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Backup Config Locations

tazboyz16 edited this page Jul 6, 2017 · 24 revisions

Apache - /var/www/html
CouchPotato - /opt/ProgramData/couchpotato/.couchpotato/settings.conf
Deluged - /var/lib/deluge/.config/deluge for both web.conf and core.conf
Emby Server -
HTPCManager -
HeadPhones - /opt/headphones/config.ini
Jackett -
Lazylibrarian -
Madsonic -
Muximux -
Mylar - /opt/mylar/config.ini
Plex -
Ombi (Plex Requests) -
PlexPy -
Radarr -
Shinobi -
Sickrage - /opt/SickRage/ for folder Cache and Files failed.db,sickbeard.db, and cache.db
SinusBot - (according to forums its the data folder... will be testing out)
Sonarr -
TeamSpeak3 -
Ubooquity -
Webmin - /etc/webmin/system-status/config and /etc/webmin/miniserv.conf
Zoneminder -

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