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Current and Future Program List

tazboyz16 edited this page Jul 9, 2017 · 67 revisions

All Programs with ' * ' have conflicting Port numbers

Media Servers

  1. Plex Media Server --- Port 32400/web
    WebTools Plex Addon --- Port 33400
    Plex Update Script
    PlexPy --- Port 8181 *
    PlexRequests(Ombi) --- Port 3579
  2. Emby Media Server --- Port 8920

Media Finders/Managers

  1. SickRage --- Show Automation Finder/Manager --- Port 8081
  2. Mylar --- Comic Automation Finder/Manager --- Port 8090
  3. CouchPotato --- Video Automation Finder/Manager --- Port 5050
  4. Headphones --- Music Automation Finder/Manager --- Port 8181 *
  5. Sonarr --- Show Automation Finder/Manager --- Port 8989
    Jackett --- Add Custom Providers for Sonarr --- Port 9117
  6. Radarr --- Video Automation Finder/Manager --- Port 7878
  7. LazyLibrarian --- Book Automation Finder/Manager --- Port 5299
  8. Ubooquity - Comic and ebook Manager --- Port 2022
  9. HTPCManager --- HomeTheaterPC Manager --- (ip of server)/htpc
  10. Muximux --- HomeTheaterPC Manager --- (ip of server)/Muximux


  1. Deluge w/ Web UI --- P2P/Torrent Downloader --- Port 8112
  2. NZBGet --- Usenet Downloader --- Port 6789
  3. Sabnzbd --- Usenet Downloader --- Port 8080 *


  1. Webmin --- Admin Server Web UI --- Port 10000
  2. Noip2 --- Updates IP for Noip DDNS --- Port 8254
  3. Grive --- Google Drive Sync

VOIP Server

  1. Teamspeak3 Server --- Voip Chat --- Ports 9987/10011/30033
  2. Sinusbot --- Music Server For TS3 --- Port 8087
    Youtube-DL --- Video Streamer for SinusBot
    Sinusbot install script

Home Security

  1. ZoneMinder --- Home Security Server --- (ip of server)/zm
  2. Shinobi --- Home Security Server -- Port 8080 *

Email Server

  1. iRedMail --- Email Server with Firewall Ports --- Ports imap143/smtp587
    RoundCube Mail --- Webmail UI --- (ip of server)/mail

Ubuntu System install Programs - install by repository
-Samba, Apache2, Phpmyadmin, MYSQL/MariaDB, SSH
--Letsencrypt --- Free SSL Cert Creator --- Ports required is 80/443 for install/renew

------To be installed/Setup/Tried
Mopidy with mopify and Moped
Blue Iris

TS3 Update Script

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