exponents above 26.6M, 10 above 106.5M and 11 above 414.2M
† GpuOwl default proof power, uses 8 or 9 for all exponents depending on version

Please note, though the resource limits are at times variable, generally the free version of Colab imposes a 12-hour usage limit per notebook. Additionally, a user may only assign a GPU runtime to up to two notebooks at a time whereas one may run an unknown upper-bound of notebooks with the CPU runtime enabled. (This usage limit, the GPU runtime limit, and other usage limits are increased if one purchases a Colab Pro or Colab Pro+ plan.)

GPUs Offered

Google Colab provides Nvidia GPUs where the specific model assigned to you depends on availability. The most powerful GPU currently offered is the NVIDIA A100-SXM4-40GB.

The possible GPUs that may be assigned are listed below:

GPU Speed (MHz) CUDA cores GPU Memory (GiB) Single precision/F32 (TFLOPS) Double precision/F64 (TFLOPS)
Tesla P4 810 - 1063 2560 8 4.15 - 5.44 0.129 - 0.17
Tesla T4 585 - 1590 2560 16 8.1 0.254
Tesla K80 560 - 875 2496 12 2.8 - 4.37 0.932 - 1.46
Tesla P100-PCIE-16GB 1126 - 1303 3584 16 8.07 - 9.34 4.04 - 4.67
Tesla V100-SXM2-16GB 1455 5120 16 14.8 7.45
NVIDIA A100-SXM4-40GB 765 - 1410 6912 40 19.5 9.7

See the gpu_optimizations directory for more information about each GPU, including the ms/iter speeds for CUDALucas at different FFT lengths.

Though each GPU works well and will complete most assignments in a matter of days, one may use the following method to attain a new GPU: “Runtime” → “Factory reset runtime” → “YES”. After repeating 1-3 times, Google will usually assign a new GPU.


We acknowledge the following projects, which enabled and encouraged us to create these notebooks:

  • Our Bash install scripts, which automatically download, build and setup the respective GIMPS programs on Colab.
  • AutoPrimeNet, which automatically gets assignments, reports assignment results and progress for CUDALucas and GpuOwl using the PrimeNet API. Adapted from the PrimeNet Python script from Mlucas by Loïc Le Loarer and Ernst W. Mayer.
  • The GPU72 notebook, whose work encouraged us to also use the form format.
  • The Linux System Information script, which outputs the system information for the Colab VMs.

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